Show W VT IF IV 4 C current time table 0 I 1 SALT ercal ROUTE LAKE t 0 Effe silve MT 13 bitoy iron alix HART ho and sail ill all point points 1120 pul atlantic anllo 31 sprees ho no 1 orel junction deaver a 0 ad d all 1 point kt east IM p ion abe ceata ceuta I 1 limited hulled I 1 KJ 41 4 0 mno 1 unction denver aua 1 all 11 II point kt best a bian aa to me atlantic biyer no ir i 1 r r frait lt take olden a nd oil R zit A 1 point I oz 10 no 3 ft c alle city UK and ud baello olio i iet as 1 point in 1 a A p M the arlia 0 byor xo A to avor t vor o aalt lete labs ity vity borden and emil ado amat point idies lor not stop copt at r I 1 11 r ian I an II 11 Is IW par ai ja it M I 1 ho ito SS ottow 0 colton aton for of and ml clear it alt ree it laap in hn rz IM 34 ladima clear armil for or pw pool fleit abil d cogut lor 1111 cill no all 0 anund and kennyl id it bui a in io ai irro adin to heller sw p in for inform M connections ri ato to inov to or d dree drew B DK it mcdonald agent price uth utah fire insurance R VV crockett wy PW w V kl 1 0 r f roll it I 1 V p A I 1 0 I 1 C V 4 f 1 il va aril 18 AKI NO N cy PO WV Atu polk F it 44 t asselt ILI re X W m makes light lights flak delicious hot rulla tv buu 1111 n AP nl crusts makes hot bread wholesome u ailiese are qualities peculiar to it ia ne I 1 lat lite cloyal miklos k or tal brior tu to nil till ekr L GOR I 1 I 1 fl 1 l L I 1 I 1 Jin onico ico 5 KOYAL ROYAL BAKING toven CO WILLIAM at T naw av varik J 11 knickerbocker expert watch maker and repairer bait balt lake city all work guaranteed or money refunded 0 M worth price agent leave your and jewelry tor for repair at worth a barber bop shop I 1 the annual anna eisteddfod will tie be be d at spanish furk this ear on august ibia win end and for this occasion bocc ision round trip lucket will b ba sold by the rio 0 ran Is western railway to spanish fork and mum one o 0 single lure lare for or the round trip rickets on a ie to angust I 1 ith and 10 16 ti final return limit augait august D it R mcdonald agent nire drone 14 booted booked for provo aug aalst aast at 14 on bonx w wk k froia frota n at tui tu I 1 at th 9 ri i orande Vs torn forth 9 ranni arii tri boiu price VS from bell r SI 1 l 7 73 from castle git 1 1 21 from zolton colton and it 1 trim tucker yo your UL 1 r time has gome when yon cn can pu parcia parc acha ba all talf nion of mi I 1 lin ry at i lb OUR TIME I 1 HAS when we 11 dunst list ante roam for our sock of fall ai nd it becomes imperative ill abit at we wake a bin bile in your favor ivor in or lr ler that yoo YOU in baay lay be indico Indu cirl 1 tj to bu boy ly at once and anti than thus he bep 3 re feln tinco ln our stock k of if irtys ineil 1 I 1 rimmed fane faie straws ant nl rho cheap mp R ibe all tyli estyl a roiner 1 tn in offer at our LE raj WE KAVE HE SOLD HATS and sot 11 I 1 b bate ato but lint we mill bt bavo and nd b lri primul on or baud I 1 f ly O 0 carl a qi et at chaim and that rests owl choich mrs D W holdaway Hold avay r 0 I 1 it VI CITY of to abo i I 1 i AS I 1 I 1 I 1 an collity be 1 jtb as tbt aki es F 6 firm M of IF J of ibe the nar bartner in the be city ot of toled 4 41 it n nit diwine aforesaid end nd it lit at old I 1 ant nt flu OIL fm will the durni um or 1 of berr ca hat dillant Dill ml LAHS Alt J c orro ue um 0 f if 1111 t ablo bat cog IM cul br by klikno Cl IKNo C in mr b r re 1 me so aw nil sub ml 8 Brom tober IS 19 5 D tta olat A ace h d ay ol 01 r q pr W A W r A OW 9 J alpi 1 u ab 3 I 1 ac 0 atrit cure ll 11 rr alawan aa c 4 jail it war air alis 0 tw blind d llna 01 ol directly on ne for te tl f ett tn t alib n q tit it rpm a r tri 4 by vy it X f r 3 J jve ato 1919 TICo oo TITI koledi dine jjr ahe A w abe best 4 rip corint po rint mena 1 Is R earis for c col cohe Is jnue 0 o lion of IS e inny ni linn cpr toss 11 1 a 1 connly I 1 luntoo i ir 11 cog corn it are re p err rit for alpa ylpa ylia aej nl