Show your time has come goine ar when oon oa c can n purchase ill fill styles 4 t millinery at PRICES OUR TIME HAS A COME when we mutt lust make room for our lock stock of fall sown goods and it 11 imperative that we rustle a bin big Bac sacrifice in year your favor la in order tile lyoa you inay may be laduce l to boy buy at once and thae thus help ad a oar our tock stock of hats trimmed 01 ito ol I 1 untrimmed lite fl ie straws and cheap grades all ethyln we are ar going to offer clot sit 1 l car CLEARING BALE SALE WE HAVE SOLD HATS HAT binl sold bat balts bat lut we still till bira large on hood haDdi ind it ion you come first yon you can bir art ami bolcis hol cis and ad that a goof couil I 1 choice mrs jr W holdaway 9 ak I 1 ENDURED DEATH 4 only a roaring fire elabed J ai of san antonio tx tex to lie down wha d by aann from which b bt for years yeara if he write hia his misery was often RO so great that it seemed he lie endurel thi of drath but dr kingo new for coir cou tion wholly ebirt I him abie mr relous rn licone cinn ie is thi only known tare for asab m a as a well as a cough an aul I 1 col cot U I 1 and all 11 throat chwi chest and lung troubles troa blei price sic 10 and if 1 W it guarante Oo arane d trial bottles frat fro o price trading co HALF rt TES 8 R 0 W RY forthe be state ilem cr tic convention to bo I 1 id at alt laks city september Septer ober in I 1 fitti the rl RI P grande ww tom n will sell roan I 1 trip tick tickets at one cirio ture tare for tb alie trip ricket ricke will be sold h to ath inclusive floal final retarn return limit st ath for the taff rony at a provo september Septem ath and hill one single far fare for the around trip tick ts will alil be fold told september J jl 1 1 ath th arid 1 ath rinat retarn limit capt september gab near of r far fr c tark that Csiti cartain alis erry as an murr will strefy destroy the sense of niell nd sa rem truben when e the mucous lur our I 1 coo uch articles should cover farrl ao 10 fl ex ap capton on prescriptions 1 rum m reputable chri clans a the thy they wit do Is I 1 ton en ad 11 to the floi A you possibly poo sibly 1 derive brors them for core 7 V J beay A to doimo U contain if aa rr emoury and nd Is I 1 uka taken I 1 ini rally directly upon I 1 the baki tnt luct ui us wor ii of the tb system in bi jr frail llalli a ot firth cuco care iw be sure you 1 R UM u 0 it is t take ana ra T laide ade fien lo 10 T ole oakl til J char tc at va 0 latimo jai free tom mold by drourr ivis prk ark a uc tr beitle QUE QUESTION ANSWERED ANsWER LD yea flower still nil hae has the larga sale 1 of any ened 1 cine clue in the cit llizo iaz d world your mother mothers and grandmother mother re never thought of using any thing thio dea else for Indig tion or doctors were sarce ant aa I 1 they eldom seldom heard of nervous proe ration or heit failure etc they need angne clowel to clean oat out the yetra HD an I 1 stop fermentation of gelled too food regal regulate ato the action of the liv r at piolate the nervous anil and organic actinic of the ro and that ie is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches beAda chea and other ache aches you orly nea new it n few ft coed of greens flower in licad furin to k you satisfied there Is i n bibin thing erion serious tho matter with yon you for eale salm by price I 1 1 railing up 1137 ayi 1 meki mek I 1 ic insa is nobby lin line for fr boy ulf suits ad 4 cser afy 1 I 9 L look lk k t tl tam mon mort I 1 heap excursions to THE EAST j hound round TrIp Tickets from denver ool oddo springe ana ad pueblo to lb ivoria I 1 firl kaid gwint will be b old Au augustio mustio bud september I 1 aad and it 21 ba b the ali GREAT R ROCK 0 C K ISLAND ISLAs 4 RO ROUTE UTE at rate irate of one fare pin plus fl 3 xi 91 for roand