Show lw 44 t 4 04 0 4 4 44 1100 4 4 4 4 or more le 11 4 44 11 44 i 4 4 V new styles J ak ipa 0 44 4 4 44 44 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 4 of ladies Trini trimmed nied hats and 4 4 now on display they 44 1 were bought by personal 44 4 4 of mr lowenstein on oil his re 44 tt cent purchasing ti alip ip to new 4 44 4 4 york the ladies are invited to 44 4 4 klio call for a personal inspection our 5 customers arc are to have the s 4 profit 4 0 in men nien s and boys clothing furnishings boots md ind shoes w we 44 1 bought deavil heavily y these Il lese arc are to be 4 44 in next week we are the lead 1 I ers in both styles and his fashion hion t 4 41 L lowenstein 1 1 4 11 i 4 t 4 LEADER OF LOW PRICES 4 44 4 4 4 i v acme cholera barup ie Is the safest feet and d sorest amt ly in the world for ceicil cholera em cholera alliona col c and all tr rob o of the tb bowel for eele sale at emery county mercantile company torce stores ACES cholera 1 hyran caroi acme cholera lymp egroo 4 W U D livingston LAWYER mcinti M anti utah 11 water and mining iti gatlon gation given atten attention tiou lien I 1 matters collection collections all ial legal given prompt attention practices win in all the courts f J 4 4 4 PI HATS H ATS 11 you will always buy of us if you buy once I 1 SHOES no one has better goods to sell than we have SHIR SHIRTS S F fancy anc y stripe an and d working shirts L PRICE PF TRADING CO 4 I 1 til vv BIG TENT ICE CREAM PARLOR SOFT DRINKS DRINK NUTS AKO aid ai D CANDIED 3 open at all hours STOKE F A OLSEN prop 4 REUDEN G MILLER MILER g 1 wool grower and breeder iN merino lerino and lincoln CATTLE and HORSES I 1 bitici COU counte I 1 F K E WOODS arror ATTORNEY NEY CASTLE DALE UTAH attoma tor for the seventh jn in lidel distrait Dl tritt will practice in all the courts la tu all civil a minin itri gation and probate matte matters div ecial attention atU allon MARK MIRK P B R A F I 1 E I 1 I 1 attorney PRICE UTA stati it at irlo price helper i i a daiy S F first arst class li livery cry in connection H OTEL P R COTNER H D ELLIOTT C LARKE 1 atoll it the table supplied with the best the market affords 1 11 nequa for commercial Cominer cial men and the general traveling public the only up to date hotel in this part of eastern utah rates 2 per day dag sample rooms in connection aa C M WORTH BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS next to tbt agent for the TROY STEAM LAUNDRY at salt lake city toilet articles cosme cosmetics shaving soaps perfumes hand and face creams cream shair hair tonics etc kept on hand liand and for sa sale le ladies ladie shampooing oina M at homes or a the shop razors 1 honed shears ground the pea green front MINT SALOON M fine wines bonded whisk whisky eastern beers finest cigars 1111 chull ItO IN AN I 1 at e oral gristle and COLTON UTAH short order restaurant ant under ne management MRS OLIVE MI MILLER LLER jhc 1 house has been most thoroughly renovated renoa ted and new furniture and in clean linen furnishings courteous PU put attention t and e grything ery cry thing coo cooked kj 1 just as wanted Nan ted ARMOURS S BEEF and all the delicacies in their season PRICES reasonable ua E larsen DEALER IN all kinds ot of FARM R M implements agent f r the utah implement co FOR EMERY EIERY COUNTY FOR at AIL L KINDS or baitx KT ity rushford rd and mitchell liell spring and farin farm wagons HENN bennby hy PERRY and GARLAND all foods goods come ie is car carload load lof lots direct from the E et ast crown mowers changeable peed speed Is born mowers and hinder binders j hard woods oils twines tuines and iron call and examine goods and get prices CASTLE DALE UTH 61 PERRON FERRON SALOON j a OLSEN prop dealer dealers la in WINES LIQUORS SAND CIGARS PURE 11 A specialty FERRON UTH RA As KIRKER M ell examines and R deports on mines and hydrocarbon hydro carbon properties Pro perUe in 49 eat t J ern utah and Colo colondo rodo a address ritia 1 C E PEARSON M D df and surgeon all calk calls promptly attended CASTLE 1 A A J |