Show THE HOME SOLD CURE CUM la in ingenious tta treatment M m by y anich lanich which h 1 9 C cured l dally y in I 1 spite of Themi Them iehLe seltis nin noxious i a eake n in oaf nerre A 1 stint and i t iva cure for the liquor habit jt it in cow glow generally known k and un that drunkenness leadiA 11 ease nd d not weak nean A body filled wita polion and 1 neres comile completely tely shat I 1 rio fical 11 or constant cone tant use ot of V intoxicating ting liquors rr luiree an anil anti dote eatable of neutralizing and erad kation thi this polson and dc tro ying the era ing for intoxicant sufferers huffer ers pire wire then nevee at homo home 01 without nt publicity or loss of time fron from butler 1 I this wonderful aou which hait been perfected itar many carrot close eludy and of inebriate inebriates ahe ille faithful use 03 directions ut of ihli this 4 il ie Is positively guarante ol to cure curt uie le moet most obstinate ce no matter how hard a drinker our ads show the marvelous of thousand thousands rf PI ard nl into embt industrious 1111 and up ri ht men IT ZA cl 1 at YOUR 1 1011 thi it is la 11 no a nostrum but Is 1 a ell effle c for this 11 as a only and Is oo 00 it devised and tim pared that it 1 li Uio roughly and pleasant to tb tal DO so that it can be riven given la in a edof tenor tart or coffe without the know of alii taken it thou an q t f drunkards hae cured them kirt wires K with this veless fremed and as many nire liae lime been imen cured and lowlee men by having the CURE a by lovina friends and re relative lathes without the their r alIge 11 it coffee or ten tea and leller eglay toiny that they discontinued their own free will do not wait do not bo be deluded by apparent nt atil improve to merit atre 0 L dri e out the d ses no at once adfor anil for all time the act is I 1 old sold at tho the extremely low price of one dollar thus placing within thin reach of every everybody lly a treat ment more effectual than others coet cost ing ts 25 to fw f W 50 full direction directions I hi ILAI I LAI ul ful tim ikall l thy I hn wai ahn r t q i without extra charge bent sent prepaid to any pan part ut ct the world on weir of one dollar add rest lie t 1 tal w I 1 is 11 0 1 lei CA 23 W ant nd aill market ti treet philadelphia all correspondence strictly corill dectiar zan zang 9 I 1 Colon colombus ibus saloon UTAH JOHN PLAN manager late 0 of I 1 castle old crow tom burki burke 6 F cutter and green iner whiskies li in bottle and birrel butel weiters clears cigars lad ead I 1 Alco alcohol liol A 13 C schlitz zang and fisher keg and liott led beers italian liquor liquors DIt bitter french cor diale dials a and n 1 I N ines f all kinds at t the dept ti 11 aveless III ond this dm cropin in abile bile the th trill I 1 li arde ato up f emr r chur ilk or aw joltn burtu ut ur tu tt fort ble a oil rd and brinki g tables r toab e mer jug and bottle trade luther tuttle make makato to order or 4 keeps in stock the I 1 be alms lim ac light and heavy harness and saddles in E eastern astern utah 0 6 0 11 1 bias needed in horse inn anell n tren to repair wk W k 0 ol 01 Air klad a p price r with iab rood ad whip ad a nd d we tio t hl tt t of 01 in inu 1 serials te leri rials more and Shop Two door w rt t of or the rost 1 0 0 ai W S striatum gUm mgr pr ice va I 1 I 1 i I 1 t CROWLEYS COWLEY 8 4 t 4 renovator 1 t AND TAILOR SHOP 1 4 steam and dry cleaning Clean inc 4 4 4 clothing cleaned DIW press Pres stil ind and t repaired ON us a vl vi order 4 i t hoer lid aid lit let os is saw SK t of work moderate Not erite prices 4 of f v gate 0 nd