Show Is I 1 central general manager underwood derwood ca the baltimore a and n ol 01 ohio railroad las a plan 1 7 to unify unity ana ur the etue ot of ot of fl clala several of the officers bays detles to perform which are swe not above by their designation and on july lit 11 the tb following follow inc changes will be bad maile harvey middleton BOW now fenera eral superintendent ot of motive power will be mechanical superintendent I 1 la I 1 it charge ot of all shops nd the construe uon wn ot of and rep repair alre to locomotive locomotives and can cars david lee engineer malate nance vane of at way liner wet west ot of ohio river will be superintendent of way trans ahto division and D A war WI Wll llama ame will be superintendent ot of I 1 L the woman who will fall fail on a man a neck bury her face in his hi and alir hr br h b r Lun ckles into his hi bick back when she he seel aej a june juno bust will iro go rray crazy at hi ills familiarity if be he bigott hand hands la in the wrong way rin at I 1 Ant re y to buy py rin I 1 take tk 1 ff I in ell ebion arta to alu alts caw idi t koala aue so ua I 1 behave often wondered that la in the I 1 craze for reform and the crate fur it baw ban oever never be 14 a dot I 1 ie I 1 to cut ot a thief a hand hands to cure him of teall iii 1 tour castern mall to t BOW now carried ctrl led on the I 1 limited of the volon union pacific beca unal I 1 uncle sam know that the I 1 old Ket lable I 1 gires 1 th but service and makes the quickest time line la in he me went ticket attic A 6 old stand main trea A woman ten crelly keepe keeps h hi r money in ibe me twine sowing machine drawer a adv 7 I 1 11 I 1 Z 6 1 i u r r W IP 5 k aa 6 1 I sick headache food ge westwell appetite poor bow bowl bowis is con sti conf uc coated ita its your ayera yer a pill pills are liver pilla pills aisy and life safe they cure dys p fit biliousness all druga fe ats wass 11 1 I A kra 14 ft prow 1 ar riah A I 1 ek 9 th then 1 DYE tiam ti tm 1 0 t a 1 tl I at mie for nervousness scientists claim that music hi has power to soothe the nerve nerves nut but the quickest way to cure nervousness Is to strengthen tho the nervous system me 9 know of nothing which will accomplish this quicker than llo a stomach hitter bitters do na take i a see that a private It kerena avenue stamp L n p M the e dc neck it of th the bottle A woman a lat last caution to her children when they go visiting la Is to remember to be b 1 polite 9 I 1 i t e and her drat first questions tlona when tt if ey return la Is what the ad d to rat eat men and women to canvass illk I 1 pay tight light and SAUt en ell address with stamp to tho file model adver co cc amo 0 street halt bal t lak jike 9 utah uben a man nian tell tells lis kl IN lf that ahe she Is 1 just like her mother he doom t mean any thing complimentary in dimlow a Knot blar larek 11 t aln gaft tho a adl 4 to all allay atu 1 a ed d rathar be a bald headri lie adeil maa man aban a woman on n with whiskers wb laker hall a catarrh curo in I 1 cure price collier a ekly for august 23 Is a aum sum iner number of littlon travel and a on the front the now cup defender columbia round rounds the lat boat in her lat last match ruce with dt fender alio 11 article life 1 to in iu tho cattle country is a we petern tern atory story hy by it lighton profusely illustrated from photo grai he h and a lut lat double i ago drawing the ile hound round up dupuy 1 uy k rederick red erict it 1 I 1 I aton th the fiction atory story underneath A story 0 of I 1 th the I 1 lay to lome is one of the i eries of inimitable abort short