Show current time table SALT 0 LAKE 0 Bir birla lv aday li 13 1900 ron tit K X 1111 NO isla a ant all colotis oy baist 1 IV to atlantic exeme aitto is 1 grana junata n I 1 rarer cover ans nd all U pointe rat fast 4 P in no ho ito 4 rot grana junction denver and dd ail 11 II points tae E alltia ill 11 TT nao tia ral 1 TOO V tia rot r if wo i babst fl r y asdon ad 11 au tsirle I 1 ma to reaville rea cille espro at it no X belt it ako chr city ogden od Us pacific point imeta the a nr I 1 so fr or falt clr oddert and od doe not stop it clr t e its II 11 per toua tir anio no cited I 1 III IANni it 3 colton for nd ad ctet clear cri 1 ne no 34 elv 4 Lv alfr creek crook for foo fee A aki old and nl colton 9 olt ara an 1114 rel no if for and ism uia can no rig 1 to 1 01 p an for information coni rou ral plo iv 1 I tn or tood hd dreu drees D it R mcdonals Mc ak tt ariew bukh fire it W crocket crockett az u aa oj 1 ai absolute aa ry RA C a I 1 pure fure POO no inferior or impure ingredients arc used in royal for the purpose of cheapening its cost only the most highly refined and healthful royal baking powder imparts that pc peculiar culiar sweetness flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake biscuit rolls etc which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent alum Is used in making bal loll 1011 pos ders it IOU ou alapit nt to know the lh deflect of 0 alum r the th 1 ewt r 14 of f the tion soch teeth tooth I 1 ilett piatt tu to r tz t z ye yov TM con bla MK ornit wll with 11 iak taking IC powder but it at hit bat a 1 cot cost to health I 1 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO WILLIAM at T t CW EW WORK VORK I 1 your time I 1 has gome when yon cu CAU c u o ail 11 i avio 1 I 1 ill mallm 1 lin ry at OUR TIME HAS 00 ME when we anet mk intake ro nna 1 I for oar our toik stolk or of fall P 18 ind and ii it become imperatives that wv w kunits a bik belt in lit your favor ia in forlear abat yoo you ury MAY bu be in ducart to bay at once a aid 1 ibus help us n redna oar our stock of hiti and na untrimmed fine line straws and cap amdee all styles WK wit at r to OUT at our LLE AniNO SALE I 1 WE HAVE SOLD HATS and lol I 1 hf but we re still till barr a largo 1 a 11 on hall and it you coine come first yon you call o 0 bloyd fint canic anti nj that omeara A good cloice cli oice mrs do W holdaway Hol toay or anin or 10 I 1 its LC 1111 AS cauder tut belt the filter partner af ibe the of P F J ai do dc air b aln M issiae be of coledo countie ant nl beat a exl A that fira arall will lr tile tb samer OIK ISO H carrh that cas ewt t eu ed d br by the be UPS of alle LL a C cammil lit l sworn to bel to benr 1119 ind and sub cibek in my coce day oft eisber A D IS 13 6 prea latall A WG tAK X conry public pobile kail fail a catarrh 1 cure Is 1 alten kra jr and kcf direct on t e bm an I 1 f tie too irani aad for le elmoni it arre F atom F J cie 0 0 paid sold by 11 II 11 D es guts de 50 hala a 11 I 1 ruu rula aro the tb bl 11 IS ct rante 1 it is a PIt lve cure for 0 04 ci ir ili col ie Is PP 0 lion tiou ot of it 11 1 e I in ini ga g ion n I 1 men a as blud fur four wit 1 ht at emery emri em ri county cum com p 6 ur U ing ra us ex c for j lea ant prompt and ud relict tor for couge ant od 1 I 1 HEADACHE wont I 1 tf richly iari y u it if 11 yiu u noted aoe dr K ig aga ne new lifto li pill fill T of it niter a n sy o ir their or aik an t girtine tty mie par bl wl aviel rl blied ai nit your hath 0 ily sly 25 cae cents at U n back if not cawl 8 id 14 by pact rrb 41 I 1 ine inc T 11 a irl I 1 I 1 4 fil 4 CLEAR 1 I 1 i f V 0 ACROSS TH F STREET SWEET i t 4 C the lines of baty abnot 04 0 vh 4 chica a up 11 10 V 10 lo 10 da of 0 the b rement s of FRI FRED The rf umu M y clearce Clu arce admiration if you 1 4 would be e well dessel and stylishly vt 7 at it the urns sams time kave your X j s A th J 4 W C BROECKER k I ur utah urah ah LOCAL REmseN TATe ri 1 ba joi it TOI I a bbb I aw a empl for byal salts if ait feacy see t ts luuk look at k thaina I 1 it I 1 14 4 I 1 i 4 this is simply an