Show going coing swiftly those new goods we ve been directing your attention to now for a couple of weeks but we wc have more coming in fact there is hardly a day passes s that we do not receive a new consignment the thc people have long sine learned that we wc carry nothing but the be bec r 0 o goods the proper grades and that vc are satisfied with modest profits hence our continually increasing business in shoes for men women and misses and new spring dress goods we re now offering some most splendid values they must be seen and examined to be thoroughly appreciated lis lowenstein the leader of low prices atas H OTEL rates 1 and d boo moo C LARKE PER 11 DAY MRS R M table supplied with the very best j i the market affords the house thor J hughly renovated ret refurnished u and re arranged the flie best in eastern st r n utah t 21 4 we handle everything Ever thing that the farmer requires 1 I 1 ARTHUR J LEE manager or branch house george georae an A lowe I 1 headquarters for t the old reliable 4 wagon and vehicles t deering binders t mowers and 4 4 hay rako 4 t agricultural implements OF ALL KINDS 4 our goods are the bast the low prices sell them 4 4 4 4 ANDERSON BROS 4 general blacksmiths horse 4 0 and wheelwrights Wheel wrights every piece of wo work rk turned ou out t of our shop is fully 4 4 4 guaranteed shop north and east cast of the railroad warehouses prices consistent with honest work 4 4 fr H M 1 SEN arm ALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST larget T AND best LINE OF old whiskies brandies i A alcohol and cigars all special attention given to anil and fly gallon ilon trade on which we wall leonal prices couer iu au an I 1 iet ariew which ite lu to be right ig g at rooneys place f H HELPER UTAH will be found the best in town to drink and smoke fine old kentucky whiskies eastern and salt lake city beers bottled good goods in lit fact berthin eer eler thing thin desirable in the refreshment line LU 25 rient of I 1 lim ime ehile 11 hile the amin stops I 1 get a good bottle for your trip ILLIONS GIVEN AWAY AAY it Is a certainly grut lying to the pub lie to know of 0 one cone conco in ie Is oot dot afraid 11 to be generous ge nerone the proprietors ot of dr new discovery dam overy fur cou coughs and colds barn bar gly e en n away over teu ten ru million illion trial bottles au and d have the of knowing it bas t ura thousands of hipe leee cases Ast buia bronchitis lt le grippe and all throat chest and ling lung oll 11 eases are eur barcly ely cumi cured by it call on bilco trad ng co and get a tm free trial bottle rego ar viz S 5 te ic and tl 11 every bottle gu guaranteed granteed aran teed AUGUST FLOWER it ie is a surprising tact fact prof houton II onton that in my ilay travel flin in all parta parts of the world for the ladt last ten years I 1 haya have net 11 et more ile ie haying having u m ed burrene august flower than any remedy for deranged liver and stomach eto mach and tor for constipation I 1 find tor for tourists and salesmen leemen ea or for persons a filling office positions baere wn era headache headaches and general o 0 la ba I 1 feelings fee linge f frodi roi irregular habits diet that green greens august flower ie is a grand remedy it does not loj ire the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomach and indigestion sample bottles free at lit price trading co sold by dealers la in all civilized civili zM cout tries DO YOU WANT A CALENDAR the biggest tu I 1 lost b cal adar ever I 1 ined sued bv by any american Ame I 1 Is now being distributed t by b the tb Bari Ba rhuston lugton route monte it boos twelve r beets une for each luon thio Ibe year oa on each sheet fan 1 il of some feature of abe elvce or of the territory reached by its linen lined the govern baet running at full ped a tourist car un it ito way to california 1191 91 tho largest pa seng r en in the curmi i arary cr a coin win leelier le fir eloer tha tho burlington titi ct oanh h 1 a alining or car a nio f rt imbt traia et E t culo colo tb p nuge bitti both nt sit hot Sp riPs b D rafall fall etc the avi dowin inc from rom which the pl pie stir lui tuk ie its or by L inn outs arn hoi hot 1 laif lot cb vh 0 oo 00 I 1 A 1 bun ann ard hila lh I 1 he size ot of the odena at I 1 it tia 12 1 18 the artin a I 1 ig which coon tie IV reail read at dishnow dist now r airty tet leer F businga i efflo th burlington calendar is 1 1 d 1 in 1419 th eat c it ar cot co t it tin rout 47 c nta nt 1 wilh with ahk packing Dr tc