Show 4 we handle everything that the farmer requires Re t ARTHUR J LEE 1 4 Ma masanor Man anor 4 4 t branch house george A lowe I 1 4 I 1 or 4 the old reliable 4 wagon and vehicles t dickering DI cering binders t t mowers I 1 and t hay rakes 4 4 t agricultural IMPLEMENT OF ALLKINS ALL KINS our goods are the best the low prices sell them tl 1 1 1 1 A A A t 44 1 1 1 t I 1 t H OTEL new under n manage b LARKE ment I 1 C W SPALDING proprietor the best in eastern utah sample bloom for commercial travelers lers uses filtered Filter cil water mitt in connection hand to depot depoti stags north anil and south liberal kaipe to partite an ani I 1 regular boarders nino out of ten L 1 raveling salesmen leemen Sa visiting price stop at hotel clarice clarke 41 agg 53 J C WEETER LUMBER COs CO s whole sale and cretai lumber yard with a full line of sash doors screen doors building Moul dings casin casings 9 s blocks red redwood and pine finish build ers hardware glass wire cloth iro i roofing nails bar ware combination lath fence also a complete line of Harness Wagons buggies spring wagon and will handle all kinds of farm implements we represent the coop wagon and machine co of salt lake it if in need of nna anything thing in our line call and see us or write it will be to your interest te to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO fitzgarald 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol seven so en year old STONEWALL WHISKEY KEY 0 93 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL lar large stock ta to select from special attention to mail orders kl t urah U 1 AM THE tr OASIS SALOON HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor FINEST LINE OF good Whis whiskies kics liquors beers and cigars in in castle valley JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A specially SPECIAL 1 Y pool tables and all appointments of a first class house everybody made welcome t ANDI ANDERSON FERSON BROS general blacksmiths horse t and wheelwrights Wheel wrights 4 bevery every piece of work turned out of our shop is fully guaranteed shop north and east cast of the railroad warehouses prices consistent with honest work 44 4 4 elam N APEL ar ei SALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST LARGEST AND bear LINE OF old whiskies ard brandies adies alcohol and cigars special attention riven given to the gallon and fire gallon allon trade on which we matt pedal prices come in and ret get prices which are guaranteed to be right V I 1 our best friends catalogue rr ask for it 4 4 alk A I 1 art me be the longi long wen ot of anuth th it cu more hard work turned out the more apparent app areat ir b h smith premier dwa biLty repair badh re rt 4 diced to UK the mini minimum smith premier capacity capi city fot for work all an the time it is LU o 0 0 ambar tM 6 1 Bar 6 W abt prowler co I 1 IS 13 and 19 commercial camri erceal block salt lake city utah for the attractions at the salt palace a rate of 0 one fare for the round trip is an thor izee to salt lake city and return tickets will be cold sold at all point points east of thistle to cisco inclusive on beetem ber bar 7 limited to september 11 and gain again on september to bep september ua 1 D B R mcdonal 1 I agent R 0 IV mt IK ATIf only a courina fire are enabled J it 1 Clarrett oon of 0 san antonio tex to lie ile down when attacked by attama which be he buffered suffered for year years ile ie write writes hta wa often so gr 11 t bat that it that he endured the alouies of pf but ur dr kings new discovery Dia covery for consumption wholly cared him this marvelous marve loaa medicine ie to the only y known care cure for asthma as a well ae as con 0 and colde cold and all throat chet chest and long lung troubles tron blee price 3 ato to ind and it 0 guaranteed trial bottles fr tree at pike trading company for the state fair october rd ird to jtb for the semi annual conference latter day bainte at salt lake city glober ath to till tb inclusive the salt enuce and anil the berse rare rave meeting october urd rd to jtb the following raea rales are authorized to salt lake city and ret retura scofield castle late ta 00 helix helper r OJ Sl 17 TIU mi woodside 8 00 green river 9 SO ticket v bo lold sold at above point points O abber god to eth in ini lasiTe tickets limited to october D B R me donald agent R 0 W trice T ading abing company have 1 the plan plans iu in live print of 0 the thirty room betel hotel drawsby drawn by architect ulmer of salt lake city which it la Is proposed to erect on the lot just across the ettelt and east of the stor 0 oil W gluch T h m our to you groat for your C at our cash eracle store for ca C a S h C them worlo of art from omir own photograph photographs do not cost cot 3 tit on a CLI cent pl I 1 L caeli with every lian 31 on oil lin c rz 00 iti ill III wing its any ohof botn frach undre we will fatal furn lyli 1 3 ott oi I 1 IILO n life also size DEM ro R pos fi if ly tho the most up tip to lae date portrait on oil the market alicy uro arc tunde fir tin oud and guaranteed by the american cop ir ingco cc which la Is a dent cleat assurance of their nud nod artistic worth K bour call nt at our detoro nud and ninino cx inc our samples arocan wo can convince on ou alint it la Is the greatest I ever made do not fall to ask for our motto Notto bergei Ili cuse gi h 0 our to our otar cuu asset 00 cintli mercantile oo 00 J W NIXON Ite presentIng the western loan and savings b co and the be ri firemans remans fund insurance co macrea to call ln n to the fuel fact that the AP amitton IS i li for imer member at lu 10 per cell advance ad alnee mill NV ill violl violt 11 ill II former sh ex plain privileges leres of nil I 1 drol to take anew sub 1 fript and ex I 1 islin the lorin tenne or of ol 01 tainia jm I 1 aa lakeit a of farm property and ad ubbo t irs current time table GREAT SALT LAV ROUT in eale t june 1 1899 FOB for PRICK UTAH NO WEST no I 1 rautio mall mail lr 4 44 a m for prave fait salt icke ogden in an I 1 the coast no 31 3 1 01 lr 4 orp m for provo halt SAIMA kIr or ow len and the coast GOING G ING EAST no S 2 limited tt IT denvor and east no 0 4 atlantic antio express IT 12 1 W V 4 m W tor for grand grami 1 un unction c tl on 1 and an the rait east SAN P AND N N mo o leave leav thistle junction dally daily at a m dd la in essm and d benei bowler D 4 general banarer S 1 II 11 1 HAH oh hanaver G F 0 N M H r IT acting G I 1 AT A E W attorney A t t 0 r n e y at law la w MAN 1111 ANIT I 1 UTAH mining irrigation and bankruptcy ban litigation a specialty save your teeth cov conant 14 U LT DR NED HEWETT J EXPERT DENTIST mis jt DOOLY BLOCK SALT LARK CITY UTAH urmi DRUG STORE S 1 ORI le tha placito pur eliase ao our DRUGS ja MEDICINES Y TOILET ARTICLES W MAGAZINES periodicals ETC cigars and soda sada water la Is a specialty with us and none inoue utter better can 1 I 1 found anywhere MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED the ibe place 0 29 bouth MAIN salt late jake city MARK P BRAFFET BRAFFE ta ATTORNEY AT LIAW PRICE UTAH ornez ox MAIN c 0 VITALITY i LOST FM V I 1 G O 0 3 MANHOOD ANO A N A N H O 0 C FD cures impotence I 1 IN ight emissions emi and wasting d seabee all effects ol 01 self or excess and indie india 4 bloma builder brines the pink plow glow to pale checks and restores rp the fre pre of youth boxes for 9 with a tw t w ritten givihan tec to cure or refund tho na n nonea a MEDICAL CO cinton jackson ats CHICAGO ILL rr fv ir mcclur fIr Clure ugh |