Show 1 c t alae e ae of carbon emery grand and uintah counties 4 mh m who is your most popular young lady married or single who is your most popular young man f t which is your prettiest baby 00 0 copies of the forthcoming INI mammoth ammoth illustrated edition of the ADVOCATE will be printed and distributed persons is a conser ath c estimate of the number abo will ill read A t 0 them in order to give gi e every one a chance to assist in the issuing a w of this work and to show this VAST avast ARRAY OF READERS what beautiful women sturdy oung men and handsome babies are raised utah the ADVOCATE has determined upon a grand voting contest contes tf ta by reading the coupons below ou will see that each person cutting a coupon out and sending it to the accompany i aed by fj FUE i E CENTS will reccie rec eie c i when hen published for every coupon sent in a copy of our special illustrated edition and is entitled for each coupon to a ote for the most popular lady the most popular young man or the handsom handsomest cst baby in his or her county chis contest will close t to 0 weeks before the publication of our special illustrated edition when photographs of the most popular ladies the most popular oung men and the handsomest babies in their respective counties will be obtained and reproduced in hand r some halftone half liall tone engra ings of groups of four in our special illustrated edition free of charge the winning ladies will each receive a beautiful present with a suitable inscription by the editor the winning young men will each receive one year s subscription to the eastern utah advocate f the winning babies will each receive a handsome medal remember that when voting for your bour favorite you are also BOOMING YOUR COUNTY VOTING COUPON hams address I 1 vote n for as the IM handsomest est baby la to W at lilt in alok burun t 1 with ath to the tk Adro Ail rofle cale ark prk atah abich will antille on tille seaber to oo OIK e min vote end aik a eoff of the illusto buted edition of the cate VOTING COUPON bows address I 1 I 1 ewe for 2 11 abe t ool popular young ina inai v ln in j fill cupid as 14 abd bd with t coupon six settle Adru cale price its rt s aich III entitle tender to 10 two on tnie and 11 a cp of abe b of lb abo v VOTING COUPON haw I 1 role twe bof of ike tile moot popular illy I 1 lo 10 covet f antl 11 in ohio ihl coupon as indicated and na tle L ewt c mato lathe L 11 it to a kick bith will cut it orader to one ate and ft of the illustrated edition or tote adro fie vote voting IT otilly will last but I 1 boub alma ananth ano month nth send in your coupons at once oil cc t ADVOCATE CATE price utah al 1 i iam J TK HOD win J book ALL who abc it e interested in furthering the sale of hon ho W J BRYANS new book should corres correspond oaid immediately wih willi the tile publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wife his most important speeches the result of the campaign of 1896 A review of the political situation mr bryan has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism there are already indications of an enor enormous sale address W B CONKEY CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st so SMITH 1 1 r 1 T HORSE A SPECIALTY blacksmithing ALL aa ORK guaranteed GUARAN TEEl PRICE UTAH CEO M MILLER ATTORNEY AT lawa LAND huntington UTAH lu in lah T TC C BAILEY LAKO LAND A 9 LT LAKE LAZZ ciar 1 artau ian ni I 1 butto of oil kinds promptly at end ea 1 I to lot t leO 1 rate rates 4 our own dan e er r if it any corrects free biats 11 and nd informs lim gi birco ven DOWNARD carpenters A BUILDERS n UTAH our are lera T re and anti we all work SENT freeto 40 any oy arr on in n tiani ine matters int fr or who love 1 j f will till seal free MI he ills Al 11 liAll r abo tb organ I 1 f in lu addition 4 ilion to lie interesting adlair it a list of the liti flable binl ful uon tion nal lierni nine given 17 the lie paper nir adar us tut auel CIS tl I N nir ark rk 11 TU T te U C tor tr arty rill cratl C bif trone blood tobacco pw baut jit me anre maln ak i all ML AIME sl 1 a ua KEEP MONEY AT home s wo by insuring in the HOME 4 FIRE OF I 1 1 UTAH 1 CAPI CAPITAL TAL GRANT CO gen abts salt lake everybody bo 64 CA areti wAreta banit LaU the inott 1 woo darful lueda driows er of ibe we SM re ply an nt aad a ref ivalon to ibe 11 atly an 0 o I 1 belyan Ul bluj uj liv liverani ller erand DJ bowels lio irei c the donbre ui ro Is oure 1 fever lever habitual aMUiel li amov aind nl bi 1 lous neno virsia MIX STA nd f box 0 ci 1 al guantt IC tc cure by alt all ti |