thy th y ant all n dinv inv taint ot oi about 35 ifil our 1 ric rica Ls 1 4 centa cents it cenia ceis 1 lom lo m than oot V rile rit 0 fi for r one on P itan awill will 10 lo 10 if 1 it ie Is not riot sata ical en I 1 it I 1 a tc and your oar tu money tuney ney will br b pi I 1 r leftin led J jeneral If PA aa ana r AR at jimh nb ab 1 I I 1 he culton H is salt luke lake s best medium priced hotel try it the next time you go 90 up S C EWING proprietor 3 AT ES TWO do DOLLARS L 1411 9 A DAY AND UP tip allx 4 tt tatt naum tt t 1 I 4 Y n 4 Q 4 SPEAKING OF SEEDS the time of year is very near when be wanting seed that you may sow and grow aj the products you will need when youra in need of any seed may choose to sow then bear in mind we have the kind that when e sown grow 4 w 4 4 price trading 4 4 company compan YX at 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 WHEN AT SUN S U N N Y S I 1 DE D E ill SURE AND ILL 11 ll AT jack gena gentrys T s saloon elegant ant stock of or fine old whisky salt lake city and eastern beers cigars cigarettes etc bes best goods and courteous treatment R A KIRKER M E examines examines and reports on mines and ml barb carlan properties in east emt ro utah aind nil watern colar Col nr P addred arall MARK HARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY PRICE UTAH anc or ON MAIN S F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE UTAH di attorney v f r th tb jn jo n il I dorler Dit rrt will practice in all the th an orts IT in inot I 1 civil copat cx clinin irrl f aution tion tool ani pr pro lutte bate ditieri mi ina gl gi ecial mention save your teeth COW DR t MED JE D HEWETT EXPERT DENTIST qa A dobir DW lr SALT LAKE cm CITY J W WARF attora attorn and counsel Co mellor lor at law collection A SPECIAL I 1 Y nurry PUBLIC in all the be V urt boffl tt t of Is hotel falci UTAH F F FISK M D end and altick Il tICK Cr utta ottice office afar let lot agoo in n th oil lenir mow occupied oc capie w at a untied united anul foor loon wert of t po lw acci cho brij ru sva up is tho abeel and arest r 11 17 in to world for cholera i banium fani um cholera hol erd morl nn us biljouw col lot C nd oil all s rt r t the bowel for sale al at t emery too luu y mercantile company a at r acuff bolf ra syrna cures colic acme acine Lh cholera olera syrup cures diar 4 cloute THE MEALS ARE ak t ALWAYS GOOD 4 the train ie is crowded with agreeable surprises bat but it ie Is in be the dining car thai that one Is most impressed with the 4 4 darlington burlington a e superiority now without being too utterly 4 di dainty tintY I 1 am wn exceedingly particular about my meal tad and 4 about the way they are seved ne se ved for breakfast all I 1 want 4 ie is egr eggs rolla rolls and coffee in 4 a darlington burlington dining car I 1 am able to get joet just what I 1 want just what I 1 would have at 4 4 my own table and for the email small sum of fifty cent cents the ilia 4 exquisite neatness of the napery makes a good meal most hate tuto 4 4 all the better 4 interview with st denver nit 4 4 two traits a day from denver to the east the chicago 4 at ut 9 it to the 4 4 fayer at 10 p in 4 omaha kansas city bt lonia through bipere ife per daily ogden to chicago via denver and the burlington route I 1 tickets at offices of connecting lines t ticket office S W st temple salt lake city t 4 IS U R WATSON general agent 4 R F travle and freight agent 4 ta J 0 WEETER LUMBER CO wholesale sate sale and retail tail lumbe yard with a full line of sash doors screen doors Moul dings casings blocks redwood rf adwood and pine building finish Fini sli build papel ers hardware glass wire cloth iron roofing nails barl bart ware combination lath fence also a complete line of bugies Hu gies spring wagon and will handle all kinds of farm implements we represent the coop wagon and machine co of salt lake if it in need of anything an thing in our line call and ioto ta us or b to our interest te to do clo so write it will be J C WEETER LUMBER CO THE T H Es OASIS SALOON i HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor habl LINE OF good whiskies liquors beers and cigars 0 in irl castle valley 1 JUG AND ai D ea BOTTLE 0 LE TRADE A SPECIALTY everybody pool tables made welcome and all appointments of a first class house ERAA r ID 00 WHOLESALE AND TtE TAIL liquors wines beer cigars and Alco alcohol liol seen seven cearold STONEWALL WHISKEY 95 PURE ALCOHOL large stock to select from special sp c a atten attention to masi mail orders UTAH |