Show me slaughter OF fat VIRGINIA writes writ of the lh received arons of ut M Is I 1 helio Nr vp MILES gertio it DI i th tion ot of health broken doa down by wa 4 w en tal work her like ir II 11 liter of nw novi laitres litres afa rca W I 1 a i t suffered with lui 02 x tria ditda eti dull and not tons bad and sleeplessness my bean came to trouping in I 1 Iu was short bortot of arth atil cd su uffer cercil cd touch much pain la la in tay left ild tod and phyl ceans fare ma M no r bel I 1 procured dr dir arvine ull iddles restorative ito gervins Nn her vins ro now w uen if car cure and herrit erad and ad balth liver kod I 1 ata 60 sure ur bo no wora ot cd u ui tb be reu luca ir tio strong I 1 sleep well the dial kad ionato iona td eel feel ing bara disappeared ai icart trouble troubles a in 00 inore tad and I 1 feel eel perfectly perfect 17 well lr or mile miles tUa fille are r old sold by all drut drist giau under a positive tu turrant arant fint arst botti botus benefits t noney refunded 0 01 ubirt ana arves sent free to all applicant applicants DR 1 MILES co elkhart iab UM Vs I 1 I 1 pok far IT yount yu f folk kwis parenia parents have bays no moral octal social or rel iriona right to let their children grow up in ignorance gladsone Glad slone says the lct best university sity la is i n library it yon you can t get a large ne no a finall small one la Is bet ter than none nole and only a few young fulla foils coci ban bays real nee for oar not but a email small ODO one these ought to be good anil and heru hero are bome some ai as good ai any smile smiles self help borice series in 6 5 entitled belt self life anil and liber libor doty daly and character the set complete fr f 4 11 7 75 3 dooh of nil all awig RM igou one from the earliest cg a e to the present time through ont the world nearly SW for ac fanio rait ions men young folk book ot of birds arabian night nights economical cook book practical letter writer ach each for or 23 cent dictionary self containing contal over word words raly otly 20 centa cents emery county mercantile company acme cure car acme cholera arrup la is the safest and jureit remedy la in the world for or chol ta is In cholera bilious cole ani all troubles tron bira of be the bowel for sale at emery county mercantile company stores acme aetna cholera barup cubes colic acme syrup cure cares diarrhoea 11 WONDERS OF SCIENCE consumption lung I 1 troubles and consumption can be cured A AD Lo bollant llant bew ew I 1 ork chemist nod rind elen aist dial a a rt affer t to on oar Ite header aders the distinguished new york chemist che alet TA slocum his hi du dia colety of a reliable tied and absolute cure tor for consumption pulmonary Pal tuber tabor cn cu losis and all bronchial throat ieng and chiet diseases coughs catarrhal catan hal affections general decline and we akre lose loss of bah and all condition of wasting away will send THREE BOTTLE Sall different of lia his new now to any reader of the advocate writing for theia them ill III I 1 new scientific treatment baa has cured thousand permanently by its tt timely use and bo be considers it a timple simple professional duty to suffering humanity hn manity to donat orial of his infallible cure science 11 ally develops new won wonder derp and thu this bmat chemist che inlet patiently expert for year years ba has produced results id to humanity as can tx ix claimed b any modem fg 9 9 entus enins his amerein ti that at lung tron blea e a and con are curable in any climate is proven by heartfelt let lettera of gratitude filed in bia his american and european laboratories in thousands from those cured in all of the world medical eyerts eirp erts conada IWI bronchial bliest aj io tron trob bli ls lead to n which uninterrupted tat inkins ins and certain death simply imply v rite to T A sm cism U C 81 cipio pin street wow mi cm cill e und and I 1 ho the free medicine will be promptly bent sent buffer khouli tako instant advantage of his generous gen crone propios P tion plea 9 tell tel the boor that teat to yoa gaar ar LN ll 11 ia in the Ad advocate voal was khurt all s 1 bb P 47 n t n F az ii i I so V EA TRA DC MARKS copyrights 8 AVs AV s ware a skwe aps gps ml d BU 41 fr li 1 11 j 1 r 11 oki W W 1 bo wl l iwon eam ash 1 o 0 I 1 ak afta ace to roelle sf la in ibe lb scientific AMERICAN 11 2 mUa lr 1110 allu rat td 1 bowl of 11 ww 1 1 0 tr MUNN A CO WI W broadw r bew t fork mb i al 71 tk 5 R in 1 3 12 r ft WHAT WE CANT DO DOI WHAT WE WONT DO AND WHAT WE ARE DOING IBE ghessi 1st we can t sell old fashioned shelf worn damaged and out of date goods at any price for we haven t got them ad wc won wont t misrepresent nor attempt to make people believe we sell goods as a rule away below value for no well informed person would believe that such conduct could maintain a business ad but we are selling a good clean and up to date stock of general merchandise at our usual maxim bonest W V ones unous oo 00 uti at UL JL honest n i U I 1 M L inces i 11 1 9 21 wa 1 come and have your choice of the largest selection ever shown in this section 1 0 1 0 0 EMERY ME y CO C mercantile ME C AN I 1 co a eastern utah advocate t its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy it has a circulation of soo in castle valley and will write it in the contract its advertising rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement m inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of r reaching aching a given section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming ing ineth methods will be discuss discussed pd by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete P lete as is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription rates to per year EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE price take the as SANTA FE OUTE for all points east the denvert rio grandc rall railroad road co SCENIC LINE WORLD tho the only linit balint two hoc lines of or gaii ar between JUNCTION ticket tickets SUA ria via eiber either uno line two dally fl fast ss train to I 1 CRIPPLE tIPPLE CI CHEEK PUEBLO DEN BB bit and nd all point points ut cast joe just 1 ina rin r in 1 no 2 tear price at 1 pm arle arrive at t pueblo 6 5 ZO a m colorado sprints wa X m heuver VW a m rain no 4 lre leaves price a t 12 17 am m hrire a glenwood apanas a S il 11 am m ru pueblo I 1 is 11 p 11 in I 1 colorado springs au 2 p m boorer 0 a 23 pre pm A M made at t Iu blo colorado prin arli and dearvil with it line att catt c elf sra rant n day om olies hair chair car cars and pulliam Pul liaa an D k c U 0 and have comfort able trap and ajor tir the ant nestroe shortest line to cripi li creek colorado a crest iolj s ka camp train no I 1 learlon leavi vir I 1 rice rive if 12 p tn Arri veil at cripple creak cr the next at VAL A 8 U ois 8 3 X bradle manager Sla 3 P at ft T A deaver colorado II 11 P F NEI INS it M cl ct bill eillis gle I 1 ersy paa pass 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