ordinary 8 1 1 EVERYDAY EVERY DAY STORE there is no sham sharn or pretense about this store no frills no fanciful ful attempted city abrat tur no inso extras extravagance adrance in in m motives or methods it is just si simply a rood good solid reliable avery day store I 1 its ts here every day to supply you every day it anti ana do it better as the days go on it grows every day too and we hope to keep it so may be forever and arid a dak day did e c say ordinary ve we hardly meant t that at when all merchants I 1 quit resorting to trickery when all advertisements can be implicitly believed when there theta 6 n t t absolute safety in buying no matter what where or when you buy then this will be an ordinary store but today it isn t under present day methods of 0 selling goods when shams arc are rife rite and trickery rampant it is an extraordinary store one di distinguished astin dished hy by its simple unpretentious tent ious way of doing going business singular because it claims nothing more than can be it proved unusual in its infallibly satisfactory way of orser serving vin you y 0 u it etisa is n singular yet ordinary ordin ary store chaft that a asks s k se and continues to serve you 4 and it does docs so because it serves you best EMERY COUNTY m A mercantile M CO I 1 I 1 alonlo AT PRICK DALK mil llON I 1 A I 1 castle valley store orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH NEW GOODS I 1 NEW WE HAVE LEADERS IN EVERY LINE and our out low prices will command your attention bring your cash and see what dollars will do suits suit from fl V 50 to sa 8 shoes of all kinds and a fit at any price I 1 TUTTLE X MOORE 11 t proprietors I 1 4 1 0 0 J weeter lumber co I 1 I 1 1 4 t i i I 1 I 1 I 1 f I 1 t 1 1 t 4 4 with a full line of ah 84 h dion S 8 reen roen door building paper 44 4 rowl l mua al pin pine finish Dail ders 4 hant ware glaso win wiro cloth iron dofing a nastiest nail aubid wire fice ato also 4 complete vom plate line of harness wagons buggies bug gi Q spring wagons 44 4 4 mulls all eints kin I 1 of 0 fra foltz tats we re prent ut the 4 I 1 co 0 a wag n an I 1 machine C k of salt like if it ia in neel 0 of any 4 0 1 4 V thing in oar line cill c ill stal see us a or sa rrita it will be tu to your luter tute cat reat 4 to todolo do so 44 4 4 J C WEETER LUMBER CO I 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 eibi ei ei dwana afa 1 I 1 I 1 H hotel 0 t e I 1 Anc anderson ierson I 1 14 DALE UTAH 1 rates I ao day central location I 1 SAMPLE I 1 AND SOUTH MRS KATHINKA ANDERSON i t A X proprietress I 1 17 iSH 04 SS 03 I 1 4 4 4 4 RED FRONT restaurant it 4 COLTO COLTON i UTAH utan 0 M AT AD alli aiala MOURS HOURS 0 everything 1 clean and a quare meal lor for overtone ever Tone 4 HRS J 0 JACKSON proprietor 4 price and venial verral stage and express line zit FARR arim 1 rt OCCIl EStt AND IV 14 BOTH directions 4 price to ft Due beene one wr way 83 00 trip atoo 00 price to vernal one way 00 trip oil fare arto to any korer way iha talk no ai nc abe ib line to otan al per W to 1 furty ot of always fron free of 0 natures express Dir ilire rates 3 cents per 11 HATM fid n atoo ito brunds bioc 9 to IS poun diSSe alund pound ahen fojt tur pr arto 00 to FL 1 zed bd a per I 1 LM price pr to dailyda dally a clock elock a to arrive 11 ii at part Mc besne 11 M ft clock arrias ait I 1 6 to ne rt 6 bernal baia tzi arlt arrivas rt Duo obeno besne htwa clock V arrive lT 1 price a 6 00 i so cluck chick p m n I 1 B R mcdonald AGENT price utah 1 8 N MORRIS proprietor IF W D livingston LAWYER manti ma utah water and mining litigation am ivro special attention land tuat matter ool lection all it legal gat baillum given 1 prompt attention practices la in all the coarts HIRK 11 P BRAFFET I 1 ATTORNEY ORNEY PRICE UTAH mass at t pa 14 laj act 0 o T hahl 1 14 HENRY FIACK 1 A 11 I 1 44 contractor VW 01 V 1 3 11 carpenter r 14 it t and builder t at t 4 I 1 GUARANTEE ALL WORK wa 4 shop at old live 4 cue lue ft a til 4 4 jn A PRICE TJ ta X i I 1 f at t 4 t t T I 1 1 i 4 44 1 e p 1 s i CT jk |