Show or ew we e handle everything that the fanner famer requires se Branch GEORGE A LO LOVE WE J LE LEE initta head juanm for the old reliable WAGON and VEHICLES PEERING DEERING BINDERS MOWERS and HAY RAIM i implements of all kinds our goods are the best the low prices sen them I 1 L u u 9 THE SENATE SALOON 1 JOHM T NIC proprietor FINEST LARGEST AND BEST MST UND OP 4 OLD WHISKIES 1 a ALCOHOL AND CIGARS 2 S rilet ial st altal to the cones and bivol win arada tais 41 Is f make special prices arte oom come IS oab ft got prices ato A S are r d to be t rubt JK a 1193 ms macii M oo ilia it liliu HELPER 12 UTAH fit houey Rooi jey c elnell alf will win bo be flavid th bt IS mv town T to drink aaa 4 0 A rino rine old kentucky Ml whiskies skies 4 1 eastern end and salt lake city beem N bottled goods ta ea drable te to aj CJ me mae 61 limpi IN NOV al 0 gow oft frown 4 4 4 11 44 4 4 4 11 4 1 a 4 4 41 11 1111 ll 11 i 1111 HALL CASTLE BATE GATE UTAH firest line of old W lekies wines and bottled goods thit that money will buy kept in tock stock california wine wines especially for Far family rillY trad watram isa ta tu am ad pool fool abley ubley coal r lavita to aall K 41 4 KH 1 H W ha io I 1 1 11 1111 11 H 1 H 1111 I 1 KH 1 I 1 66 I 1 FITZ CERALO fe co C 3 I 1 mand nd liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol kohol seven senn acar on STONEWALL WHISKEY 95 PER PURE ALCOHOL i tart laoc stock to t select pro u 1 I klc kl C 1 1 biall Atte ette to mail orders 4 4 I 1 THE OASIS SALOON S HERBERT M MILL BUStIll A s A lod whiskies 1 0 a liquors a beer beers it t of figest line of g t g givas w h bustle valley X juff jug and dotti dottl trad trade a specialty pool table tables and all appoint 5 monts of a fint first olac class hour house everybody mad welcome a A 3 1 its 3 30 11 i 11 a 64 1111 a 1111 11 H 11 4 1111 4 11 41 i nn r A TRIPLES oar our caesare car are no betterin thata the era vt 91 I 1 line lines it Is what a that makes theia them more comtoi tabla for instance tb the seats cat in our chair cur can are ar provided with linen head piece ciran clean aad and cool coal our diming ears bara have 1 lcarl I lc trl last and are decorated lah with flower flowers la in every ear car is U a 1 r which the porter consults con anit la in order W t dolop ake ta temperature tempera tur of hia his car ail a nearly uniform as a possible by alam selves these the things are trifles tri fl bat but the th nm suai total tatia of thess the goes a loci loo wj way toward ni alting a trip over the Burli alit a mighty Bif lity enjoyable experience Burll atoa train for omata chicago kansas city cuy aai at ift 1 at t 4 tood 00 p an ind and 10 m j tickets at alt all IL G i W offices through ai alfra daily i ogden aad and salt wt lake city to omaha 4 ticket office S W kempte st suit LH at bagur K L P general 1 argot sax laka lake ohr K 4 ca alid 1404 V i J H aga |