Show fi f ai hammed llam meri wa ausy aw m e rd buc 1 tw k rep ay s g the of the tb merit ot of three crown flach g powder 1 Is lavorde lavor DK eil ext acts chicol mad paril 81 elci ices until they are a household bou eLo word lu in chytry lome lowe in iby the lute lot coultry cou cout itry try them theta aua ir lie convinced BROS CO hi mft mfr firs salt lake city utah leans tahiti Cs cure 9 1 I I 1 gri I 1 arl 3 ard 1 I fl T tn won d kaoro t t 0 for grain anil cidell YM yuri are ar cordially invited to inspect my good and I 1 irice flees yon YOU can call UT holu 20 to aa W yr rr cent no trouble to how good or price them for you to my lock lj now complete in ereo ever line L lowenstein price PCS iff craz C cf ian jasd scar r castl castledine edile itam improved aleo also city lor lot 1 bearin bearing orchard goo good staves tm nod and o caliri cl liri 11 shop ou on main alain dirst thi this ie is a bargain samuel jackpot Jac kpor cattelle Cat Castl lelle edsle utah 1 dont forget that friday Is the day our treb fresh fil strives kir irei emery county company I 1 apacki P acks wanted to ou or of fia grain terms rento addray jahid J JT thab hiD 0 wellington utah 9 for O 0 40 aars tano rutn under sud fenced from 13 to I 1 11 I 1 acrea acres la in lacern with gool good primary k V agals alfio also two city lot lots in 10 hundlo too tou ff raced and a 2 room adobe baring fruit trees vic tc term terms cash 01 A part fin tn ume time this is a bargala bar gald ad ali g we vm howald ulab the jear alj boy of J A job eon 0 lot lynn cantor DI ti eulet t to uW acta of mr johneda ajai lot li ach that be timely C cf bamut during a bcd his lil laitila boj bol life Is t sh the drug bI baneer neer it of 0 johnson um t of that klaco cud tiny T awve a great mimy many patent p for throat aua oa 01 lung leaca dis 3 elises ile had all tace lo 10 choose froid from and killed aidy to to bie his call calt lo litis remedy for lai iu in lii ia 3 own at a some when ids isis child S I 1 his life we in danger because lie kuta it i ai id e 01 tj any other and famous the ills connary oyer lor for ita cure cures tf cf cromp f johnson says ay this ie Is the beet best elling selling cough medicine aby caulle and that it gi Tee dil in all casca t told ly 11 medicine mt dicine dealer dealers the worst rou roll I 1 ever had in uy try life was cured by chamberlains berlam 1 cough ll It lamely mely write W 11 II norton norten of satter cul cal this cold left roe me with a cough find I 1 was expectorating all 11 II the time the Ret remedy riedy cared cured me ine mud I 1 m act all cf of my toy hired when troubled with a cough or cold to nee use it tor it will do them goal good sold by al all out dicine dealvis V 2000 00 X VA 1 katti 0 o 1 says look at nic money back says 41 t A try nae ika 53 w sc acl fitin I 1 nes s best besl baking bowier der and tea lea are because because they fire money vioney back ja is 0 ibe the masiar biord not SAFE sam although coral bakin baklas and tea are lr afe te jig 1 c 1 att ge t tafts balang powder or tea at jour 3 our grocer talce out the th efin c e brown ticket in la every fla cLace of nakina pon pou der iler ellow viclet in n tiie we ta mr sea send od a will with each word ta 0 o address adil bet axy before act december ember 3 aa 1 it 1 77 uati october alli two words allou cd cl lor for cery ticket allier that only one 39 fd fer ter e ery ticket 24 one irton person finds the bord 1 that person geta gets mw vo if it several find h jet oooo ill be lot equal equa I 1 V aued aided among them bwy a sending a broni brown or ellow ticket will recel receive ve a set of cardboard S baak at the end of the ute conist thoc tho c three or more in one yiM itaf M deceive an ISS poblet calendar no advertising on it these bak and pocket calendars will be different ilant rent aiom the wes apes offered io in cawest atter cut these rules out 20 arp AMM 1 4 SAN FRANCISCO obas ther Is I 1 so fig good ariere Is nothing jut just as good gd as dr king ti is new now discovery Disco vry for to r consumption coughs and cold colds to 10 it and do not permit the dealer to sell ell yoa you come some he will no claim there is anything better bat but la to order to make more