stories by II 11 0 M ells 11 now in the weekly among the foiw oilier features fea turea pic turca of shamrock on lur voyage to the united blatta to compito with columbia forth for abe america americas a cup A young married woman always coders why it la in ahe she ham t learned much of any thing after r I 1 riso a cuie cure for consumption hm bam beena bern family cine with us u kince cwm J IL 11 marlito HW M AT avo i chicago cago III I 1 an atchison banker know knows a man who 1 I 1 no so crooked that be he can t lie la in led straight SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE THE LEADING commercial SCHOOL FALL TERM SEPT S WRITE TODAY FOR information I 1 BOX SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 1876 incorporated D 1898 I 1 MI ZA r 11 r I 1 f lv YM 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I ni tion fishing tackle bf bass bill bell gooda 1 J i if tnt s ants athletic ool sporting goods Phate graphia lio of r alyth dithing lI lor for carping camping whirling shooting or of fishing send ler lot our 99 catalogue Cati logu ol 01 kowt wholesale rho loul price prices it Is I 1 juit just and 14 will III be k mlle lr it to t am addal BROWNING BROS CO lit MAIN SALT laka CITY W UT AN SALT LAKE UKE CITY DIRECTORY f UTAH IMPLEMENT CO HALT ALT ak L LI I 1 arx parse stud nd baffe rus hairford Haib ford va M co he hacel nil ad uraula alam ft lire crown hagir koll 1 W r it 1 I ir U arll C I 1 bl add ad IL 11 algir ulner hakk gah adall T wine non sh cilly write wrt for party alar ulars go jog PENSION IF ICAL r 0 itu nal lington D I 1 C aboy the 11 ree e lve quick 11 ll mb N ij ima corf claims since 1878 A WORD WITH WEAK MEN it from y kv of at I 1 a I 1 bof or dl ta asad bya b if 11 A 0 or r eoa 0 ulloa ra ad ilal fj D III tan lenir lb nir in luent tio loa of tir or la or ea cu you ald lob 0 1 TU YOU AR C so eui wn r TU T 0 we b bar er MI lff oaf afe 14 1 I utah ix A f for say or I 1 m jr have h doo dome colb lb of bat b amt 7 42 ad alt kill 1 CON 11 ell awl 2 of tol TOlU Olry t T of A 0 people gavies ramos picture adam addnie add nwe ft 0 CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES CURE IN PRIVATE DISEASES 11 bw ft se it aid bira add 11 0 b mil 1111 1 aitu I of 0 outi 1 la tt er thiel thi ll 11 oa P pla W we will 9 A t yen 0 anell O 1 CA 0 rd you to pay a cat until yon you air r en red 1 V W int ing bow allow TOU you our reputation 1 I orlof ile ad to 0 w e pr A ei r 1 I 1 1 wa lob I ll 11 u idly uk 11 II 11 t M bd of or cell 1 it 11 60 0 o ro b by fl foa y irl rd 4 jbf h ak iff A r r be 0 1 I 1 voca a a 4 sa 01 ard a k 1 L or 1 it jbv 1 a ea be edo 11 d ull F i as i t t K I 1 bruj 0 J W tr lik ina lb ds 1 I trot as lus r not jd ln Bd A tf fee A ul ill a do ae r foi P we eare a lut I 1 Y bood bow i t pai jtb weak akon hu 4 sy brakl akl Is lloud and ai ilkiw weak oi mra men we 1 ir IF r 0 I 10 1 1 la a on or 1 11 I 1 d din 1 t 1 0 tt 0 1 1 fat p ay vou citation ant kotc PUZZ by 1 birr 1 1 r riTT Kia DRS SHORES EXPERT specialists 84 IL boad nomad boath st at harmon block I 1 OPI PItt bank salt lit lake cite city U it at YOUNG MEN a af aze aw kv I 1 ut 1412 try th i cure cur Ct ar e Y yo wr t w it nr th h abc t 9 1 by y th jai hah r ld t a I 1 U I 1 6 to a dyl 1 amity daiy y I 1 aty af r bad 1 I ath 1 t a eur V 1 ZA at hi laae A au to W re 1 OKAY SPECIFIC N no auw mown knows it hu has ever failed to cor care 31 few A h a ui h datar I 1 I 1 b dakra ar lm u I 1 E SM 6 U f ba 11 apt yrtl 3 00 za by ul aru maka W mil 1 p 1 by aa L on an at ibrey PABST CHEMI CHEMICAL CALCO CO broww 4 CHICA lu i X ate e 1 I 1 