Show 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ot 4 4 whatever is i i N 0 pa 1 0 0 latest and best 4 V 4 1 0 f in dry goods millinery clothing ladies and gents furnishings shoes etc you will find rind A here as nowhere else we ave never n vcr come i before the people so confident ol 01 our footings so Is 0 i sure of or dU deserving erving their trade the aart and k progressive policy of this house shows in the 4 t f 71 merchandise on every countermand count erand shelf in ex c cry 1 I 1 11 1 I nook und and corner of or the store our goods and 0 I 1 prices this season should give us the greatest business we have ver ever known no doubt about 11 iti this is the right trading place for the m in or 41 woman with much or little mony 1 t our new line of trimmed I 1 hats fats is still unbroken 4 though the sales on these goods have 4 1 t t been phenomenally large it 4 F t ln lowenstein 4 i I 1 LEADER OF LOW PRICES 4 1 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 11 I 1 d a 1 GOOD AD VICE tho the inot most miserable beings in the worl bortl 1 aro are those suffering from da fl and lher lititia liti tit aloro thua thun sc enta klepel ille pet acut ot of the iw sr ile le in the anwa elates are afflicted MIU alth these tuo dit cases and their cli acts such as stomach etoi tick sick babl enam pal pit atlon of the heart heart burn water brash gnawing and burning palas nt the pit ot the dellow skin aln coated tongue and disagreeable d 16 agreeable taste iti ill the mouth cam coming ing up of food after eating low spirits epi rite etc go to our druggist and get it bottle of august L boer for 75 73 cents two doses will relies a try iry it get greens prize Alth alumnae unac sold by eiloo 1 rading co 31 MIKERS INERS AN D prospectors OILS LX 1 TO THE till SOUTHWEST on april the santa fe route will ill wn sell round trip arli tickets from ln den ter colorado 81 rafn Ws A annl rid pueblo to nil all points i it in I 1 aie new mexico a d 1 reacted by toy their line ht at a rute of one cent ier I er mile rood gow returning for thirty dibi ilina a i or aurther im 1 r ni 1 ly toc F gener it I 1 FI II 11 dooly block srul S rul cit the tho bilye live coop co op insl I 1 net harf harn for th celebrated ideal baking powder subscriptions at the adro for any ot at uie uw boalt halt joke city lit il weekly c r eimil semi keelly pub Iku lloU 1 r mom 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 I 0 IN NEW E 4 4 III STORE 4 J NEW 4 4 GOODS NEW ja N PRICES h t 4 4 4 4 4 having bought out the price trading company 4 4 I 1 we vill ill continue to do bus busine inicis at the same old 4 4 6 stand where nc c cordially ally invite carry one in car 4 4 4 1 don oon count county ind eastern ut 11 to call and cc our 4 4 0 go and get acquainted we are in a posit on 4 4 that no one d ilire arc sly they can undersell us we 4 4 ill show ou ilie the most up to date and hrast 4 I I 1 stock of or D y goods good clothing Clot liing booti 1 shoes and 4 4 I 1 1 1 dry iry goods in carbon county or eastern utah t 4 4 4 4 PRICE cooperative CO OPERATIVE 4 0 mercantile institution 4 0 0 4 lve N HARMON manager PRICE UTAH 4 4 4 4 I 1 9 t f 4 40 I 1 E verr b 0 i knows ian aws that and go together ether I 1 he air and cares cf business or me home overwork joss loss of sic sleep P improper r food all tend to irritate the temper ad d range the digestion weaken the nerve and undermine the health this tharin tearing down of the life forces must be stopped the ebbing tide of health must be bo checked and new energy irgy new life new ambition anfu infused ed into the whole system to do this quickly and thoroughly use for miny years I 1 suffered ered from sick headache nd ind general nervousness I 1 J took many kinds of medicine but never i found lasting relief until I 1 commenced taki taking dr miles I 1 it t uiva g relief ap atter a taking a few doses and when I 1 had used bur faur bottles my nerves were so stron strong and my health healt h so good that I 1 have geen not been troubled with those terrible headaches in six years cars 11 H DOALL calvirt Calv crt TM DC dr miles nerv Sae 40 0 ane I 1 I 1 abts directly on the nervous system quiets the irritation rests the tired direct brain and restores the wasted tissues as nothing else can you should not delay get it at once sold sod by all au droggos on a gua guarantee dr VAI medical 41 co ef emart kh A tt R A KI PA E ini jai re be oj mill especial attention given ea tu to hydro hydra carbon properties in ea em arrn uth raj hellern vellern Vel lern co lo orado orad 0 po domce nd price pace sunn aide caw grand colu jwj I 1 laurrent current time table tab 0 ac AT SALT 0 LAKE t ff I v to IY 1 X pt 9 1900 TOO V K MI 9 in x fur aron 1 i junction 1 and nd ill rio point rot t 1 a 23 fit atlantic 63 N X 1 1 awl a I 1 rat IMIS enie limited nn n 4 for ornnie junction dehiter a nd all 11 II rut I 1 oil the th V n 1 I owr vo 4 ol 01 fr F or r palt lzie e 11 1 I y and nd no flo floats oai Aws ajor I 1 m no in S 3 por rr X I 1 alad city orlen ogden and I 1 addo anit I 1 M p tb the pacific clyor vo no A llor or et lita late a ity ily adf and nd pacifica ami point woes dee not lop t I 1 roe aam 0 la per r lm chefe rho a ale nl i arit L II 11 N 10 SS 33 I 1 olton for mno nd I 1 ifor 4 rf rot is I 1 33 ip F 4 no 4 4 p lear amit for foo ancl nd niton oltan 1 bof pant air lilt isit i it 11 no n v for form M unit ona 1 e itil 6 IN 0 o mi arom sidge to tit iper imp information for concerning routed rates etc eto apply to or ed ad dress 13 II 11 mcdonald McDo tAU LD agana prim uth my partner ut at town hell hall tonight by the lindsay dramatic company jr I 1 14 E mv INT SALO ON burtu herman eckstein s PLACE an aleal pac pan ta asni i few fe LIUM to suit abild drink di lak othine but the very nt nest of GIs od freol allun olyn given to 09 tb d go non tm 14 4 4 C ROWLEYS CROWLEY 8 t 0 so is renovator Kc Ren vator y 4 4 AND TAILOR SHOP f UTAH t steam and dry leaning 1 bit passed id Re pilled ai 10 adsa as I 1 if anil 11 orter heier haver small and lit os us oil ill of wark Mid orate pricer 4 I 1 kaid pig of I 1 arje or CAR to 1 oslo and 4 t V 11 jre UINI sa s1 aar I 1 11 dr dro P is a toa p ord sl 11 we 9 will ach eite aln of T arl wu decher when dolbt J JP R GC G Cowley R C v t 4 t tt I 1 I 1 41 |