Show acs bolc le t 0 of af i 1 carbon emery grand and uintah j counties 4 fa i I 1 i i who is your most popular young lady married or single i who is your most popular young man which is your sotir prettiest baby B aby r UV u v 4 el r I 1 ov U t copies of the forthcoming mammoth illustrated Edition of the ADVOCATE will ill be printed and distributed 1 1 64 i J aerson persons is a conson alive estimate of the number who will read j them in order to gie gi c every one a chance to assist in the issuing i of tins this work and to show this 7 VAST ARRAY OF READERS READ ERS r 0 I 1 W f r 4 what beautiful women turdy oune oung wen nien and handsome babies arc ire raised in utah the E has determined upon spona a grand gland contest contes voting 1 i tit af jl ky by 11 reading the coupons below ou will see that each person cut i W ting tin a coupon out and sending it to the re ac compan red d by fi F I 1 I 1 L crets crts will 1 ill receive decet e when published for cery c cry coupon S sc c it t in a cop or our illustrated edition ind and is entitled for cach coupon to a N ote for the most popular aladj lad the must popular youn young man mati or the handsomest handsom cst baby in hit hii or her county 4 chis contest will close t two 0 A weeks before the publication of or our special ial edition when photographs of the most popular ladies tin the most popular oung men tilen and the handsomest hands ornest babies in ill at their respect i c counties will be obtained and reproduced in liand land ionie some hal tone endrai ings of groups of four tour in our special illustrated free of charge r 1 j the winning 11 ladies will each receive a beautiful 1 present pre s ent with a suitable inscription by the editor t A the winning young men nien will each receive one years yearns subscription t ti I 1 AFA i to the tile extern utah advocate flie winning babies will each n leneive i a liand hand some soine medal J R emen i be r that voting for your favorite coif YOU are also al SO BOOMING B 0 0 M I 1 na G YOUR OU R COUNTY it Z VOTING COUPON name namo I 1 role for as to baby iii ill lilt 1111 in juts cui tl dk te ire logli at costule it ne ile r xe team af the ho t 1 u COUPON 1 I 1 name J T i 1 amow i 1 H I 1 na in ri V urn ulan 1 1 alea killin 1 OIK O IK if licater and nd lib tb arte dr te price hii wrider so 10 into rule and 11 of the of the 11 I 1 it VOTING COUPON hall r f t i v i address I 1 rote vote for me the most 44 la rady I 1 in n county ill 1 1110 upon 1 I andied j wi with lib it alf cui ul nc a neivel ne ivOl cents to the see I 1 rk hah hobill hk bIll III file as miler tu tw t and ik 1 alf aavo cate 10 doting j will ivill lall laljit jf i 11 t abbul lt 6 U ail i 1110 I 1 send in ill your coupons at once tf atta acta t A 1 4 air i 1 DV 1 I A i ce utah 0 cwm J ALL who are arc interested in furthering the j sale of HON W J BRYANS new book should correspond immediately with the tile publishers the work will contain 1 an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wife his most important speeches the result of the campaign of 1896 6 A review of the political situation mr bryan has announced his intention of dc devoting voting one half of all royalties to furthering flicht inar the cause of bimetallism there are already indications of an enormous sale address W B CONKEY CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st 1 AND W t so D N HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GENERAL alp ALI WORK w 1 UTAH cea M MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW aland huntington HUNTING TON UTAH in with wilk TC T C BAILEY lacil ALT SALT LAKE mir 1 UTAH fand I 1 dunec of til all k kinds lad attend 1 to ct pt rt t ori our me own error it any ny correct ca free im plat pints and information tire DOWNARD carpenters BUILDERS BUIL DEns PRICE 1 UTAH our th arges arc are leri erf reason reasonable ible and we guarantee all work SENT FREE FRED to any AUY aerion interests inte restI in mane or who we will ill eid meri free fret upon api Il Catlon a copy of the he alliance the organ I 1 f society lu in aI dillon to 10 to reading fr it contains a hit list of the valuable 1 and 1 non nat nal giran ly 17 tile til e joser jos er addrisi ane lest lorit new er ro rork rk to nIrl cf yeta C f r er ha a it cuts biaka ek it irons blood pure m me IL L all I 1 L it u I 1 tw nr a SA aad orb r nn KEEP MONEY V AT H 0 aw by insuring in the HOME FIRE OF UTAH CAPITAL I GRANT CO gen abts salt lake sol f mb bo clareta Cc areta 1 aej catu tb aniol we darful dist very of the um am p pt voia 4 n butil ki tuff to mhd tb ati ln really an Q I 1 positively of ni wi ays eys ef aver litti loir cle bising ulo the arture 11 dial 0 cure curs i fadle few alle nl le and ion law mr 0 please city owl il ir ta 01 ot U a C 10 ft fani fc ni st to cure by lit |