Show current time table SALT LAKE ROUTE haftel betry y M 1 67 11 13 1800 1900 ron 4 wo ft 4 for junction 7 hullt anol na all i points roast 1120 itman V M alello Al enlo 2 aar oran 1 junatia Juao Juna llod tIM I 1 liver 4 point root roo t 72 OP 0 mo t roe n amna 1 J junction do D i mtr and all tl pole east 12 ula as the bilz N me lr l r petit telie we n y t ad 4 roe 1 do irato vt espre Ir sto a 0 al 10 3 coir mt itin clr COPY fan dd lad eints U pm as rho I 1 1 no hor arop A H rop or ait fall le jabo ity oden point doc inot stop copat at frow le les vii vit pr 1103 icib im 0 no 33 L VM collate for and clr clear creek 1 japin no a 8 le rnear 1 creek for poo foo acid and nd colton no mso M muna so nd bunts 81 to s ill AS a M no 3 frons sun side 11 to halper all 1 ot p as F fr r info tin III it ir anu nu rei tritt aront connection M rat 0 to o a r nir IV tn ir r NI aid drom U R I cDONALD aw it LO pru utah fire 11 W crockett ROYAL baking powder bowder the strongest purest most efficient and wholesome of 9 agents not lowest in price yet ahr must economical indispensable to all who appreciate the best and most healthful lical food our country is enjoying prosperity almost unsurpassed in ill its history for every c cry one there is money enough to buy that to cat which is pure sound good good wholesome why should we use cheap impure unhealthful articles of food there is no economy economy in them they endanger the health they may capit life there are reported almost daily cases of sickness caused by cating cake puddings or biscuit made with the cheap alum baking powders in all articles for food buy and use only the best the good health of the family is of first consideration alum is used in i t tny ny baking powder powders because it makes them cheap it cots cois co Is les less than two cents a pound alum is ts corrosive poian think of feeding itt to ochil chil drent diren I 1 ct et the manufacturers of well we iknou n aluni alum powders are actually den ing that their goods contain it ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO I 1 IDO WILLIAM ST T NEW YORK your time has gome ali ahn ri yon c A ii I all 11 II ir j ovi 1 4 0 I 1 hill nry n ry ut at D clucks OUR O 0 UR TIME HAS H AS GOME COME wh wb n we mrk rown for our oar toko of faill goo pole is and nd li it bo in 4 tin peral IT that we w iso tit a best beet in monr fit farr r in or irr lier you islay be blodau I 1 t I 1 abny lit toned once an al 1 thus help na n our cut toc blood of 0 11 II vis trim ird led son I 1 untrimmed pose lri tWi in I 1 grit all ayli w I 1 to offer HI t our CLE SALE WE HAVE HAVIE SOLD HATS and nd pol 11 I 1 batee lint wo we till still babp M borg 1 or oo 00 hand on j it t you come first YOU 41 at bove fint first foiw i end and that means a goo choice cli oice mrs dis W holdaway idaway flo STATZ OT fur or ua B I 1 IU U AS abt A makes oath he Is III partner of th as arm of F J cotov a aln w in on able ib uty lity of colod ro county anty an ant I 1 mitat 11 al avd that said 11 rn will POLY the tb tum sum ir if U ah fito U 11 leils our ease OP and deverr eam ea m t that hest tw be eu ou ed 04 by I 1 the be use or of it 11 LL 6 Q 4 lag CMAJ 11 fSr to her me and od subscribed in bvm tal day of ah r A 0 D 1 IS w ofa A or horry jublle hill clr OP cur curl Is jaked lestore andl nd ia C a te to b nod and 90 1 ir r f e gitein dead jend for fr j J 1 a OP to ed 1 0 id 44 by all D aut sl 1 dialls i PULSA w Iio bt is a 11 turo cure lor for boug col cut 11 pe liou tiou of 0 11 a ini too 94 g also ml aco ca a ma bristo for astle 1 I it at emery county min P pnra avd turo cure UM ue U e 1 exi for yle ant t prompt and nd Lvir bought alaj coldi HEADACHE arnit I 1 of quickly 1 tave tv y itt if yua yu noa dr X 4 na w lif lito pill aboa iid r nit nibbler nic