a 0 I 1 mirk 87 P mj LAIL r I 1 A wt rn C ry ca im wm ciari 1 TN TP rw 1 A f A BARTERS INK T too good and nd loo cheap to be i I 1 LEARN MUSIC IN TWO DAYS without w deacler a I 1 bf common Comin S stise method hook wook ocllo inches I 1 b 1 ai lath lach book tea chalk ina la ft kimple simple and od common bel ei me way IT bow how to play upon each in strument ment uti lihty eighty pair of late popular muda common iene ease method for piano violin banjo in lar cornet mandolin ike cirl lordo ln ian eich each postpaid win autin audin hill city S 0 good badi there arc are two effects of tea tim the good is is got by steeping it it the bad by boiling it san francisco A schilling Uin company 46 ladies plush cape MiJ eSIl at baies saies lil seat vish hoed v ih some md and Is I 1 carmeal v lik I 1 elbal el 04 J bache braid 1 ad d hot bath heals ill brira edwith ng for fr leih JO 30 ische style st T i 3 98 this I 1 Is but bt ea as 1 the lb arar 37 b baul 1 lul 11 10 low priced rr nests III 11 at led ll 11 our 1 FM cathlon IL cl iga au CO met 11 ll oer too alime of the he latest styles in la L dirt dies 04 ad ChIldr childres ts a lar irmam ir mcm meats WRITE FOB FOR A COPY FREE BOSTON STORE state and madisc Adis cn i streets strem chicago cure or endure suffer or which do yoe you prefer is t tile tb ere case of boduy paint you tou we tot got to d I 1 either for pain Is I 1 sure to tome it camf to all it be a cut a burn bum a ore gore ao an dicu ticu or of it lamy 27 i bethe be the warning er or symptom ef of tome or ganic ale diete disease one wy way or the other have your share hr of it before tont long are you ready whoever want to aih a pile and conquer it t bould should call at druggists and od lay it la is a of at DR J H MCLEANS VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT this ll 11 I 1 the bt tt thing I 1 the be world lo 10 be the atif for th the bour hour of pla pain I 1 it cures it in stan t ly la in 11 II the tb for homr 6 4 it asle lie aar ore s cut burr a it by artic it bAl ballias lihs end d ki atlea lumbirt raea II 11 P perfect and nd pedy speedy rea rem v tor ead iya M W wound C ds Erupt lor s nd 19 it will e eNo animals 1 no noil abe man B the tai ulaster 11 sag sac oc and oj so i a bettio use IL W N U salt lak yo 36 1890 1899 j 0 1 1 11 4 aa u 14 it r color aa the n traveler who alf Colo colorado isdo for the to fin time 1 surprised and nd impressed with the opportunities turtte the state affords la in agri 1 cultural tural pursuits the lul 11 wealth of tb hamlets itte with its many famous ft dael booma rm to hare bave bellome tu tb the minds mind of mr angers crow din ding out all know knowledge fd 0 of her wonderfully fertile soil soll little it to over given 1 to the U 12 COO tullo lulles of Ir irely lips ration canals thai that LAV lave been boern construct sl and the I 1 OW acres ere of at land which have thus bus far been made productive product iv jet t out cut out of all exhibits from colorado at the tb w world a fair aughty one special premiums prein tam wre were awarded warded covering all jinja of fruit and ad produce no wheat exhibit attracted wide attention and twenty fly award awards bere regimen ITCH ItA it alone the larga lar ir S numb coe 04 by anyous any one tate state in the union the fruit industry has ha reached ft 11 year and t at in it its infancy bot bees culture la Is a profitable the min eral emi wraith wealth of the state which lead leads all ther other itata tat in to the union in the output of ifould and allaer don does not compare with hr her agricultural wealth A maudelyne hau delyne and