Show THE HOME GOLD CURE an ingval us u by which drunkard are iveing ouri l dally daily in silted themselves no NoNoi NO loue doieg 0 o en a A pleasant anti 1 cure for the liquor habit known nul find oo 00 tin derewood dere der tood stood that drunkenness IsI ie aad nd not weakness A wj tol filleti with poled 11 1 n and nar glint util 91 aj byj by or use ilse of ca require nn tin antl e cal able of neutralizing aind rail jesting thi this akason lole und and df the er crating for into sufferers may now curp th inscho nt tit home wit without ngoat or loss of ill bilue mo from business 1 I 1 tit thie j a erful HOME GOLD cani has aven after many bears of clow study ond and tho faithful use a marding to direction directions of title wonderful disco discovery TY is I wilthel to curo the most oloa tinak case no matter liow low hard a drinker our r iward show the inam lilous transformation of thousands rf drunk ards ads into sober industrious und and up rl likht ht men 1 all CHILD ilsa crag IOLA 01 FAT HEnsl reined li is in no kenw a nostrum hut but lit i a BIN for till alwn ae w only ami and is eo 80 skillfully de 11 ased 1 and prepared that it Is thoroughly thoroughly soluble it till 11 I 1 it aba tit lo 10 the tho taste so that it can call be gl alen en in it cup of ten or coffa bof without the know ca 1 a a of drunkards hao haic oam them selves with thie this priceless Drice leea renil rented and a many moro been cure dand and men ly fly him ing the crag b loving friends unit rel their in coffee or ten at and id liehe liete e today that the of their own freo do ss 1 ii not IK atif 10 A lv bv nr and rini mis misleading leadin improve anent drive out tho distiso nt at anve and for nil all time 1 crrz IS I 1 eol I 1 nt at the low price f onn one dollar thus placing within reah of eiery bolly it tre treatment at more moro than others cost oost lop ing 25 to iia ja full direct lona uc no each rne ione kitRO linge special nd all vice skill sl when requested without Ait hout extra charge ant writ prepaid to any pil ot of the marldon world on receipt of one dollar address D art t diu eduin in it 11 liless co 2330 an and S 2332 market ewt vet I 1 hi ladelphia all correspondence strictly conti zang Colon colonious ibus is saloon SC 1 UTAH old crow tom burke 6 e F cutter dereen green river whistles in bottle ind barrel cidra and alcohol A ABC B C schlitz zang cind pilcher keg and beers italian liquors miters hitters french cor dials and wines t f ah all kinds located at tl e depot traveler travelers will wil I 1 find this moti convenient eilent pla to pin while the train rain is I 1 finx n a le up for clear ark cn ck or colton tourte oue t nit unfit L comfortable urro n denire and ud carl 1 I and drinkle s g tables tor or pat patron r ong we to the jun e and bottle trade 4 4 CROWLEYS t 4 Ref Rc lovd tor AND TAILOR SHOP shoat elt steam and dry cleaning clothing Cloa cleaned ned dyed died pressed passed and 1 Re repa jd give as us a tili order 4 4 however small and let ictus us show quality of work Mod moderate erite prices residents 4 Resi denti of I 1 rice castle gate an I 1 ia towns drop us u a portal 4 cant card ve a will all coll call brite give dumato of 4 work and dell er branne same when thil 11 shed T t the p scofield house MRS J F BROYLES proprietress PI el lad UTAH only bath BOOMS and free sample proms in the town convent arll train to W inter quarter bartera and clear crock and in th lent lente e of the business district diable supplied with the market g I 1 for the TM nd 0 mea lea in the idear of M aburn a place price utah short orders regular me meals alls good rooms tables the alst there is 1 tn th the WW mark t the trade or of the th Gen erial I 1 ablio WILBER W D LIVINGS livingston ON LAWVER M manti anti etab tier and 1 minler I 1 1 acal iland I il matter matters milons lahmi a I 1 busine h ia aliven prompt attention allent loB practice