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inn I 1 branam aid bick to pricillia it lause daj or I 1 will tuk a mag aling or onal final i roof et at all pire e with only railroad aroix are atra tra in it aka intel wed in SCHOOL OR STATE LANDS or I 1 in Is will ib da well to con stilt me for in firmat iou all pre tim leary can be ame d we I 1 y ly 1 for reply lint I 1 ant 1 with A klo kia of provo in the L liw tw Ba uman in he juil jud clat clai D ailt arll ri lt auy any 1 p ron imon advice or help in ln uw law matte matters cannot do better thin n oar tenni anre rca WM HOWARD WARD utah ma 4 X 41 0 4 4 T restaurant AND LUNCH COUNTER I 1 have op ned up a il and lunch counter at tit the b ck ick of saloon an I 1 the of the of 0 price aud and ur rounding settlements lunches will be served at any hour of tho the day an I 1 until Is p in cnare iare meal meals will airo also be served I 1 anar autie fair tre treatment ment ani reasonable brites MRS AIRS it 11 WORLD proprietress 1 ta 6 M 4 fr 4 I 1 D lift MEW VIEW 0 0 0 T ma 0 0 F kice Us TR H always supplied with the choicest fresh meats your trade is is respectfully solicited ted shop on main alain street MATHIS HOTEL newly furnished furni furnis lied throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine cuisine unexcelled under new management RATES AND PER DAY H C SMITH MANAGER R PRICE utah rt vi arsi 1 Csia cEs g RID I 1 A tr I 1 KI A 4 act gently but promptly upon the kidneys lid lad liver stomach and intestines cleanse I 1 the e system effectually copel lel colds headaches I 1 and fevers cure habitual constipation making enemas unnecessary arc are acceptable to the stomach and truly beneficial ii fici alin in effects A single TA BUtr taken after the evening meal I 1 or oriest just before retiring or better still at the moment when th mhd first indication is noted of an approaching com cold headache any h symptom of indigestion or de depression ta of spirits will remote 1 t e whole difficulty in an hour 11 1 without the patient being con 4 au of a cye 7 other than a slightly 1 I fesas ri warming K effect ct and that the ex 11 pecked pa illness faded to i tenal 4 ize c or has as disappeared ramsa are prepared 4 4 Sy from a prescription widely used ST by lc the dest best physicians ians and are Pr presented misted in the form forn most ap r proved by modem science j it rou S tl TAKE ar RIPA NS ions of bs 11 r aft ug TA az IrA BULES W per 1 mio tile 51 usa aretis are ch and all disorder TZ TAKK 1 r cipan ripan it rivea a fair spans ripan an re an Ir fallible cure they thereon con I 1 athla up in bothin tg injurious i i and i are re an n em economical remedy I 1 0 o ONE I 1 EASY TO TAKE ACT rs 4 ir As ve sire ou sold by I 1 or by 4 nall t the price so cents a box is seat t S Cheal cal comply 0 no o to 10 sl aa a JS nw new I 1 ork sape vw 10 0 o cent cents ril i 7 I 1 1 I flon win wm I 1 BEAMS BRYANS book ALL who arc are interested in furthering the sale of HON W J BRYANS new book should correspond immediately with the tile publishers the work will cont contain iii an account of his campaign tour hia biography written by his wife his most important spee cheti the result of the campaign n of 1896 A review of the political situation mr bryan has announce announced his intention ennion of devoting one half of all royalties to fur licking the cause of bimetallism there arc are already indications of an enormous sale i address W B CONKEY CO publishers dearborn st CHICAGO SMITH so mo ITH AND TOY HORSE A SPECIALTY bk L A co no kr a amm I 1 T H I 1 N C t ALL MORK ft ORK guaranteed tew t PRICE UTAH HEW MEN WEE ftc MOUNTAIN news I 1 DEI drifter COLO TUB tits s per year 1 adirim 4 hit the silver forces ot of Amer tc 1 to mining 1 and stock LEADS to a special LEADS la to colorado Colo raio i 3 oal erfal resources mosia in Fews laes brightness can ifa LEAPS la commiss loal to intents wells fm terms the irlie great silver daily I 1 Tirl 71 tir e tb the pa an tig dlly lad gl bonday yi 1101 et 11 of bl bartoo jtb ertry ery 0 10 lo a L to tat 1 i fault t advance I 1 or map ump 4 copy of our bra esuo dmn nt HEWS FEWS TISO co THE rice OF irrigation master it by reading wilcox s irrigation farming A book of pages ages and illustrations bound in cloth price 2 by mil prepaid pre paid we print the best bes agrical tural journal on earth try T ry it and licca posted address FIELD AND FAR FARM DENVER COL CO KEEP MONEY AT H HOME 0 M eow E ow B by y insuring r in the H HOME aw E 0 OF F FIRE UTAH CAPITAL 4 I 1 lr br rj GRANT CO gen abts salt lake I 1 Every boti ta X r Callea candy cathartic the lawo well darful ineda mat ant and to freshing to ibe WL 1 and it positively 1 on I a verNiel ll li eyl cold colds cleansing he lve eguro cum 1 1 1 I I 1 CX CL u icv cea tl guw tood to curo cm toy 3 |