pro fuseley illustrated pamphlet entitled ako tko tt fertile landi of colorado 19 has lia just been trued issued by abo th passenger department of the denter denver illo orande grande railway rall way and elvel gives detailed information of at the lind and their location and may be had upon application to KS S K If hooper general passenger agent denver orila traveling IraTe lIng pai pas salt bako city utah the lie of trusts which ha hat bocobo the uppermost topic of discussion tn in tl tle nation at the present time Is ably illi dis bussed la in the sc set issue of the I 1 ie a by lion itoe nt artl tho the director of t tl I 1 a ho that by the law it la Is 11 lie tle for frantic gigantic combination combinations of capiti capita permanently to control a new ar r Fr artle Tle june tat 1st the rio grande west era ru ballway rall tray bega operating its new now din ing 1 can cars serving 1 all meal meals on all iti its through train trains included no 3 2 lavid leaving al at 7 O 0 30 u ui I 1 salt lake city at 24 60 a in also 0 no o 4 leaving og den at 6 26 83 it m and salt I 1 allo city at 7 40 p m the eat bound th through train both morning and night will also carry diners the cuisine Is as perfect as it I 1 is pi pa sible to make it bervi a a la a carts so that you can hare have your coffee and rolls for breakfast or you too ran can select from a S menu as elaborate and complete as the market of lot altah L tah can iu an 1 oly ly after man folluo foil ho looked till still further down for women bolty sity badri are efti ly people of excellent talf ment mont tas refinement in tra they demand the bet service 6 and the Abe Ibera raty ity with chih they pal pat 6 ionize the luton Is ont one of at the lut teal proofs proof of that lias lio i super orlay tieu oate oa te old stand 1201 main 11 1 D 0 4 j ia ay I 1 4 S I 1 a I 1 k I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 19 k I 1 I 1 ka I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 e I 1 1 I 1 el the debilitating drains and discharges which v aken so man women are caused by catarrh of the distinctly feminine organs tho the sufferer anay call her trouble or weakness or female or I 1 some other name but the real mat trouble ia is catarrh of the benale omans and nothing ele I 1 ile ru na radically radi call and permanently id 1 Y c cure u 3 this and all other I 1 forms I 1 of f Cal catarrh spec specific fie c for female troubles troi bles I 1 caused cau b catarrh of the delicate I 1 lining of the organs arx to women it I 1 t at a curea if isol is ol persistently it is tand certain I 1 the microbe microbes that baue chills ani rai fever and malaria enter the system i through mucous membranes roa made porous by catarrh peru pe ru na heal heals the mucous membranes and pre ants the entrance of malarial germs this th is preventing and curing these affections I 1 J I 1 awa i CANDY canidy CATHARTIC I 1 amm b 2 A A W L DOUGLAS DOUCLAS SHOES UNION baade tk worth 64 to 51 cemp other makes s ind inlow I 1 I 1 y er I 1 1 ALL LEATHERS W 16 ake b tha I krte 4 10 HIM 1 r I 1 ts take to 1 4 t sd ms 04 laikit 1 11 di r A he rd itt af 24 ab apt 1111 1 aa ca if c mad of leather v ie ze and na v J 1 h ur r I 1 krow L L DOUGLAS SHOE HOF CO brockton mass A loi ave 10 v el I 1 y gisl 1 ejk r S dil 41 itro R BR 0 85 L 1 aj W 9 efm M WILL WU KEEP YOU DRY DRYG don dort I 1 be b fu 4 nth with A mackI or ruber coal coat II 11 you t that will kp k p you dry dy in the he GO storm stra buy th the I 1 lh 1 h aluad 10 slicker it not at for 1111 fate 91 in you your own TI me ft t A AJ JI T bokun m his hi S |