Show r I 1 4 4 4 4 r I 1 nothing to equal j F 1 6 our line of stylishly trimmed 0 t hats for spring and summer I 1 wear has ever been shown in it I 1 I 1 4 ft 4 1 price we have them in all I 1 shapes and at prices to suit 0 every p pocketbook all our spring ill goods in i n other departments 1 I 1 part ments ts are here and there r it are arc so many pretty things that we vc have not the space to enumerate I 1 them come coine in ill sec see the stock and you will vill undoubtedly I 1 find what you arc are looking for our furniture 4 go stock is the most complete ever evec brought Bi ought to eastern utah k J t L lowenstein LOWEN t v LEADER OF LOW priced V 4 4 4 ra weakened systems need 8 a mature WhO lome fudlow lipor that is precisely what hat the I 1 w M a whiskey beyle ie perfect aa as a beverage or medicine ind and absolutely pure pum bold sold by fitzgerald A 0 co o prie e P the trice bradin trading company have con contracted tr acted to for artho tho elleb celebrated rated ideal fow bowder der 1111 a r A 11 44 4 I 1 4 4 4 4 NO 0 MONOPOLY 4 4 4 on new spring and summer goods neither has the other fellow but we can truthfully assert no house in this section of the country has received 4 4 4 nor will receive a better prettier or more appropriate 4 4 stock fo for r this trade than i is s to be 4 4 found here many of these goods are in and more are to follow our stock is freshened up I 1 4 every week bv the arrival of something that is the A I 1 4 latest and never have such goods been sold so 4 4 ret reasonably ilso as will be the case here this year nou bough nough 9 li said 4 4 PRICE TRADING COMPANY 4 t 4 PRICE UTAH 4 4 4 4 t 4 the mint saloon 4 MATT WARNER NANA 4 pine ine Whiskies Wines and beers 4 opposite ethell the R 0 W depot t plenty of time while the train stops 4 t new pool hol table in connection kcf UT 4 t 1 t 4 A GOOD THING ge german a S syrup I 1 is 9 the special prescription ir rul scrip t on or I 1 dr ahee BoB chee ee a cele celebrated gg german physician and I 1 is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate fortunato discoveries in medicine it quickly cures coughs colds and all lung troubles of the severest natu nature M removing aa as it docs does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts arcain in a strong and healthy condit F on it is not an experimental m but hae has stood wt the ag test of vs rs r riving giving sat is faction in every caw caso which aich it its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms two million bottles sold annually boschee Bos chees s german 8 syrup was introduced in the united sta states t 1 in n 1868 and is now eold sold in every tow town n and village in 10 the civilized world three doses dowes do wes will relieve any ordinary cough price 75 get greane prize almanac sold by price Tra trading dingCo co subscriptions taken at the advocate office for any of the salt lake city daily weekly or semi weekly pub II 11 CA cAtion eions the thin utah christian endeavor t will w ill hold its salt t lake 2 26 to 28 inclusive and the utah state sunday school convention will hold lie its meeting april 29 to may 1 inclusive ushe for these occasions a rato rate of one single fare for the round trip is authorized from nil all points in utah to salt lake and return dates of eale rale from points on park city dingham sunny side san pete and sevie r branche branches april 25 and 29 from aril 23 25 and 26 and ara april 28 and 2 ia rin r in nil till other points april 28 25 and 29 final return limit may 2 1901 I 1 sit up p in in 0 bed bedd I 1 I 1 when when it becomes ceic necessary to sit sit up in bed to get your breath when the least exertion such as walking sweeper sweeping 9 sin singing wow n g talking or going u up and down n E stairs causes ses bortness shortness sort ness of breath fluttering or palpitation then it is time to do something to brace up and sti strengthen streng ther your failing heart heam take dr miles heart cure curc it is best of all the least exertion caused mused fluttering pa ditatta pi and short ness nem of breath t smothering spells at night com compelled led me to sit up tn in bed to breathe tried many remedies but waa was finally cared cured with a fen few bottlick of dr miles heart CUM X T Us I 1 Chel chelalis mlis with dt dr miles heart cao C au re stimulates the digestion in increases the birc circulation and makes weak hearts strong sold by druggists on guaran guarantee dr miles medical 0 co O ela elkhart rt I 1 lad aa HARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY SCOFIELD LD UTAH 11 AA 50 40 I 1 7 11 LA A i laa copyrights ae keh md quick 14 wo e UI oar u t opinion fr M W I 1 ab a W semb u t y com manic um vr too o d oua r nt fr raw aidt ta for 19 axa A t alc edw ebb la iii the 4 f 11 1 calauro A akay y tf of any sawn lo eniti 0 04 U I 1 10 tb I 1 I 1 UA mi Bw ddn d w KAI ma ca mad ne a oiz es r at 16 c short order 1 restaurant I 1 lodging house in connection M C WILSON proprietor jhc house has been most thoroughly renova renovated tied and new furniture and furnishings put in clean linen courteous attention and everything cooked just as wanted AR ARMOURS moult s BEEF and all the delicacies in their season PRICES FRICEs reasonable TRAVELERS from the hooky rocky Moun to 1 accaro and od the 06 bit rall bave ft a 1 ion ou journey D U e bad b ad of laem p kail it I 1 oot mry bad b ad idea to 10 us ur a LITTLE CARE the anit emit comfort ab be a as we e I 1 ae as the quacked route those abo who bire baye ONCE TESTED the oom comfort forts of f lie tit omaha 11 ca o short L line 1 no adom bei latte m bout ask alolor ar for tickets via the chicago milwaukee st paul its 1 sy otla train of datria oars the ebest r nude 1 aa bongon apon ticket ot b our ticket ick ts on ule bale L L DOWNING commercial agent salt lk lake city utah |