profit be he may claim e e to be J jast ast a as good yon you wart watt dr kiba kwa lj now Dil discovery covery brausa b baua yon too know it U to bo to safe an n I 1 reliable ana agn brantd to do gooke ax or loucy refunded for culla consumption and be all off c eions of throat cheat sal ml lung there Is not lola ao so good aa it dr king a new discovery tort trill if botta free at autery connly county mercantile company jom pany II 11 galar gular uze ame SU cents and 11 1 l W CA how to car care alllan colic I 1 I 1 lochel for weeks with cello colic and in my stomach caused by bilious den and had to tako take medicine all the while until I 1 used 11 colls cula coll s cholera and diarrhoea Dian hoea remedy which ur 1 lata since recommended I 1 it to a many people mrs P F I 1 buller count persons avlo are sat eject to dillons colic cu wani off the attack by laking this tehedr ri dinelt nelT iia its coca won mahe va ahe first syn appear bold by all 11 medicine Ta bules tor for seat our stomach eto mach tvr try defte to eg Ps a remedy for your if it of ot get pta p ta a tattle now ud I get ailef this medicine hae hate been found lo 10 lie t ih ix adapted to ibo the relief and c aits c r 0 s r a eting t wourl won rl direct InO lawce la in gluing strength and tone to he the algari if you ron hire have loe loss of p appetite constipation fainting spell or are ner TUU sleepless M excitant le or troubled Ird with D azy spell spells electric bit ten Is I 1 the ined idne yoa you need health and strength are by its it UM ritty cents and it 1 I VO at emery county mercantile com piny 1114 11 14 we offer one hundred dollars reward for any madof ci wot catarrh that can cot not 1 cared by hall d catarrh care F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 wr we the under undersigner signed have ha known F J for the lut 11 1 year yeara and be luva lim him perfectly honorable la in all buil ness transactions and financially tills able to cany carry cat cut any obligations mal by th hir thir h ir firm west walo druggists Drug gi bolac 0 widing W djini kinnan martin marvin whole sale druggists toledo 0 hall a catarrh can care is taken intern ally directly upon the blood end and mucous or 0 the getem ottati morti sli wail irm price lc hall family pills are the bait Ilu Itle 1 aral arief talf a iro I 1 BEST SALTA ill in t lb be wor world 14 for tw out bores ulcers bait breuni fever wise tetter chapped hindi fiends chilblain come an I 1 all abkin eruption eruptions and T iTly cures nev or no pay ro re binl it is guaranteed cd to giro give perfect stis satisfaction faction or monty wooded price U 23 ants per box for wo al by emery cd anty company I 1 want to buy a fint first class da coir cow I 1 lout wint want atly other coill iod and slid am bin willing to ray top price s dae that 4 14 emst right X L U utah tb the many itron of the mathis bonso house throughout throng through hont ot ibe the valley will be pleased to loura learn thet now popular ba has stable and fal 1 cou coti id chunco aiom with the hotel we wc C RICHMAN me MD PHYSICIAN and 1 UTAH af W it 1 answer call broo frou sur meats J WESLEY WARF 11 1 lt un associated with V D sau sall late lake city in land practice III tram to wr cent fur 11 II county and state warrants office la in court house arko L lab eeuester at lloil cart Cf rt candy caily C sterile ear care fo lo 10 abu fall goti ts rain 1 bu has do bow show with ath ile miles rwan rate fitzgerald FITZ CERALD X CO wholesale and retail liquors wines beer cigars alcohol 7 YEAR OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY go 90 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL baiao el in to acom 11 v II 01 special atlea on an given to mail murders PRICE as UTAH ALL OPENING OPEN MY DRESS COO GOODS STOCK attractions syle and prices that will force instant recognition the most complete this side of salt lake 20 to 30 per cent less than elsewhere I 1 falln OF IM BOOTS mun SHOES rwjr S usg r ane I 1 rl IM tr 2 CS ra a m 0 N be av 41 a I 1 bought irom from the defunct S D co s wholesale boot and shoe house of st it louis I 1 can sell sel ou cheaper than some merchants pay for them it Is to your interest to price my goods before you