prompt ana 4 tAlt ebeor eI eor coughs bi cold I 1 17 Is r II 11 ie is a says prof houton thai that in my tuy la in all paints 0 of the wort 1 I tor for the laet last ten years I 1 bava biset more pimple people hating having aed urcin d Ani auant just flower than auy any r ty 1 lor tot lerat gud god 0 in o I 1 8 9 uin fintch an I 1 for or wo I 1 I 1 bail dad tor for susn or lor for filling office p nere es an I 1 it eueral b id feelings from irregular habit habits tint 1 t that oren orno ore n angast flow r ie to a grand it due nut itil in j iro ir the A by frequent ue use and Is 14 tor for sour hs and in lix estloa clapso ti ottlee arr fire pit t price grating ft go sold by dealers a all civilla civil ld isid 1 lia line ii le atner t wai was in castle gate three days I 1 aliat liat tat leei wee where ha he cun oun laded an extin illation of men who word aspi ing to bo be mi tal to foremen billere were nino nine applicants who were nut vat through the teet test two axt eifel cindi belok being jaouni botn 49 0 B 11 and john War carlell lell both brith ol 01 castle G otte ire rho 1 11 mid said air 1 i was a little sever e it la ia true m but he tided added we had to make it for or the time bae has come COMO when we must have a goot men for fore tun in the min miti a 9 in utah A all I 1 th rene ren e in car CV o 0 cani yare nil pie at tl ti and not mono n ram it i im dari during noi tl if umi frnnk frank martz wilo wai was convict 4 of wa ch acks at bod S kofl ll abr in nth tha ao azo an I 1 buo was ft il i l 1 rm tin nat HK ing with coain ts mud all to iline ritha that cash wai was r leaa 11 l cn cata italy monday 14 11 stoutly nil it that ba Is innocent ant an 1 that lb it w 6 a 0 a ti u piracy on the par part of hii hi prose nor to gt art t bim hint oat cat of the mine at th axi daime be he oun grato lutan ha lit dren instAnces alaci 11 him abr be w wie wa a a ho he wit was wor kinic in uin line no 4 and wont I 1 wove ul t via rate of nil ht hn fortner ha hl I 1 tie rin rani r in bere there of L to bob b b on tin I 1 hin h in I 1 nail and foot toot for years by lb hr 4 of ih eti A 4 the w aci aral form I 1 I 1 A 1 very 0 morg 9 D willlia oil manch elfr ster mi ila h t mv my wile hm ha I 1 ben tien b en oo 00 0 o hapl ii for fisa phe he cull c uld n u 1 tarn turn over in n bl bd b d mon after naia two t attl of dit bit fm tet lie WO lio 1 aal I 1 abl t exio i do br bor b r ow cwi I 1 vy rk irk this oil ap av hii reta ly dy for leounce lienne in qa ck ek ly IF carm leolen wi 1118 hav 1 ti holcli buckich buc kuch aul birgy ier ap pp rn ii 11 it i a 11 seni to ear alky 1 l ky ann lown p ople can care autra teal only we by price company th C fr ofa rom amill the G rinsa kill nice I 1 u ance of new now york nt fire are la in the th united state ir mr 4 represent ol in ariu priort by ak W V crockett loe loft lo ft e quit equitably ably a jated all poll c clee lest written had and deliver A it at price no sead lending inot way away fro hin hom for or your p lide rita na H low as any coin py 1 ing I 1 ask M in atall special law low rates on dw sling hurch and c I 1 ball bull tin g borally so arlo I 1 tann 1 tt nn arro migio magic pi lotion a core enre for p pilm I 1 eo fi tine bann burn aido pd ddll ll roll well ing la pot aa I 1 at 1 l emery cosatt conot vol emr ys 0 boree or rj figac hie tle Toot lotion lan cares mr lee or luter ot sid la in from 4 to b 5 day days 7 if I 1 F F FISK M des D aptly PHYSICIAN GA M SURGEON CHICK after t laca in the tho now 1 as boots a united at U te eirmal bi mil four aloon w weal of Noo M 0 tw A A W i V i rills this I 1 is simply an ordinary I 1 ar 1 I i EVERYDAY EVERY DAY STORE t V there is no sham or pretense about this store I 1 no frills no fanciful attempted d city airs no rl extravagance in ili motives or methods it is just simply a rood good solid reliable c cr day store it I 1 its es here c cery cry diy daiy to