Show mrs kate etter OP or MISSOURI it I 1 of f heart bistas dl by DC be miles N he heart our 1 jtb atz ettan 11 wrote from MK M who ho la in match lut two yar years are iro I 1 WM was severely Tr rely trout leA with my toy stomach end aa kidneys kl Jory and 1 k great affliction so 0 o unnerve tan u that my condition became alarming klana tir the telegraph brought a prominent phyll lam la in a lil b h resulted la in no u benefit I 1 want at to ayam nt n for to change ot of cemate without benefit was u brought D dr r back where br mil mirka worked with too night and ly day to keep C we u to reach my friends hem sly hat itam beba tat to 0 o baa that tny my friend friends gave up au IM bope i a began dr dir mile biart CUM cure and Ner kervitis vitis klar calely and vu u re loreti to health it Is I 1 now months a ace nee aad and am perfectly well til ir dr mile I 1 Lein eules are nr sold by all droe drug under it poll 1 I nua guarantee rantee erst bottle beuel luor or money refunded ilmi on heart kod and orves wot iad to all applice arim DL MILU W LI Lhart led ind low I 1 II 11 we t affer oae a hundred dollars rowan ward for any case eme of catarrh that can not be cured cared by hall halls catarrh cure F J CHENEY alo t CO toledo 0 beths we the havo bare known F J cheney for the ilat 1 11 ear and believe him perfectly honorable honorm ble in all busi business nees will nil financially al aue 1111 to carry cut any obligations mad by ther firm west graor Who wholesale lealo druggists toledo 0 walking kinnan KIn nanA marvin 1 whole ealo salo Drog dragnet tista toledo 0 11 II ill ia a catarrh care cure it is taken internally toting directly upon 1 the blood bimi und mucous burt of 0 tha the batem tend morlais ant nt fre price hall a faintly pill me are the beat THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured auli I 1 nw urk anil eclea alt uke makes a 1 I roe re offer to oar our Ue ailT I 1 icae he new york chemists chein fat T A slocum his big dis colety U a tor for Pal tuber cn cu losis and all brou bronchial cLial throat lung aua acet dis dla ases aset cubbon cough coughs catarrhal catan hal decline and weakness loss 1 of flaig and all con of 0 away will send THUM FUZZ all different dit terent of hie his new now discoveries to any afflic teil jewerul the advocate writing for thea then afis A new treatment has cared cured lLon thou sanI saula permanently by its timely me and he considers cou it U a professional duty to buffering frering su humanity to donate a trial ot 0 bia infallible cure dally develop deT elope new wonder and this great chegut chem List patiently esperi for year years bae has produced results beneficial to humanity as can be c by any modern bening ilia ills maerklin Maert lin mahat that lung ica co nd pon ara curable in iti iny tsy climate is letters of grail tade tude ad fil drums la bis american and enro euro laboratories in a thousands 0 from r o those ailred nall patta palta of tho the world 1 experts conot that bron chial chest aal lung tron troubles bles lead to wh wit cli 6 uninterrupted 1 hyim ani cert certain death eath cirul ly write to T A slocum enro M C 0 9 pine rine strett new york giving ieng post caco and addra add rf and the free hedloi med loi will bo be promptly sent sufferers take advantage ofha ot hi genoud r w m ii 11 0 ull MI the du that yon you saw hia his offer la me aa ir I 1 A 01 rol 4 so ral COPT aa A nyme cmunt a AAA d alwon war is ta 1 1 lri 11 iiii strictly MI 0 t ww urt ss in AM A M we V bif w uw bruh hite A to co fe we 1 iwato tim i in tile ib scientific AMERICAN ted 4 1 t ei I 1 of usa rl r L t 1 eliuth riwu k 2 K ox 0 ft addrain MUNN CO 9 01 ure ta my now 1 r ri r 7 rr 6 f nim WHAT WE CANT DO WHAT WE WONT DO AND W WHAT HAT WE ARE DOING av mizz lotaye lot ct c t aye can t sell old fashioned shelf worn damaged and out of date goods at any price for we haven t got them wont won t misrepresent nor attempt to make people believe we sell goods as a rule away below val ue for no well informed person would believe that such conduct could maintain a business 31 blit we arc are selling a good clean and up to date stock of hofgen