Show STAR EOUTE ROUTE proposals for currying cirr ying the mails malls in utah for the fourbears four ears from july 1 1903 2902 to june 30 are now ported in the loee floes utah bid bids w ill be received up to december 3 1901 at washington Washing tos 31 to charles emory 15 Sf alth lith postmaster general stone will be anno announced uil on or before february 1 1902 the advocate below gives the routes to be let th throughout eastern utah with the present contract prices the tub sub con tract and the amounts of the se leeral eral d all cori contract tract ore ors are required to itou iton or contiguous to the route on which the mail ruall is to be carried audgo and to ghe gie personal attention to the service from basin via vl castleton to rich anison ardson 11 21 IS 25 miles and back eli six times a week 1 resent contract pai 3 30 30 bond 2000 1 born via do apy to richard eon son 23 75 miles and back six times a awk ef contract bond 2800 broin ak rom desert lake via cleveland to 12 mil aind nn awk elx time times a week adew ser serville vicle bond 1400 from ferron to molen nolen four bides miles and back three times a week con orrt subcontract sub contract bond ron n green river to 11 go m iles and back three timea a week contract 1207 1297 N bub ab contract 1238 2238 bond from moab via la sat Salto to monti 60 tall and back six timpe times a week contract 2125 25 bond Law lawrence to huntington 3 60 milea miles and back thrpo times a week con tract track 63 99 subcontract sub bub contract 50 bond 1300 arora moab to tho 91 33 miles 11 1 I 1 and back se en times imes a week contract 1321 83 subcontract sub contract 67 bond prom monticello to carlisle 3 miles and back six times a week eek contract subcontract sub contract 25 bond dond from ouray via leland to fort D ic heene 20 mil mils s and back three times a week wee k contract subcontract boud bond MOO 1200 from price ali 1 cleveland cleeland hunt ington castle dale orangeville Orang eville and ferran to finery 63 miles and buck back selen times a week contract 17 subcontract sub contract 1475 allond adow from price via harper and fort ducheane duchesne to vernal mile seven times a week contrad Con traci trac 88 amount of sul contract not girell bond dond from vernal NN i naples and jen sen sell to rangeley angeley ll 63 50 miles and bick throe three times a week between vernal and jensen IS 13 miles and twice a meek the rest of the route contract 27 00 subcontract sub bub contract bond prom whito white rocks to fort du dia chesno 13 1325 25 ir riles iles and back times a week contract Ms so sub OL cintr il tract oct ma bond ii ia 0 o carrying ving the malls to the various the carrier on each mute will be required to deliver mall mail into int all boxes and bang hang bags or satchels ct containing nta ining mall mail on cranes or posts that nay may be erected along the route any person living farther than eighty from a it may have hie his mall mail deposited at Ata a giver point on the route no ANO particular des ga of mall mail box Is prescribed CO conference rata for the semi annual conference latter day saint saints october ath to ath inclusive and utah state fair october let lat to ath the following rates are tore authorized by the rio orande grande west ern railway to salt lake L ako city and return tucker rucker 3 as colton 4 95 scofield 45 00 castio castio gate 5 oo 00 helper he er 5 00 price soo mounds Vou rids 7 side 7 85 elde 4 ca azzy green river aso 9 30 ticket tickets wi will 11 be on eale sale from above point points october let lot to esth inclusive e final return limit october 12 idol constipation R 1 1 1 u 0 9 04 it a days as IN time e 11 0 1 ma 1 1 ne lk bowl bwl D not begal 1 a 11 1 90 to allt I 1 1 we r 1 I as by rr bo boo fb yr tor VIA 4 me e in brool tietia tIa toe to so U C darl it to I 1 0 I 1 ell did of ith terrible I 1 br board of ft ul 1 a relief 11 balg I 1 SAW til I 1 baffi 1 A CACA m el it I 1 a 0 o al free on Wt tM it bof nm 5 ou Is 11 va u rf is I 1 ati tit lire ali jaja ell 1 14 welt E joy CA C THA 1 L r j 0 lis o ot SAN to glotzl li F nt ap ploll ai toto to to noca ft P O 0 4 allover mtr 10 it so be or U pe to 1 aw H cuni CURIE constipation beig nl