Show dipping ing corral MINT ot c SALOON J M I 1 aki am ra proprietor fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars malls brifil in connorton Con Can nocton necton also O at 1 allt artia and 01 UTAH short rort order restaurant lodging house in connection al C WILSON V I 1 I 1 SON proprietor rhe house has been most thoroughly renovated and new furniture and furnishings put in clean linen courteous attention and everything cooked just as w wanted allied ARMOURS beeland BEEF and all the delicacies in their season PRICES reasonable WILLIAM HOWARD land attorney and mary public unit mine proof and nd ya land rd cd at any place police la in ettern eastern utah deeds and legal P pit pr lers general generally y drawn I 1 title titles examined Examine el abstracts Alm furn shed arm F 4 ai 1 anda for sa fortne a or cirp le no n made and on general LA liw it atnes no all enque land must be accompanied by huntington UTAH BUCK H HERD E RD about the first of april I 1 will start a buck herd and will give good sati satisfaction faction deliver in m the fall will receive at price and P V junction FRANK WARREN I 1 PRICE UTAH F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT TORNEY AT LAW CASTLE DALE I 1 will practice in all 11 II the courts in all 11 II civil mining lor lorriena riona ion and probate tuat 1 arn C Q E FEARSON I 1 M D o 0 and sul geon am u cl I 1 promptly atle pl ath P F F FISK me D Phyl physician cian and surgeon E price utah Oa faour defour our adnot i wl of the zang colombus saloon SCOFIELD UTAH JOHN mgr lateef castle gate old cromp crow tom burka burke aad green olver lo 10 a bottle and iod barrel birrel wines cigar cigars Alp hohol salitz langard ang nid fl cher keg and ind flott led bearb u liquor anti 1 ra and r aou f ull all kicas IUt liMi at t the decoit pot travelers 1 will wilt in I 1 thin 11 last t ant nl ot i lare ul u drop in while bile the train in it is bills m wide 01 e up for brot C ear brok rr war coltom a arleu ur leu treat weist comfortable and rd tied bixl ixl uble tables or pat no w S 0 eater c tl 1 jug ind bottle trade E I 1 E who ho shot and killed john tx bellman anian lie tie from payson n short tim time ngo ago near alco was wa tI eted of tra tuan laughter at moab before lydge jo john hn Wi llast week and on monday asas W as sellon cled to eight icara in jav hi pent ivul kotce v intention lo 10 move tor waft 4 naw trial was woi bened und ad a I 1 caer kiyite of probable cause denica the ideal baking powder ie to pido of 0 blare o 0 11 antl an will not valise trading av bar gold PIU at C cotton mon lapos a t new urion 35 gold medal nt worlds columbian COlum luni blau blan exposition 01 chicago 93 medil at tervo peru exo atlon IWU I 1 ne he kind your ur grandfather used 1 et detill il 1 Mol pure sold b by y fitzgerald I co ea none ideal lidea baking powder it is pure pun and h py purchasing direct from front factory we bell ideal Ii ledl baking a tit it low prices price trading company samp shearing oaring ah iegan at uio the liens pens auth of price prim last tuella f there will be about forty thousand sheared here this spring mis hulda and william norton of 0 onnabella utah were maried at the gonie homo of the bridee brides parents nt lit IN ellington last monday sheri sheriff 11 FA beeler of oi A pact pacho cou county aly ariz who was wa in eastern utah looking tor bad men about the tino time sher itt lit tier and depty jonkin jenkins were veto killed north at of bp ringa was wag auba hed and near bici ega hitriz rib las ins monday friend 4 of had halt uro are charged with fill UK the clork ork la Is well anderm underway on the th ann until i to I tho ho aitto 1 grande Wei western stern hotel at tit imper and it la Is espow ted the house willah and read 1 fo to ghetu of the tr aMlIng 1 b I 1 the first of june there are to t bo ro rooms ornal eleven cleven by fiete fee