Show R W T son FIRS INSURANCE E rom thi the connecticut tiro insurance co cc of hartford conn 41 the german autancia insurance association Asso clation of now york ABBT NIT MET business usines solicited in eastern eastorn utah War barrantes and nd warrants 1 WRITE ME FOR RATES ALL POLICIES WRITTEN AT PRICE 1 THE CULLEN Is ALT SALT at OT MIK a lu E 1 I logo ON AL CAR LINES try it tho baxt time tima you go up S C C 1 proprietor headquarters FOR MINING MEN AND STOCKMEN RATES A ADAY DAY AND UK UP mr PRICE PHI GE ANO AND EMERY STAGE LINE AND PROM FROM PRICK PRIOR TO 1119 1 ARAY UTAH VRY DAY IN THE tx GO HD U 1 evry 11 as t arrive brive la 13 p x i M williams wil wit L IAMS LIAMS proprietor HOTEL ANDERSEN Is CASTLE DALE UTAH S rates per day central location S 0 sample rooms its connection 9 morth and south ak f W MRS KATHINKA ANDERSEN proprietress g ia 4 5 mk FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLA carried in stock rind for sale at alio advocate office at salt lake city and provo prices printing stationery 4 COUPON brief and HARDY HARDYS COUPON book BOOK BOOKS 0 rf it al BLANK BOOKS work laborsaving LABOR SAVING LETTER FIL 1111 davies COPYING BOOKS lanobs lANO Bt JOURNALS ASIS 8 FASTEN PEN paws inka INKS box AND PENCIL PENCILS typewriter SCHOOL the advocate publishing co PRIC UTAH www vw twill it it it if I 1 1111 4 WHEN YOU rid EAST aek ask your agent for a ticket over the IL G W and the colorado M midland idland kye itys two trains dally daily iloth carry elegant eleeter elee per ogden to denver without W change tourist cap lor denver omaha and st paul leave 1 0 den it IL G W tra a AVO 6 each wednesday mornin morning vor denver omaha and Chi chiao leare leave ogden R G VV traIn io no 6 each thursday morning always makes connection at colorado suring denver and pueblo f r any point north rth east or south the short line to all the principal mining camp camps and nd eummer summer ref lorts in colorado write beor mo or information 11 doriell dor U S dr dror on genral agent trav aft aft MG dooly building salt lake city U etab tab aoa between denver and chicago via vla santa sanh po fe itou route to brov ida as confort ablo able moans means of travel as can bo offered sleepers excepted ei el As an tho I 1 free economical measure ibey they ore are w surpassed they are hauled on oil reclining Redin inz chair f experienced fast st trains and and polite aro in porters charge of all essentials for tho the toilet tollet gars cas towels boap p water combs and brushes are provided free 01 chargo charge G J WATZ REN benl G ea I 1 agent A T AS F RY dooly block salt lal lake lale e cit MISSOURI free ii g chair PACIFIC cars RJ RAILWAY A to holders of regular tickets ticket por tm aad information tw tickets baute ba ow arsu on or write to ra anu las city sl st leub lj toa A AU all poet east n 0 G P T A bt lr acel ats ftc ju U 13 X 3 0 fists T V ALI a tl lake city qty silt baks city 17 |