hf 1 i york 0 A WORTHY SUC SUCCESSOR I 1 v g new un ae r the tile hun sun all doctors giai e arlel to cure by tilt of 0 comic s abitt acl gaso in hal calr drugs in form forin emdry iry up the tile mem wd rr brar 1 P causing thun to crat k 0 oi n and bleed the fhe powerful r allds used I 1 in ti U ti inhalers lealie hmo entirely cati n away the same aties that their mag bakera rs lime nime to cure while j tato and inet cannot mien mich anold AD old and experienced I 1 who hue for mony bears eara mailo mallet a clo aa shody and ot of the tr ati tient of cadanau cATA nau has 1 last perfected to treatment alli which when hen faithfully uw I not oni rellies rel loee lees nt at o 0 cure cures CAT Annu I 1 y hemn mg ing th IN call the discharges and curing nil all tion it is aenied known to 1 that arthall art nall rc tells tle tile nf af parts thia this wonderful ond erful remedy la Is known as n I 1 the tile TIED anil and Is I 1 old sold ut tit the extremely low of one dollar each package containing internal anti and external clao sufficient for a full months treatment P d 1 I to IA 1 pt u use e I 1 scurry ra ili I 1 tho tile only v atre mer ce cerando made rIndo and anti I 1 le now recognized as the ortia safe find PORI the cure for that anno ing anti die its eme inglam matlon mation quickly and p find is I 1 also wonderfully monder fully quick to 11 HAT YE an or COLD in the tile when neglected often lenda leads to oo 00 gull R N will save you it if ou uee use it at once it Is no ordinary remedy meily re but a conil lete t treat rea t ment which le positively guaranteed to cure catarrh in any form or stage if ui aa li to the directions bich accompany each package dont dela but send nl for it nt at once and write full particulars a as to bour condition andou abdou will receive special ept clel addice froin the discoverer of this 8 wonderful remedy re y regarding our i r lat do lle case without M cost to 30 ou I 1 1 be leoff leo nf t the regular price of 8 M 0 bent sent prepaid to any address in the united states or canada on receipt of ine one dollar Address Dept B giles co j 2330 and 2312 2 market a philadelphia 0 oae f 44 4 44 F I 1 4 1 1 t Y 10 the L ladies I 1 t 4 f our sp splendid bendid selection of trimmed and 4 untrimmed 1 hats arc are now in and on dis play wr we invite an inspection of the tile stock which will we are u burp exceed the tile 0 6 anticipations of all 4 Weare albo also sh otting an exception ally well yell selected and beautiful line of dress ss goods and Ia ladies diLS and misses 1 jackets 0 I 1 in misses and wo women ien s underwear t ue G have a choice stock all new and at moderate prices men and boys will find here the tile t things they arc are looking for in ready to 4 wear clochin clothing 9 an entirely new line t I 1 I 1 we the space to enumerate I 1 0 everything that is new and seasonable come conic to the store and we 11 ll take pleasure I 1 4 ii i i showing you 4 t t 1 L I 1 is LL lowen 11 W ti is stein A ein 4 LEADER LEADER orlow PRICES ta 4 T some Rea reasons I 1 1 why you should on havila EUREKA aso oil no a omia ancl unequaled led b bvans a n other rent renders ers liaga hard leather soft bort especially prepared keep keeps out water A ilem y bodied oil HARNESS an e rever red ed ices aces cost of you hames li arness bums burns the leather its it efficiency is increased best aenice tittles dept fautu breaking OIL Is s sid id in all Local lUce L standard daj oil C o yr I 1 OLD HARPER tho whiskey that needs no trim mince and leaves lemen no jerreti pare pa and fragrant old and mellow adl wa by fitzgerald co irice I rice utah L F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE dala DA US 11 wi 11 pretice in all the court tn in ill all carn and 0 iiren n Go goodwin I 1 0 o vanpelt Law 2 and it commercial mock block 5 14 lalli L I 1 practice in all the and V I 1 8 oile twenty bra tire jean years ei perlen MARK il 1 P BRAFFET A FET I 1 ATTORNEY AT SCOFIELD UTAH I 1 CENTS TO QT I 1 4 Q ysa M di A W 2 prim the ahr 1 11 astree W tk kuar ih d t il M i a 6 j t tbt 1 I I 1 ma r I 1 4 ta tw nl S t 4 hl u SJ ti nhieu nii eu a trrman I 1 t ir I r T till I 1 a 40 j 54 5 4 anu 1 reat sw s CA G 0 I 1 AL wea I 1 J |