bler K all lor aidi 4 ai MY ink pur bima and belld at up boath 01 23 cents 31 dinv inv v 1 not 1 arl 1 log io company F fie FISK M PHYSIC IM N end and no raire omo aft r F torn hrnry try lit to 19 to in tho th o now nou 44 4 A unita par dhori of 6 A this is simply S im pay an ordinary EVERYDAY EVERY DAY STORE there Is no sham or pretense about this store no frills no fanciful filici ful attempted ct chairs airs no extravagance in motives or methods it simply a rood good solid reliable ivery day store it les s here every day to supply you acry day and do it better as the days go on it growa every day too and we wc hope to keep it so may be and a day did we say ordin ordinary ry we hardly meant that when all iner merchants chants quit resorting to trickery when all advertisements can be implicitly believed when there is absolute safety in buying no matter ft bat where or when you buy then this will be an ordinary store but today it under present da day methods ol 01 selling goods when shams arc are riz rife and trickery rampant it is an extraordinary tore one distinguished by its simple timple unpretentious tent ious way of doing business singular I 1 ar because it claims nothing more than can be proved in its infallibly satisfactory way of serving you 9 it is a singular yet ordinary store that asks and continues to serve you and it does so because it serves you best EMERY COUNTY mercantile CO ans AT ct amir ank castle cac tae valley store ORANG orangeville EVILLE UTAH has a full line cf clothing for men and boys that will interest you also the most MOS t complete stock of general merchandise south of price highest prices paid for farm produce a TUTTLE moore proprietors A 4 11 f H i 4 I 1 j J I 1 U I 1 C vt beetel lumler ambor er co C vuth 1 1 4 26 4 4 t 1 44 it LIC AND LUm aa I 1 I 1 ft t i with a fall full line of sub doore doors screen reen doom building paper 4 4 44 Mo alling tug 01 ings 11 blocked keo it and ping pinho Dall Dull Jere dere 4 44 har 01 wire cloth iron boofing nail nails barbed wire 4 combination loaft fence pence AW 1 4 complete lla line ot of 4 harness wagons buggies spring rt c r wagons 4 4 44 4 1 nil 11 flints of we vve the 4 A co cc of op wagn W end machine C ci of silt luke lake II 11 in need ol 01 any 44 thing in out line cull call and geoa IMO as or write it will bo be tu your interest 44 to do so 44 J C WEETER LUMBER CO 44 t 1 4 sta St 2 I 1 hotel anderson CASTLE DALE UTAH rates CIP day cantral Cint ral I location im AND BOOTH MRS KATHINKA ANDERSON 1 4 4 44 4 4 4 t RED E D FRONT restaurant COLTON UTAH mica LAS AT ar ALU atit AT it HOURS 0 everything clean and a square ml lutill for ev tryone everyone ea B JACKSON proprietor P 0 r 4 4 price and vernal stage and express line lim PRIM FT AND 14 price to ft pt Ouch cne one wr war trip IS CO price to one 10 wy a 11 10 1 oot round trip far 1 arto f awne 1 to any ar war way liffon anc the line 13 0 bl lit pr per mile all boea 1 of chirr tr irre fu rates 1 3 below ater er pound it barr a one aone to th I 1 lounda poun li 00 oo a 4 to I 1 a te to 11 13 cimeon as sam n ore IQ pr per pound green rull fruit tuie 1111 ite 10 40 per pound price prim to rt and at avem veri ler daily dal in if leve wn clock a ns arri arrivers at t fort yort ge ll mev aw tw t W as clock p is T B R mcdonald price prices utah 8 N X MORRIS proprietor W do livingston LAWYER manti ma utah LT t ill water and nd litigate given special 11 attention land zand tant collections nil all I 1 lel gitl b im prompt attention Ps rolo alin in nil all thie conn HARK P ATTORNEY AT alv PRICE v mosil at oswe am 1418 sor A 4 4 44 contractors ta v 4 carpenters ar 4 t and arid builders t 4 4 i t ALL 4 at t is r 1 4 shop at 41 adoc tv offie USA as a trial t PRICE U UTAH TAX ki fc 4 4 tt it 40 sace i |