trip retarn limit octo her it MA on one FT F ti in to chicago z p 1 return auw ta W 24 25 23 for ahm 0 A R with liberal return lint limit t s SPECIAL TRAINS one nimbi out tot aleano will 3 U p ro aprin 3 A p m SL Is n annn of alair 1 10 nd 2 ml sept Pt lanil bixl ixl 11 tickets F a rec ar 1 trin mo kor for I 1 further urther norm an 41 apply 1 to a v II 11 go I 1 art amiter river flat ot hw o 0 v 4 ta P A hicho THE BRAVERY OB OF WOMAN wa was grandly ihian by biro john ohn dawling of bullet pi PA in h three years eare struggle i ath a maliar atut trouble that causi dietra eina attacks of nausea anil and all remedies failed to relieve her until sh ho P tried electric after taking it two months alie wrote I 1 am now w wholly boll cured and coin eat anything it ie Is arvy r grand rand tont ton for the whole ins I 1 gerrit I in weight und and feel stronger allice ansi nelda it it aid aids care curea dye improved appetite eire new now alto only boc at price trading co lo notice to teachers A special examination will loe de held at scofield sept ath and ath beginning at 2 p m on the ath this vill will be the last opportunity for or carbon county teachers 1 0 0 secure certificates this fall those expecting to teach in the county and not already provided with ia a certificate are urged to be present j BOARD OF EXAMINERS gas 01 sk aisil allor f 1 it 1 for r sa boy by cr T na m Ide arl fe fro sis its atti 3 up p A huu a bl rara rarama Md made illis 1 lotion car care tut ill button lotion A cure for piew tings stings barns burns scalds welling wellin in go invaluably in diphtheria dip theria for ale sale at emery county mercantile company compary a magic pile lotion curve pile plies either or internal in arnin 4 to ft A day days billly saho ba was wa charged charRed by S F jenkins wio it felone feo neone ons assi alt which occurred oci burred about one year ear ago on the lk oat and vho aho 0 camo carne be bo johnson HI sit pria find fehte to boo Is to appear at fit mab Aus trist 1 lt nine ne in I 11 at monday and the ce was homine d on the motion vt of the district attorney on the that the state c conid uld not secure evidence 9 enough a to warrant atrial trial jenkins this min litiff m one kapr lai may stay ann AN bie his evident appeared to sae lila aba ati complaint doab time magana Mag anu expectorate ie is at poet tivo cure tor for coughs col JR i lagrippe laz congestion of ibe life long longs mil and acute sal asthma lima for ii silt at t emery county A liman tile COBI corn etore store uee use annn M agnns air o actor int for alea ant prompt and nd certain relief for cough coughs and colds 1 11 II KnIcker knickerbocker hooker watch maker and repairer 1 bait laki city all work ornar anteal or mony looney refunded 0 M worth price agent leave your watce and for repair at wortlie bb barber ibor t liun lr nall of f ailing to a I 1 iff t 1 frau r for in lain ml 1 I boy for rr I 1 1000 I 1 1 I asir r fright bixl ixl III fehrt r 1 utah F F FISK me 09 D N bod and vr V r ll 11 after faraby let in the now m a united atal bergraat foar door of J W WARP WARF attorney and counsellor at it 1 rw w collection A holaly PUBLIC t in all the courts wet west of fathis Il hotel cotelA PRICE UTAH this is simply an A q ordinary 4 EVERYDAY EVERY D DAY STORE there is no sham or pretense about tins tills store no frills no fanciful fin chul atto ct ca air airs no extravagance in ili tn otien or methods it ia is just jut simply a gm rood solid reliable merda mer da store its liere here every diy daiy to supply on oil acry day and do it better as ai the di dis go on oil it grows growl ever every day too and we c hope to keep keel it so may be forever and a d ay iy did o 0 c say ordinary we hardly meant t that tj vit when all merchants quit resorting