Show 11 of your 10 ilci t RT bluy people think it t IL t jf ibba n es V I 1 V 11 to f 1 alie t on M of CARBON EMMRY GRAND and COUNTIES 1 I 4 alio 1110 is your most popular young lady married bringle or single ingle who is bour most popular young man alan which is your prettiest baby bab Y ml 61 ll 11 i copies of thu the forthcoming mammoth illustrated edition edilo n of the v ADVOCATE ill be print til and distribute d v 5 tt persons person is a con estimate of the number who iho will aill read them in order to give acry onci onea chance to assisting assi assist stin in the issuing of tills this work and to show this VAST VA ST ARRAY OF READERS what beautiful women omen i sturdy oung oun men and anti handsome babies arc are raised in in utah the E has ha upon a grand voting contest basw by reading the coupons below on oil wilt will see that each tach person cutting a coupon out and sending it to the AD VOCA re ac compan id ild by CENTS will ill receive receive iian when published for cery coupon sent in a copy of our special illustrated edition and is entitled for c ach each coupon to a etc otc for the most popular lady the most popular vs young man or the handsomest baby in in his or her county ov y this contest will close tuo A acks before the tile publication of our special illustrated edition when photographs of the most popular i ladies the most popular 3 oung men and the handsomest babies in their respective c counties will i ill be obtained and reproduced in hand 1 tt some sonic hall tone cnora ings of groups of four in our special illustrated 17 edition free of cliar gc the winning ladies will each receive a beautiful present with a i suitable inscription by the editor the winning winni tig young men nien will ivill each receive one year s subscription to the eastern utah advocate the winning babies will each receive a handsome medal remember that when voting tor your favorite you are ire also BOOMING YOUR VOTING COUPON r at 4 name N i i 11 J f t t J 0 abdrea Ad dreA f t I 1 rote to for 4 U 1 be abby I 1 in v y aenry nil 11 in ihli till bupt chuprin n as lat I 1 am il a lit f s tn ho 1 ark prk q I 1 I 1 tab h which rill will ditle r larr U til aftuk ail 1 edition ir or hie lc VOTING NOTING A uram larr I 1 rulo role for a a live lot nan man in Q unta ta in L ai nl with lw aoi jn hiie vot li 4 et ants othe dimer 1 ortro rr W alti kir KI 1 r oo 00 ii W to ly bl 1 ali bidlle ar 2 g ili VOTING VOTING COUPON hame 11 I 1 tote veto for u 1 so lib 11 0 t popular lady lq ilk county rill 1 la ito till this coup ila and ltd irich jib ili jie C po furla 1 3 ami to the advocate ik I I 1 altah rh hab rill will title aler k id iam one vote nil ne lyof the rule te gailion of the ado voting wilu ast o 0 1 send in your coupons at OIK r k I 1 ADVOCATE CATE price utah at t oll 0 10 04 le 14 ma t amt af wa hon on win wm J BRIANS book ALL who arc are interested in furthering th the sale of 1 HON W 0 J BRYANS new bool should correspond immediately with ta publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wife his lils most important speeches t the result of the campaign of x 1896 A review of the political nl ni situation mr bryan has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to fur cir the cause of bimetallism there arc are already L indications of an enormous sale salt address we B CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st so it ITH AND T witt a T so NO HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GEN en 1 I blacksmithing INC ALL 1 ORK G guaranteed w PRICK price UTAH UTIEL CEO M MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW L LAND huntington UTAH la in connection with T C SAILEY LAID ar so 3 ar blat T LARS CITY 1 I 1 alne ness of 11 sit II kin I 1 Is promptly at end t ol 01 I lo 10 at t lell inell inn matile ll rate ra our own error if an n corn cial irra riota nil cirni DO builder FIS PRICE 1 UTAH our charges ch arc ere are it r reasonable and we guar sulee nil n crork SENT to ny tl in matters or who loaf JOT w we evill 1 tte triin arillia lion lyof the alliance the f t 1 ty iu to H its laif ialy r Int erting 11 unit it contain fon firu a lift list of be the valuable ito alon lual nul git 17 lie the paper ad if 1 s f NATIONAL AVE L nir how york ato alto far C my iff C IA 1 4 aft habit ere e re make weak VIM all or 1111 1 N ruva raa balks 7 A at d te H oely sc 6 KEEP MONEY AT H HOME 0 ma E by insuring in the H HOME OE UTAH UTAHN FIRE M of CAPITAL 21 5 A I 1 GRANT co gen abts salt blakc bartty ij Casc cascarejo areto and v aUl anle tm delful sued leAl 11 of tile of uni ant and te to the tb aam A end uld positively rely on 1 l cie wising uio entire myrtele my otele 11 cure berrr baltej hoWS rf a kind 11 a ot U tt C tony a 10 u 46 to C b d knirr in irr |