Show aki he C I 1 I 1 C 10 U S from a hot royal baking powder biscuit whets the appe ilic tiie the taste of such a biscuit sweet creamy delicate caie and crispy As is a joy to the most fastidious ROYAL ila baking it ing powder der iiii improves proves the flavor and adds to the healthful nes of ill all risen flour foods it renders the biscuit bic uit bread and anti cake more digestible and nutrition RO ito jl al baking powder nukes hot breads food raid A uth ith royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion though eaten warm varni and fresh imitation tiers abilo 1 contain aluin aluni alum makes alie food unwholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 00 WILLIAM at T NEW YORK fire il 19 U crockett AUGUST FLOWER I 1 it is a surprising fact says prof houton I 1 that in my iny in all pars parts of the world for the last tea ten year years I 1 have lufft more people having ned G brwn august o 0 I 1 lower than any remedy for desla le ie raged liver and stomach and for constipation I 1 find tor for tour lits and sales tripti or for persons filling office ariere headaches and 1 general W I 1 ft elings fron from irregular habile habits exist that green greens flower ie is a grand fremed it doea does not injure the system by ue use and Is excellent for sour etoi sto nathi mathe and indict apiou sample bottle bottles free at price trading co bold sold by dealers in nil all civil izol coa con tries the rio grande HOTEL and LUNCH ERS G 0 dubbell RUb bELL bELI proprietor 0 G R E AT SALT LA KE ROUTE helper 1 nj d thistle posen geris taking 1111 train no 0 o 3 at ott price havo have twenty minutes for meala in abe dining room et at felir ten minu for lunch at thistle all ther trains stop ten i en minutes for lunch at helper and oj thistle Thie tle rates boo 2 oo 00 per day supplied with of every thine to 1 ellal 1 market ali atric L gats rh steam heat stair dicu sue i expectorant ia L a pJ positive tIve depre for confine coughs cold la Is krippe grippe conj rost 32 ot of the tho and acute asthma for sa aie le at it emery county merca mercantile utilio cc mray toree stores plezant f uee use magnea eap exp expectorant tora mtnor for crampt colds an I 1 certain relief pr f r r f THAT THROBBING would quickly leave 1 yon yen it you ud dr gioie new life rill pills 1 of sufferers uffer cre bave have proved their matchler match lee merit fur rot eick sick and nervous headache headaches they make pure blood and build up your balta only ac money bark if not cared cured at price trading I 1 he be advocate Adro cate carries a fall full line ol 01 legal blank 13 po writer paper papers carb carl is sheets typewriter ftc etc mail orders receive careful and 1 at it a llor ma alt it rr duboy front arkun I 1 irown r from up nil d a tit 69 acme cholera syrup is the safest and surest in the world for alviera u Infant turn nm cholera lilion col c and all troubles tron blee of the lowell for eale sale at st emery CA couly it ty mercantile company a storm torp V t i ahai 11 cures colic acene A cine cholera syrup cum short order restaurant ramt under new management MRS OLIVE MILLER proprietress rhe house has been most thoroughly renovated and new furniture and furnishings put in clean linen courteous attention and everything cooked just as wanted ARMOURS BEEP and all the delicacies Delica etes in their season PRICES reasonable rjae CAMPAIGN IS ON the presidential campa lira which clos with next camm 6 e alfa 10 2 4 1 usa the tm mot 00 t I Impo rUnt la in the battor of ot abe Vou try till tim ROCKY mor NKA a As to ill lea tb abt abt for principle in the west tb s kw Is I 1 the th and nj cheapest kind f 11 P j to end ld kait ihley id bundt one month IS three finont I 1 one year eek il one rear a THE ROCKY ROM NSW deaver cola colo 0 M mafle gle pit I 1 lotion ti car maglo pile lotion a positive care for piles tinge stings barne burns coaids painful well swell ingo invaluable tn in dip therie for ale do at emery county mercantile compary g toree stores magic MARIO pile lotion arres piles of either ther external or internal int raal in from 4 to 5 day days SOMETHING NEW dry ground paints are just the thing to freshen eslien fr up tip your dwellen dwellings 9 s with both for fo r in in and outside work we have thein in all colors co lors come and see them when you 4 see them you will buy them when you use them they will make your old houses houses look new and the new ones look 44 1 1 beatter bett ter emery mercantile oo 00 stores at PRICE CASTLE DALE DAIE FERRON 4 4 mt da malau HAI alx CASTLE GATE UTAH 4 finest stock of old whiskies s wines and bottled goods tbt money will buy kei tin ock california WINES I specially LaPE CULLY FAMILY tit 4 AM anti pool tables strangers mid und lai lil tora tors to the grent co coal camp united to call 4 4 4 t FRANK P HADLOCK t general blacksmith and horse shoeing t anderaon ANDERSON UROS BROS OLD billop every pin piece of work turned out la Is fully guaranteed bebop north and famon fast of abe b railroad R Vare are bouee bouses fronest work priam reasonable say ay I 1 mune ba h jost ald a obby ila 1 for boys emits alt na d frey its tama at t I 1 ahn C M WORTH BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS next to be posh alice agent for alo TROY STEAM LAUNDRY at suit salt lake city toilet articles cosmetics shaving soaps perfumes hand and face creams cream shair hair tonics etc kept on hand and for sale ladies ladie shampooing at homes or at the shop razors honed shears ground REUBEN G MILLER cpr wool grower jap y and breeder merino and lincoln hillea CATTLE end and HORSES 4 colnar COV COLN att Tr votaw the pea green front MINT 11 4 SALOON 14 J ni fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars ciui noona is 14 TION AI Alu wr moping tat hr nor grain anil COLTON UTAH MISSOURI PACIFIC A RAILWAY TO KANSAS cast CITI ST LOUIS add all point points east and sob so b FREE chair can cam to holder holders 0 of r regular 1 bickom I 1 I 1 for maps folder folders ind information regarding regard lox tic tickets ketA bertha etc to call oil ot write 11 II 0 Tow cp 0 P r A st louie louis mo 0 a 1 E J P A I 1 I 1 U B HOOSER salt law 0 esob aa 84 lake jtb S 41 A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK I 1 of large 1 my little daughters head developed dev loped into a care caste of scald bead head U 1 isbill tenn but Unc litick kline lins amica salve completely cured ber her ite its a cure care tor for eczema tetter salt rheum Pim pimples plea soree ulcers and piles only at price trading trad in co |