Show TAI 1 cum nanie nausea Ta bulea bules at I 1 saija SJ ijA k ci Q V 4 good 11 ipolit 0 ka for young folks parents bare no eccli 1 I or rol igloos right to let their children grow up in ignorance Glads GIa deone lons aye says the lest best university la Is a library it if you cant get a large one a email small one ia Is bet ter than tre u and only a few young folks folk could rould bar hars real use for an but a mall small one these ought to tr im jwj and bera here are come some aa as good as any samuel smiles belt self series serles in 6 volumes Tola mc entitled self idela th ift life and libor duty and it r T the be set complete for tt 15 book ot of all religions Re Rell ligons gons from the earliest agea a to the predent time through 0 ont n the world cou containing nearly SW illustrations for we wc famous boys famous men young row 11 book Boole of birds arabian alg ats economical cook bool practical leahr writer each for 25 cente cents We totera betters illustrated dictionary self pronouncing containing over wonie words only SO 00 cents emery county conaty mercantile company biggham dal bailer let the dear bear river or chard Lm pany Is preparing to tend a carload of utah fruit to PhilAdel philadelphia rhia which will be i 1 csc lacad on exhibition in the windows of their offices u the collection contains every variety raised in utah and among the lot is ai an enormous pumpkin weighing pound the many petrona of the malbis bonee booze throughout the ralley valley will be pleated pleased to learn that thie this now popular hostelry boet elry has ban stable and feed con in connection with the hotel diagle MII pile 11 lotion car cara magic pile lotion a positive cm crr for piles bams burns scalds painful serl toga log invaluable in for sale salo at emery county mercantile company 16 tores magic no lotion cares pile piles cither either external or internal in from 4 to ft 5 daye days royal makeni k VM 01 ol food pare rare ata bt a sold 4 dul 1 0 fly A k N 0 aki Aub alk fenu ON pawa a 90 fe il wac |