Irac tice la to ai all I 1 the courts F F FISK M da D asician and surgeon price utah offelo M four doon doors wt west or of the office ono one hundred boet best w it title ell elopes ath falth name flame business ant address printed in tile corner one dollar at tho ada acate ocate ofilio isidio R karf rd the rea r lera lers of this paper will be pl d to learn that there tit it at craft it one ledal led alff ave ILI tin at science his been able to cure in all IN it hwe and nd that li is catarrh italis catarrh lure I 1 th he only punitive cure cur n to 0 the medical fir y tk nal 1 d alfi 11 atoe airm trl treat mint hall flail a t a alrh cure lure to I 1 aken internally actinic ulwin inn the bic 1 ind and of the des troyl the th foundation of ih ill dle dl dlee e and dd flying t abe h e 1 wout str enath by building UP the c 1 tl n and d hanf is n Is wok abe r proprietor bave BIT 00 0 o much in n I 1 it curative po wera em that they offer on one alve 11 ra for any casts that it falls fallato cure rd for tt of toot I 1 address Addre aa V i 1 ft cu co toledo 0 hold b br litt ir rista lac 1111 in a amily 1 1114 all the ikel DR A ILSON COMING dr frank D wilson ot of orand grand junction ie Is here today looking up a permanent location for the practice of dentistry leati stry and has decided to become a real lent of price dr wil waln n ie Is a graduate of ahn crafty ot of michigan jj cIlI at ann harbor and has been associated soc socia ted with dr G R earner at grand orand junction for sometime some time he lie will ill liae very likely in ala first national hat lonal bank block and will give suil of his to surround cintr towns as he can get your location blanke blanks at the ad ocate acate full line always in lock INSURE ciomei all our tour issue blanket poll Poli cleb cle cover covering ing entire contents of delling elling under one amount with DO no charge for gas olineor lighting elaum no tending away from homo home tor for in Aura aoe all poll poli clee cleo written at price JR W CR NEW MILEAGE TICKET lN western estern railroads including the rio orande grande Ne gestern stern have hae almost reached the decision de chlon to adopt an in ter changeable miless 11 0 ticket which will mill be a boon to trai travelers el and others who ho moe about a great deal it Is said that the hellock rock island and the ille ourt wurt pacific are the tile only two line lines whick have not yet agreed to the plan P and nd bleir con consent ie Is expected 13 by the tile propose l arrangement one I 1 book 00 will wit ao bo I 1 issued good on all lines running between the missouri flier and suit sait lake city the new now mileage will be a coupon form look book with adint a mini nun of miles the price will be soo 90 with a 30 rebato when the book Is used up provided no person other than the used it ito 77 s role 9 are flit eliely ely to be owed used to for clairl elariam caf coffee feell 1 U TOO kaow dow you would tn r lure to lion coffee which Is 1 never va lit lh FADY of ort aftab 1 I abr tegra agn or a loo no junt just pure rh fresh minme tra irma t catlet TM 1134 11 3 4 I 1 all if at 44 4 44 4 44 4 wt in the r r lie new store A 4 we extend a cordial invitation to t 0 of all the people all the time to come and I 1 sec see us in our magnificent new store t building the doors of which are opened agn I 1 t alj today oday 14 4 A our new store room is forty div five e by one one hundred and ten feet and is chock full to tahe ceiling with new and seasonable merchandise nier chandise visitors treated e d with the same courtesy as buyers 4 4 emary mile ua PRICE LITAH 4 17 1 1 ani in 4 4 4 4 we i ON tl IE REAR of the CHICAGO SPECIAL IAL P the last car of the ie Is it buffet library observation car it haa has a loun lounging jing room 20 feet lung handsomely carpeted brilliantly lighted and furnished with easy chairs a writing deal and well mell stocked buffet