to trickery when all advertisements can be implicitly be believed limed hen there is absolute sadly in ili buying biting no where or when you bu bit then this will all be an all ordinary store but toda it isn t t under present d day methods oi of selling goods when hen sli shims ains arc are arze rife and rampant it is iq an all extraordinary efti store one distin distinguished by its simple unpretentious tent ious ua a of zing doing business singular because it claims nothing more than can be alro proved ed unusual il in its iti infallibly satisfactory way of observing serving you oil it is a singular yet et ordinary store that asks and continues to u you and it does so because it eshou best EMERY COUNTY bi mercantile antole CO AT I 1 castar 1 ri f allun castle valley S store t 0 r e 5 orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH NEW STOCK NEW N E GOODS AM G NEW PRICES PRIUS I 1 WE I 1 HAVE LE LEADERS ADERS IN EVERY RY LIN LINE E and ou our r low prices mill ill command your our attention it bring your cash and see what Dollar swill do suits from froni i 1 50 to IS shoes of all kinds and a fit at any price TUTTLE aw WOORE mok 0 R E proprietors w 4 44 4 4 44 44 4 I 1 1 J C weeter lumber co coll I 1 I 1 I 1 44 44 T I 1 i 11 HOLUM AND halll i 44 4 4 4 4 with a full lioe line of anro 8 reea doore doors dau BUt leing ant 4 anlue blocks rewo il dw A ant enl itne pine fulfill dailler Ua Bu iller illert 4 4 44 4 4 hard ware i wire cloth inn irn Ri oling balig bit wire wife 4 combination lath fence pence also a cm U tn lete line ot of 41 4 harness wagons buggies spring wagons 44 4 4 44 4 44 handle all it kinis or fru fitton I 1 nal in tile W a the fr bp b p co op wag u an I 1 machine C or b bill it lik L ako it la in abw ni ol 01 any tiny y 44 thing in our alie call an do d o or it will b tu to borr interest 44 44 4 to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 I 1 6 I 1 H hotel otel anderson CASTLE DALE dalr UTAH I 1 rates UP day central location SAW 1 P bitoon 1 14 cocq arvi ION OF 4 AND SOUTH s MRS KATHINKA ANDERSON 21 4 I 1 4 44 RED FRONT restaurant sf COLTON 4 0 AT ar AUL alila al ila HOURS everything clean nil a cnare nel meal for verrone everyone MRS TY T V JACKSON Pro proprietor prieto re 4 T 44 4 4 4 4 price and vernal stage stade t and exar Ex express pr line FARE BETWEEN REN FT IN BOTH price to ft duchesne uch esne one way WOO 3 OU rura r ura trip price to vernal on war 1 1 00 round trip li areto to bair nr way station air ax the lb jine fine lot au nil per wile forty pounds jt or of Dali gaie always free of charge express baggage rates 3 i cent cents per po pe sad 1 one ODO to 6 me x 4 to 4 NIX tool tt A is 15 mes li it IS and nd over per pound green kw irate p price evou C 0 to FL duchesne slid vernal a a j the HO amr tr pound ft 4 cire I 1 aloe alc B 00 a loci a is arrives ortre at t rort vort duchesne it 11 afi ift a clork L IM arrive 3 v AtNer tr nl nal to m arrive olt duchesse Duch esue I 1 price a 00 oo e clock p ra 1 1 B R mcdonald AGENT price utah uth b N MORRIS proprietor llor e CLEAR 64 lacross w THE STREET the bat of beauty and the chic up 09 lo 10 daten a of III gir garments ments of FRED kauffmann the Arric american rican taller chicago admi nUon if you s 41 would b well firmed v 1 S reaud kt at the urns sams urn time leave your i order aft 1 W C broecker gocr P utah ta WAL W z W iiii iiii aia y atul gl ak apler absolutely made from niort highly refined and ili ingredients 9 assures light sweet pure and wholesome food bloum we em ining exercise xer cise care enre in liu buying ing bik finx X adm to taa 1 aluni alum are sij chaap alxa to catch the anu unu ary but bit aluni ii a KI anil and its it i e tn fit tod sri arioul oust injures it ROYAL BAKING A CO 00 or T EW VORK |