gen cral merchandise at our usual maxim MUI I 1 a 0 L kauguo Is CL at cit to 0 W 2 11 ja T 1 01 1 p I 1 X ja W aj 0 t A a U T A 0 A ff 1 Z 0 01 corns and have your ch choice oice of the largest selection ever shown in this section EMERY y CO COME mercantile co t f eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy cs xo it has a circulation of soo in castle valley and will valte rite it in the contract aCL its advertising rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly im newspaper is the most effective e way of reaching a given gi en section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming methods ineth will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription rates to i oo per year EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE trice take lake the SANTA FE ROUTE for all points at jhc thc denvert railroad co SCENIC LINE WORLD the only DUO 11 two ildea of railway between JUNCTION aden ER ticket tickets rood good via vl ither either line two dilla ft fast express trains to LEADVILLE S PUEBLO SI 31 KINO Nob EH and nil all points fit cast 1 1897 17 train no 2 leaves lea price at t 1 31 p in arrive 1 at t I 2 beblo 6 jo aim in colorado aprin sprin Sp springs rin I T IS a am in I 1 denver ax a m i train no i lefties it iff ivf price at 12 IT a in arrive glenwood ngsi 8 if elms pueblo a 1 is 18 P pal w colorado spring 6 a 62 p m ah nver PS on pm 1 connections Lonne cllon mad at I 1 ablo colorado sprit ire and denier with all llor ft ho lie vant a ottay ilar chair care and I 1 elloian tr aloi talethe JD U A II 11 0 and trip and enjoy the h fineff thu continent shortest line to crek reek Color alua lo 10 a arkeat gold camp arain no 2 leaving irice I 1 rice II 11 alrh rak the next morning a t au SO aa A 8 ES 8 K 1100 PER T raffle traffic manager 0 P ft A T A denver colorado Ool oralo DF F 11 31 general aut trav tray pass pa A al 1 tave it 4 JV I 1 at T I 1 A 1 t 41 any olber berver I 1 C aly comp 1 1 I 1 rr if W r j A to car cato CItI pation forever for take clodt too a or 1 via it a 0 C a ato fall to tore core evirtt refund 0 T and 1 cored MILL rain 1111 7 1 fd conr bowl carta candy P 64 tte 1 cure constipation ott forever ichao it iaac CX C C fall druIs ts refund money if OFFICIAL CIAL DIRECTORY CARBON i lAddo liag comm st r A flood id i mft wellington T albect bryner price clerk and recorder W II 11 donaldson drw abor WJ 11 0 pro pros attorney prim cus coroner 11 countr 0 A wood ca on 1 I P I 1 noten beah 2 IL 0 kuler alor clerk A ole olo o 0 M Q CUry bryan tn elerry supt bupt J II 11 scott omit lu pros attorney W m koweil azariah tuttle GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE E in effect friday raday Octo beel 1897 FOB FOR GOING WEST r I 1 1 mall nall w LT lv 1 10 ft a 14 for provo bait salt lake ogden and tb the coast no 3 limited LT lv for provo salt lake of den and the tb amt GOING CAST no I 1 limited lr lv I 1 up an tor for grand junction denver and ata east ait no A 4 atlantic lr ly 11 12 IT 17 a n for 0 rand junction denver and the ad east BAN SAN PETE AND BRANCH 11 no lats tie junction Jo netlon dally ow 10 1 a Us for or all 1 I point points in san ban poto and sevier 1 counties 0 D C a 10 DOE moderal janater 8 ill U P F A PATA doul T bam iii pit aad al awas year lift A if to quit tobacco culls and forever 14 1 ka 1 belle fall of tire mirve ra vigor take ni OK BIC abal make ak f altron all ca 13 kiet and cirp ft fros addra er C co or r nw now hotl it rou you oft of tk the UM I 1 in the sm rc bureau caa tan 84 bow to to anaf 4 aja as t foe jg dawne be aw lla civil jet uBia rina attoa tim thaw i rj d v iwa d arc r att an c ft f PATENTS 4 this bureau mu b a the iet possible 1 for 0 o ob ula air ard ar pd d c fyd tights 4 tbt la Is tug 1 ora I 1 abc chat thi u s deac hf prie sm as a chief knedel el came i elow of ridente ri tente sim aj patent attorney aue y and I 1 7 tul lut in le o b d 4 w 0 lid I 1 14 vt of 11 all II 0 bucat cadott tto bf b OF FU UW W this bureau can fit ik you f or anle i te I 1 IW UM nd P fTp pa erroa you lor I 1 otar two without no amU tir akk oar our f ius lavow w I 1 lor for Walles t J new wellie 0 |