d 4 i sur un mawri drop u w a A C tal 1 9 will CA te T 6 of t work On thed 4 4 4 the ap scofield house MRS J p F BROTHS BROYLES elid wf roo ira free fret sir 1 I C 1 I 11 n t f for all 11 II trains to win wine ir quip bixl ixl W ciet cler i irpak ek and nl la to abo th vent center eror or the tb bluel budra was D didrick I 1 strict supplied P P elili abo be tk altot in the market ha q for I 1 he be tra llcy nd nit mea rk I 1 WN U lasers SD it aw S ats SCOFIELD FINISI shok of old wim tr 14 all cigars f li Is VM salt 61 i pill oi FW 1 1 3 t 1 r 1 1 01 ims silt klig BW do 01 Dran dwse tit t in the laadt rep ady lit adv w e 1000 0 aai D a r F F FISK M 5 dis D i physician and surgeon uh WA I 1 low dow ww wi of 00 roo fire it W crocked location ot of all kind carried in PO x k at tb the advocate Adro cete efam have your clothes cleat led ded OI 01 pressed by IE IZ karcher mintsa loon prices 1 work doctor doctors everywhere recommend harma whis liev for th n 1 effi ts ta ot of lit lint weather and aa as a lafe safe guard against malaria ot of lie its purity y sold by fitzgerald co pi ice utah there them ie Is nothing better tor for family ard medicinal use than old valentine whisky handled exclusively in price by nichols pru the tile senate saloon Alo moderate Mode derato rats lu ariee but higi in quality get a bottle for home use highly recommended by physicians for it its absolute purity price now bus has a first clans dyeing and cleaning establishment where gent gentle lenic mc n may take their clothe clothes for renovation E I 1 E barrber Karr ber a competent workman 61 6 many y yara ars experience has opened up a shop in the mint saloon building pear dear te tle depot and Is turning out a preat deal of work to the satisfaction of many patrons Ills la prices am are most reasonable ho also does work for ladles ladies 11 ibia w we offer tr one ime bundred dollar row i ewiel or arlof dr ea of eapp b be curet by ft lu a 6 ta arh vu ura ro 0 rj J a om liipa k kiowa 10 ir J vhf we t und n ad lir forstr nr tho W it lu il d ale ba atly or ft ly b t 10 in 0 a J butich Ou iI W tran t om ova ad onan dally kl abat 11 ll ajr ut mer ad by their westall z Iru va tk 0 1 kb tn kinau A 09 ark t 0 Sta hail a cuts arit curf to 1664 arkep im asti pally ct 9 bloomil bl W au aul 1 wu ev a our ur V lof 1 ca yu irlee pr b tle sod by druggists ilni lu TrUmon 7 lat free api a a rule itro 00 V IT bicycles columbia hartford vedette and wb ts it at any ow rk VON ag 10 A 1 b bar 1 aw one on e hundred beet best white 1 with nam business bin loee and address printed Prin la the corner one dollar at the advocate office for the like street fair and car to be held at bait salt lake city Seu fifth to rate r a cf one el ogle fure for therould the round trip will be in effect tact tickets will be eold bold september to alet slet inclusive with final 1 return limit sei bel umber FOR SALE OB OR TRADE two hundred and fitly abar of stock la in the canal and axy will take oata bay hay lumber or produce la in exchange to lie be delivered this fall or good note now call on or sIL ac V crockett location notices and all kind kinds of legal blanks at the advocate it the cooks fault if hall grocers fault at a a J your that the bulk offee ou just purchased turns out to be bc differ ent from the I 1 same kind 1 t before coffee purchased in bulk is sure to vary the sealed package in abich LION COI FEC is sold insures uniform flavor and strength it rt also keeps the coffee fresh and anti ingres inures aurea absolute punt purit sh faring corral dipping corral M mma I 1 ni 1 r SALOON i A