feer s enteen of which are to I 1 g to je idt t t aith ith toilet bath und 4 a it rooms ou on both tin sa anti un 11 birst st floors this alinea will ile deot mi x clu elusive sivel to transient cratit wyile ile the 1 VIM ua bu be for rail j aders TATI t 10 t ITY 1 of 0 I 1 a IV tu all L cult F FA A kj ii tu i 4 hilll boulo artner it mn maruf ruf J chir k du j b ID in tle ik 0 uty 1 or of 01 1 out ka stat 91 turak M to a 4 hilt or a will my i ay iy the a to i 1 I ja III 1 a aalt 7 eaf that oal ift t tu lu ed by ty I 1 lb uw of HV lt L 11 1 ll 64 4 LIM S sworn sorn orn to U t tr r re me nod and iba ibal lini 11 ll tier al it S 1 A V OIK OI A K s 1 publia all j cure is taken mi e mally oll po nl acU dlf te ta t e bd b d nn pro I 1 ur aup soll nr toe tile a and send I f r 4 tio at ti I l criff or artem lir J I CH it t viv AC LION row 1 U 0 ad by all I uv ul lis G camuy nolly RUM us ir 9 U bat try the idel Id etil Itaki tig bowder hix it W crockett tr the ideal i af uw 1 1 n g luw vr and obtain alne reoul tat in fit cooking ahe price trait penin ciany tny have tor fur the 1 bradtl ideal baking I 1 RAVE THE 11 HAT AT FOR YOU dpn it his the torn form iod sod finis lod sod thit chancier character ize tbt the tits lilts of the day 0 0 M irwill it III 1 rou bany far rr elf auH idill it ot I tam ili it is will ill acif vv a aib kir air even t ta k ivo rwei on 64 f it if t n the least tho th prim mat ill eb ill then afi fin port tl 83 U 1 I 1 or r 0 0 t 6 W niu I 1 be b hii I 1 jut just a 6 ou nor 4 4 44 4 44 hit is to be considered 1 AS WELL AS PRICES e we ve keep t tk A the rile best of in t everything 4 xa 4 4 dru boods groceries hardware Harrl Ware 4 shoves 4 4 furniture I 1 t carpets Oar pets latic t i 4 come and see Us r we will treal treat you kight 4 4 t L emery county mercantile co ajo i 41 4 1 PRICE UTAH 4 IF 1 ole I 1 j 1 comi COMING NG AND GOING ta a recent leao of tho quarterly llev lew 4 litt Dl iii says 4 wt 4 1 one to this part of tb be elvest wetter be will 4 do to olmos by the and blo grande i rai iwas timi pro we I 1 ballas cars mm fordable for table and ibe the ornery amnuay 4 yes and when ono leaves this parc of the west 4 lie le will do well to toko take thol same railroads rail roade 4 for Onial lh go leave bait salt lake rake 4 J city p tri dally daily 4 tourist sleepers a ni in thursdays 8 20 p m 4 frida Frit loya 5 giad to answer cletters of inquiry ciket offic it west I 1 R t iv F IM TN 0 1 becola south street I 1 t salt lak r b 44 6 ol T J C feeter weeter lumber co 4 4 4 4 14 4 4 j tIll ILK clr LV 44 I 1 I 1 4 ta with a full line of pub uw doors oreen boor paper cas 44 ka logs allock It edwood anal alvine finish Bu thiers hardware 1 wr wiro cloth 44 iron hooting nill nails battled wit coison baloo loth I lh fence IL letai live ll 11 of 44 4 4 4 harness wagons buggies spring wagons 4 ft t 4 44 Holo olle all 11 II kid birds 0 farm ii ants we represent nt arn isad 4 1 4 olne 11 jofs of sal lair alas t in deed in outline call cald a 4 so ui us or r IT 4 rile be interest todo ka J C WEETER F LUMBER CO H y 14 4 4 1 44 4 4 4 castle valley store orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH NEW STOCK NEW GOODS NEW PRICES WE HAVE LF LEADER ADER IN EVERY LINE and ou oiw low prices will command your attention bring your cash and see what dollars will do suits from to xa shoes cfall of all kins lines and a fit at any price TUTTLE f MOO MOORE R ft ego proprietors 2 ithe the mint saloon MATT WARNER B afine i pine Whiskies Wines Nines and beers I 1 j 4 Orp osite the II 11 0 G W M depot 4 f T plenty of time while rule train stops 4 v new pool ecale le in connection UTAJI 1 e 0 r r 04 0 4 R A KIRKER M E examines and reports on mines mine and Pro tn in fiorni U lob ih and wel west ro orto ua aa ruet oain tp J airs altalo W D livingston LAWYER it water illon am bl Ineil given arm lit ja all baa guna y |