Show eners R we CROCK ETTes FIRE INSURANCE INSURANCE AGENT pon the connecticut fin fire rapt ci ft of hartford conn corin i AIT the geman getman alliance insurance association of 0 NW york NIT HIT business solicited anywhere in eastern utah ulah county ond waverlet Wa doilis Doi liM WHITE ME FOR RATES ALL POLICIES WRITTEN AT 1 Q CULLEN 18 SALT IT LAKI LAKE a THE botel t E ON ALL CAR LINES try it jhc thc tho next tin rima you go up 1 1 S C E 2 I 1 headquarters fers FOR 1701 MINING MEN AND STOCKMEN I 1 RATES 2 00 A ADAY DAY AND UP 1 PRICE AND EMERY STAGE LINE GIVIS AND FROM 1 f TO UTAH DAY IN THI THE YEAR CRUMB 1000 00 ie i e pl lf rry corbing ot at baia I 1 arries rites at 9 p na 1 r S WILLIAMS AA proprietor vv ast pa 66 feli aiters ima HOTEL ANDERSEN P ilk CASTLE DALE UTAH w b rates per day central location sample rooms la in r at stages north aud south MRS KATHINKA ANDERSEN proprietress 59 3 bijil FULL LINE OF LEGAL BLANN S carried in aad and for sate sale at the tho advocate office at salt lake laue city and provo price PrIc ets printing rin ting stationery brief and AL LISONe ALLISON 01 COUPON HARDYS COUPON at as A 0 a it of book work 0 BLANK BOOKS laborsaving LABOR SAVING riles FILES DEVICES DE VICKa BOOK BOOKS BAND MANDS JOURNALS pastiness PASTI lizaer r EN a INKS BOX AND PENCIL PENCILS SUPPLIES SCHOOL aupp IK the advocate publishing co PRICE UTAH vv idt I 1 WHEN YOU GO EAST r auk ask youe agent agett for or a ticket bertho at er tho IL 1 a G W and the colorado midland lly itys I 1 two trains dally daily bolh carry elegant pullman sleepers elee pere ogden to denver without chano change Z at sleeping care cam for denver omaha and st daul leave ogdena G I 1 W train ho 6 earh each wednesday morning I 1 I 1 or denver omaha and chicaro lea leave a 3 it R G W train no 6 each thursday I 1 morning always makes connection at colorado r 3 Sp ringi denver atta pueblo for any point north east or south the short line to I 1 all the principal Imin cipal 11 campe ani and eummer 1 resorts in Col colorado prodo 3 NN rite me for information W 11 U S DE DEVOR on general re Deral agent trav tray a A act FU aw dooly building salt lake ity U utah tab E 11 between dener denier and chicago chieno a santa fo rou stoute te provide as con fort ablo able of travel as us cats can be offered sleepers excepted except el As an the tho free economical they are no un surpassed they are hauled on fast trains and are in chargo of Be clining chair experienced and polite porters all essential lb for tho the toilet gars cam t towels soap water combs and brushes brushe aro are provided frea of cli charge arge G J WARREN benl arent agen A T A S F ky ity dooly block salt lake city MY MISSOURI free reclining chair PACIFIC cars RAILWAY to holders of regular 1 adin aders and od Wor matlos mald tick tt bekrui f nil ea er arte to kansas aty st lula leu V 0 G P T A so emits ad all points et east tod saw Z 3 Ico ossa j 0 bra T P A sais its city lk ty |