Show fe 44 4 4 1 4 4 4 kf 44 44 4 WT tt 11 4 1 nr mope more 4 PW 4 or jl 6 1 4 A A X V J 1 V 4 44 s 4 A 44 new N KT ikirt S r hi I 1 i 1 44 4 I 1 4 44 4 4 IN caw styles ty J es 0 a 0 A T 44 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 1 of ladies trimmed 1 rimmed i hats and i 4 4 t 4 bonnets now on display they tt 4 44 if sel cl tt were bought by personal cc i A 1 V iva juilus ul T I 1 tt tion of mr lowenstein on his rett 44 tt cent purchasing trip trio to new ft cy c y t r i rrt i r i T 4 york the me ladies ladies are invited to 4 k A call mil B for a n personal lt inspection tt ati k f our ft tt A 1 4 e customers are nm to tn ivr have Aft VV the alir jobbers ft t 4 profit f tt tt 4 A r at 4 TT 44 44 4 44 T 6 in V men I 1 s and boys clothing 4 t 4 t furnishings boots and shoes we tt tf bought heavily these rhese are to be tt tf 4 4 in II 11 Y next week vall W we V L are ell 1 the alf lead ll allu LU t t in 1 both I 1 4 4 J f 1 A as 4 ers styles colliu and fashion T it 44 1 L lowenstein 1 t af ik W 4 4 1 4 30 1 t LEADER OF or LOW PRICE PRICED s 1 4 t 4 4 HALF RATES R Q G W RY forthe for the late state denso crittle convention to b tw held hold at but tit lk city september oth ath and sib alo tl rio grande we wee tern will fh it roan I 1 trip tic at oae one tare for the round trip rickets will be old sold S 5 h to athy 1101 return limit etith for tho republican state tt convention at it provo september aali and ad hill one augle fare for the roudil trip wilt will be fold told 3 september or 8 81 1 jtb band nil jtb final return limit limik september Septem bor Nr fath ENDURED DE AGONIES oaly only a roaring are fire enabled J M of san antonio tex to 11 lie down when attacked from which he be suffered J for yer years it writ his bi marr boerr waa was often so 0 o groat great that it algigi med be he M the agoo doai lico of but dr king w for cou ampt luo wholly caral bin him abr mr ir velon medicine is the only known ory or for asthma ass a veil well a cough and colds aal stal all 11 phrot tt cheet and atine laa troa troad tr oab blot price ac and 1 1 I to u G d trial bottle bottles arots fr at price TraM Ti allais isil co get 0 it r made suit alt for yur your boy IMF 1104 roo mek K a artle 1 from 71 tap up d a at 04 4 HATS 4 you will always buy of us if you buy once 11 S SHOES H 0 S 4 6 no one has better goods to sell than we have 4 4 4 SHIRTS SHIR S 4 4 fancy stripe and working shirts 4 4 4 4 11 PRICE TRADING CO 4 4 4 41 4 4 BIG TENT ICE CREAM CRE all PARLOR SOP PRINKS NUTS AW CA CANDIES open at all hours KILLPACK e 8 STOKE stour F A OLSEN prop UTAH REUBEN G MILLER f wool grower W an aal breeder merino and lincoln CATTLE and horbes HORSES rantsom UTAH F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT LAW CASTLE DALE UTAH di Al Attura tarney ey for the be borentz jn ju diall Piet rt will practice in all 11 II the court courts in 1 ad 1 civil Cau vols minin itri i aston gat on and probate ins iatter int tiers ter div i redl reds attention MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH ua bt ua A Ital rov first class livery in connection OTEL p H D ELLIOTT CLARKE LARKE 1 the table supplied with the best th tho market affords headquarters for commercial men and the general traveling the only up hotel in this part of 1 eastern utah J rates sa per day eau sample rooms in connection 0 me WORTH WORT BARBER SHOP and BATH bathrooms ROOMS next to the postoffice Post office agent for the TROY STEAM LAUNDRY at salt bait lab lake city toilet articles cosmetics shaving g soaps perfumes hand and face f ace creams hair tonics etc kept on hand and for sale ladies ladle shampooing at homes or at atthe the shop razors hond hon d shears ground I 1 the pea green front MINT SALOON J M miia FR proprietor fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars CLUB 14 CO 9 TION alo Alou 00 DIPPI ir late t 11 1 oral ofin sed d st abline COLTON UTAH short order restaurant a nt under new management MRS OLIVE MILLER rhe house has been most thoroughly renovated and new furniture and furnishings put in clean linen courteous attention and everything every eNery thing cooked just as wanted ARMOURS and all the delicacies CieS in their season PRICES reasonable u f C E larsen DEALER IN all kinds of FARM implements agent 1 fi r the utah implement co FOR ell EMERY RRY COUNTY EXTRAS FOR ALL or marx rushford and Mit cUell liell spring ud and farm wagon wagons N E henney and perry garland nUO GIC crown mowers changeable 0 born mower mowers and bilden hird hard woods oils Ti twines irles and iron call and examine good and get prices CASTLE CASTIM DALE UTAH PERRON FERRON SALOON claren h alvn 1 rr pe dealer dealers in WINES LIQUORS SAND AND CIGARS PURE All ALCOHOL conoll A FERRON UTAH R A KIRKER M examines and reports on mines and hydrocarbon hydro carbon bon p I 1 08 10 east at orn em uth land nd western color address PRICE PRIM urao C E PEARSON M D physician and all call calls promptly attended 1 ZALI UTA |