ILA 0 0 N J M proprietor fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars prime caul in connect on oil aleo owner DIPPI Vt her grain a bd t ir COLTON COLTOM arah short order restaurant lodging house in connection al C WILSON rhe house has been most thoroughly renovated and new furniture and furnishings put in clean linen corneous coune ous attention and everything cooked just as w wanted anted ARMOURS BEEF brey and all ahr delicacies in their season PRICES reasonable E MARK P BRAFFET af attorney AT SCOFIELD v UTAH r ft 4 4 v 4 4 I 1 FACTS IS FACTS I 1 AND I 1 IS ROGERS 1 I I 1 61 but it don t take an any great grent amount of figg crins for the tile is ordinary individual to figger 0 out ut the tile proper place to buy 40 any anything thing to eat cat drink or wear vear no need of a pencil merely figg figger it in your hend 1 the result will be the I 1 emery emely county atel mercantile mit ile co 4 PRICE UTAH 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 I 1 4 10 17 liev r treat r e ia i a rocky JR flock u c k loland 0 17 i a ad w n mountain R rod 9 I 1 t 10 ammo ir t 4 1 4 4 ONLY arje NIGHT OUT COLORADO TO ONLY TWO OUT COLORADO TO BUFFALO 6 NEW YORK AND philadelphia t 4 1 li dearer denver 1 20 p rn atly dily lv colorado fapp 1 30 D dall I 1 al ar chicago 58 p ni next day cheap excursion R rates its all summer t 4 for nates rutes und 1 Lite ratum ul ad lra M II 11 I 1 general gant st 81 atner D mer alb astl 0 11 A chi chicago I 1 E W T ll 11 al 1 10 1 O A 0 P 1 Y loi aik I Ik eka 4 T 4 4 4 af 44 t I 1 C weeter lumber co 4 44 44 44 I 1 lt KILL vaud I 1 4 44 44 44 I 1 44 with Witha a fu rull 1 1 I 1 it of faa doors screen doors piper paper tn cat oo 00 44 inn 1096 Il wc locki k L dhow and pine pipe I 1 anish cullver Cul Cu liders lder flor dware 01 wire ciota 44 iron hooler hatle hills wire lath fence A complete I 1 enof of 41 44 44 harness wagons Hug buggies gies spring wagons 44 adl all 11 II kird of turm farm ants we gasun nid and 44 co VO of wt 11 like tako if in ored veed of sao o thina in our line call mia see aeu us or it 44 write rite to your interest sodoto 44 44 44 44 J C WEETER LUMBER CO 44 4 44 41 44 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 ra I 1 A 4 I 1 4 44 R 01 I 1 to 41 I 1 I 1 4 HABITS burlington trains hare a habit of aliu they hae a hubit of aping ell khz they have a I 1 habit of gh ing food ila habile I 1 to ero are contagious cont aRloua deorlo e who ho ride on the burlington acquire a n habit ol 01 using it in ence to any other linn line 4 burlington trains lenie leme denor 1 4 00 p r sit m and 10 00 p forOi naha peoria chicago SL jodeph hansas A am city ty and t louis bast east aral brals for black hilla montina mont ina and puget bound leaves lea ve v e denver 11 30 1 to TI ciket ket at ollices of c cunnea lug lines 4 I 1 4 0 1 ticket efko TO t wet n fl farill rill atoot R F almi ti FN boon auth baw il ol I i alt lake uty 4 4 4 0 0 y www 0 k V av AS jv J v ac f qed 40 mec i I 1 first class livery in connection hotel I 1 r 0 clarke the table supplied with the I 1 best the markets afford I 1 lead quarters for commercial men i SMITH and the general 1 1 I raveli raveling nv iia public tho the only up to date I 1 i rates I 1 2 day I 1 hotel in this part eastern utah I 1 0 t sample rooms in con za t lection I 1 A a 0 S r C A 0 arc gw r 4 77 wr 01 9 ai ithe i the mint saloon 4 41 4 aart fine Whiskies Wines and beers 4 4 opposite Op polte the II 11 0 V der depot L I 1 4 plenty of time while the train akope new fool pool table rable ia connection uta II 11 1 app ff I 1 1 awl 4 41 r I 1 |