supply you every day I 1 and do it better as 1 I s the days go on I 1 it t gro grows s 1 ever every day too and ue c hope to keep it so may M be bom forever cr and a dail da did e c say ordinary 1 we hardly meant t that at when all merchants 4 quit resorting to tri trickery clery when all advertisements n can be implicitly belie cd when there is I 1 absolute safely safety in buying no matter matt aliat liat where liere or when you oil buy dicia this will be bean an ordinary 1 store but today it isbit under present day fl I 1 methods of selling goods when wian shams arc are rife and trickery rampant it is an extraordinary store one distinguished by its 4 kniple mp lc unpretentious rei tent ious vay ay of doing business singular because i it claims nothing more thin cnn ann be I 1 proved unusual in its infallibly satisfactory way A of serving ilig you it iia is a singular yet ordinary store t that hat asks and continues to ser serve c ou and it doe so because it serves es you best I 1 EMERY COUNTY mercantile CO 00 STORKS IT T I 1 itier 1 HALE i 1 cas castle ale valley store stor e 4 1 ORANG orangeville EVILLE UTAH 4 I 1 i has a full line of Clot clothing liing fo for C M men e i z i k 1 and boys that will interest you also the MOS most t complete stock of general Mer merchandise chandis e ai 4 south of price highest prices paid for farm produce 1 0 TUTTLE MOORE i proprietors VIA lie 0 0 J cis WEETER LUMBER CO lt 41 L wholesale sale siale and retail lumber yard A 11 11 ai with a full line of sash doos dool s screen doors building kapci i Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine finish builders I 1 hardware glassware Glas sWire cloth iron roofing nails barbed J wire Comb combination nation lath fence tc also a complete line of buggies spring dagons k 4 and will handle all kinds of farm implements 1 1 C q w we e represent the coop co op wagon and machine co of salt lake e if it la in ami of an tiling thing in our line call and ico see us or borri it trill will be to jour your interest te to do 60 I 1 J C WEETER LUMBER CO 4 li J f ac 0 0 0 OD 04 1 1 I 1 H hotel t et at andersen a c feirson I 1 1 1 t I 1 j CASTLE DALE UTAH rates I ao day central location I 1 11 6 aan lr IN anaam I 1 AM AD SOUTH I 1 MRS KATHINKA ANDERSON I 1 proprietress A 3 I 1 44 t restaurant T t COLTON UTAH IT A i e 0 mica lis AT ar ALL ALJ E HOURS a I 1 everything cea cean oa 01 a fillare nie meal tor for tryone vr yone MRS al B proprietor A 4 4 4 4 4 11 price and vernal stage stade ia and express ex P ess line rASS KNOEll 1 ji AND I 1 IS BOTH to I 1 4 ona war 14 oo 00 botn i Is 00 ace to vernal on war 10 00 10 11 I 1 round trip lif loti ouk fair aaeng ibe the line 10 u ail rr mile forty I 1 of always free of charlis kipry bag ao daire rat 3 cont cents pr per p r boia L italie ane to a boup pouolo it za 0 4 too lo 10 I 1 iun t 6 t f aks 11 ands ad over cje per fouad 0 green reen fruit kt rate pr price to k L no ad and vernal super pound leaves price daily SW a clock elock a ni ru arrives at fo for ri il ott 0 clock a to 01 arrive at fernl ter ernal nl a to Lear laveo ernal ornal aau MR a ut ardres rt ft basua 11 12 10 0 clock X arrive price 6 11 00 clock k p in B R 14 mcdonald cDONALD AGENT price utah b N MORRIS 43 proprietor I 1 1 W D livingston LAWYER mariti ma maci utah A water and minlah riven given pal ati tt niton rillon L lao a at I 1 futtere mut tere cal anre tc linns re all 1 11 gal byl lufe viva own prompt attention practices la in nil all the cour court MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY PRICE UTAH I 1 0 at t oj har t ill 77 I 1 MM I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 FIAC K 4 i contractors T carpenters and builders ra 4 4 WE GUARAN rm T i ifa 1 S shop at old adaoo le or us watal wa atrial trl w ali aprice tP PRICE RICE t A t 4 41 az t 1 t r 1 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 r I 1 I 1 I 1 4 I 1 1 |