in tho tile rear lea is a broad braes brass 4 railed platform where win re ou can eit sit and look at the scenery while the tile special hurns the tile rails am at miles an hour bour the chicago sleeper will I 1 h leavea tho tha it HOW W depot at tit S IS jr p in dally daily reaches denver deaver tho the lext afternoon where it ia is attached to the chicago special 11 drop in und let letu iv foil nn mc re rt nation bout about our corvi CR loth 4 fat east or it t you i refer no you your imal ticket lent went A t office tt 79 wet I 1 F aeno ri al A R FN Arnt nt houlb streel 1 luke 0 city ty 4 t 4 4 A 1 I J C weeter lumber co 4 I 1 I 1 LE AND iuar 11 L lut n rn ll TABU TA rul I 1 with a full line of sash doon doors screen doon doors building paper CM cam logs block blocks and nd pin ping Irli thih lart flar inhar InH dware rr class wire cloth A iron rooting hallis aire lath fence A line of harness wagons buggies spring wagons 44 4 4 handle 11 all II kind kinds of firm farm imp we represent the abelo op and dd 44 Vach Machined ineve if ill ileo l t f our line actu na dectis acu ecu or write It willbe to your interest to dr so 0 o HJ C WEETER LUMBER CO 4 4 4 I 1 55 first class livery in connection hotel clarke clar p the table supplied with the A A X I 1 best the markets afford head quarters for commercial men blien I 1 SMITH and the general traveling public the only up to date plates rates 2 day hotel in this part eastern utah sample rooms in connection tion the 4 mint saloon MATT afine fine whiskies wines and beers blas the IL G W depot 11 I 1 plenty of timo time while the train stops new pool table in conned ion P aice u national bank of the republic CPU ac SALT LAKE CITY J S depository frcak knot knox d george A bowe vice e en W r F adams CAPITAL rAID IN broom 3 AND prok I 1 M ozo oa w emits goo cloo A to low i J t C I 1 0 arb b a 8 11 1 hilmi iiii pitt burr 0 G pa H 1 a bohen enrA aya atme a almeta A murray butte lip kearns of Ms haits farmers an stock na BRICK FOR SALE we are prepared to furnish first class brick in an any y I 1 sequan quana I 1 city delivered Ld d or at the ar ard hard liard burned cistern brick blue sa 8 per thou thousand sa nd common brick white 7 adobes AA A 63 3 chere are no better inck trick made than the alce rt ce article eaje E A james CO aa s i i location fouces and all kinda ac legal blank blanks it at the advocate cal callaway lawny youn young THE BARBERS lave R one fine iino line of o gaii and oil wiltra wier colbin nal f azaile ba asil tk tv MW gee A fit granteed jil or NO SALE KOMPANY the trinidad coin coln call dail ather ader tiger of recent dato into says the kempton comedy Homp kompany aily pre cd oil the world last night to a brou crowded hojic thia this Is one of the lt L t pi pla a theatergoers line hao been privileged to witness for some time tle the Kem are always fAl favorites orites with trinidad audiences but last night it was one continuous round of applause from tho the time timo the curtain rose on the iret first act until on the lath sixth act L A kempton as denny mccarthy wn was at ilia ills best and tho the man who did not laugh tit it his adrion buies tin with the barrel and the bellows cannot annot appreciate a comical situation clarence clatton billson und mat franklin ran kiln ail ad morris Abra liam carried their parti excellent 13 mattie Goodrich carried theeart of rosa allson la in fine shape fannie F calvin fitted the tile part 4 of jennie 11 hitney per factly ta the ly by little ruby and antt lb would bo be hard to bent beat tho the special mcener u used in n thia this prod production diction had neer nener been used before and demonstrate demonstrates that the kempton domed company expects to ala always a bo be in the alad lead in what whatever eier they do at price town hah hall next nedies day evening october ad prices 25 35 and aft 50 now on sale at the poston iw floe |