purchase THE 42 MENS SUITS I 1 have marked tor for PER SUIT are re real cheap I 1 should you wish a good substantial coat ou can get it tor for vl MY SUIT basom for Is a stunner come and see me for bargains THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES L lowenstein phoel UTAH BEING EQUIPPED for work Is I 1 a very important feet fact or aden firpi clai class work it Is desired I 1 bare the experience and am som we I 1 equipped equip pea cor for my work I 1 will do all an kind ot or TIN WORK cheaply and with dispatch I 1 make the manufacture ot of tin tia conr can cans a specialty a as follow follows i 3 l rallou cant cans 5 gallon cana exl HOBERT whitmen ferron utah experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it come to satisfactory plastering in I 1 twenty owr experience in this line of work and can guarantee rua rantee birst claa classo work at very low price prices ibn you are ready to plaster your house let one figure iab you lean I 1 can oake it an THOMAS berron utah clid a tw ne maill y cifor we hive jit juo opened up ax not elegant lot of millinery goods in ia cleveland for varl 1 ty end sod atice pi ice our boods cannot wears we are to serve the deop P ace of ba bi inese siness with J r doria dorin the school teacher tena larsen good gd I 1 uk be for loane folk folks parenti baya oo 00 lutral social 1 or rel ozious tight right to let their ibl Lh jowui w op la in ignorance gladstone Oj Glads alfon tono me TOO the lest university la Is a lilt lib tary it you bisto 9 get a large one a wall 11 one ie Is bet ter min DOLC note and only a few mounir folka folks vroni wool I 1 bays real me use for any but a small unal loue cue ahse ought to be good on ani hen hero are re toome aa as good g ari as a any a aimuel nine smile self help berle series in 5 vo tolvina fat cut almli self thrift life ar acl liber only duty and character the tet coal lete for coak of all reig belgon Bo lgon ons firm the earlest ac e a to the present time through ont the world nearly illustrations far for 0 arc c famous boys famous hen fen young folk book of birde birds abalian 1 nights economical cools cook book pint Pi attical fical leth 1 ri riter ter each for 21 2 1 centa cents Well ders illustrated D onrie elf it pronouncing containing etow 8 WO words out only 20 cluts ginery county e i 11 illo 1 lotion magic pile lotion a amro are for itina barn bum 0 so o ilif aid rodn ilir invaluable in dip thetis bior alo a emery county mercantile company torra stores magic pile lotion c corea ores all plies either eit external erval or internal in from 1 4 to 5 day days clail V at CRANDALL Is now established at price buying wheat and other farm products for win wm M N roylance of Spring springville ville for which he will pay CASH GAS H at the HIGHEST market price gue Al agnue fa Is a P altita 1 cure for cocq w 1 in grippe congestion congre tUm of the be knag acate for sat ale itt t guier me storm aa va for pleasant and 1 contala relict relief for coob cold colds COAL COAL we aro are prepare 1 to deliver coal coat from the Grun drie mine near wellington at PER TON AT PRICE OR wellington we guarantee to furnoh as rood good coal cost As can ix of bid had in the talley valley oar our charge formal for 0 al aitho at the mine Is tl ia per too ton grain etc will be taken la in pa payment ment GRUNDVIG ALLRED wellington UTAH THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RATES 2 and 52 3 so per day 5 C EWING prop CARPENTER 4 PRICE UTAH our charges are very reasonable and we guarantee all work ATTENTION I 1 disiro to call attention to tte 01 low am charging tor repair fria boots and find shoes viz men fens allro boling and heeling ai ladies oling Soling and 71 75 60 07 utan SENT to joany any jerson interested in bucare matlen or who loves atil animate mals we wo POP bend 4 free he the the organ oran ol 01 0 in to ftp tg Inte reading it contain cou lAins a flat 01 ol aie be valla bli and unusual binm by bl tbt tb paper tilt abam 11 united n DAl llcy tiff we now 1104 T cur bere rere er take Asea mso a Ca bartle lue it rc C to it to cr cure r refat baw I 1 lr ww V cure 2 41 kruif Mo only oly tso itao for 1 trilla ff fool I 1 11 x Ta bules one IT 11 dellill |