Show 44 we handle everything that tile the farmer requires 4 ARTHUR J LEE manjoor Mana branch house george georae ZD A lowe A 4 A 4 ilea for lor the old reliable 4 wagon f and vehicles 4 t daering binders 4 t mowers and I 1 hay rakes t 4 t agricultural I 1 IMPLEMENT 1 t OF ALL KINS t 4 4 4 our goods arc are the best the low prices sell them 4 0 I 1 under t H OTEL at E L new c manage LARKE ARKE ment lent C W SPALDING proprietor the tho best bist in eastern utah sample room for Tra travelers elers uses Fill ercil etl water gilr I lur in connet tion 41 flauda viaud to depot stages north anil and south A liberal staten to parti an I 1 Reg rilar boarder boarders ninn out of ten g traveling salesmen sal emen visiting Vi eiting price atop at hotel clarke sasa J I 1 cal C WEETER LUMBER CO wholesale and ketai lumber yard with a full line of sash doors screen doors building papel Moul dings casings blocks red and pine finish build ers hardorp Hard arp glass wire cloth iron roofing nails barl bart ware combination lath fence also a complete Comple tc line of harness afons buggies spring wagon and will handle all kinds linds of farm implements we represent the coop co ca op wagon and machine co of salt lake it if in need of an thing in our line call and sec see us or write it will be to our interest to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO 0 GO 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol A lc seen cearold STONEWALL 11 S K y 93 6 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL large itoch select to from d special attention to maul mail orders jal urah U U i rah AH THE OASIS f t SALOON HERBERT al MILLBURN proprietor good whiskies beers annest LINE OF liquors t lil loj 1 1 and and cigars 0 in in castle 1 1 valley JUG JUC AND BOTTLE A pool tables and all appointments appointment s of a first class house everybody made welcome t f 4 t ANDERSON BROS t general blacksmiths horse and wheelwrights Wheel wrights 4 every piece of work turned out of our shop is fully guaranteed shop north and east cast of the railroad warehouses cues prices consistent with honest work 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 price and vernal stage stade L 1 and express line lin e I 1 EIl Elt FARE BM PRICE tr DUCHESNE AND N ERNA 14 BOTH 11 price to toFt ft ID u cht one way 4 oo 00 roun I 1 trip ilis misu W price to vernal one wy way 1000 TO round un 4 trip tie ool laro re to ny way T union mation ali ak nir ng the line 10 c ants per mil mile k orty pound 1 of alwill arc af churgo ilam rates 3 i cent rr pu lad ano to 4 poun 14 zol n 4 to 6 pounds aw k A to IS pound a 55 1 do an I 1 aku per amund u dmn t fruit lie trice rice to 1 11 L duchesne Duc kucci besne ene and verna mat so 0 r pound 1 brict 00 0 clrk a m airtes eat at fort ducheane Duc heene 11 II 00 worlo 0 ela h k a in arrive t anal n 6 5 30 36 p in leare adesi fornai b ju jua a m arrives I 1 1 li 11 OU 0 clock M arrive im cock uck p m B R mcdonald DONALU Mc AGENT price utah ilir X i al our beat best friends catalogue ask for arec it j ire ve tbt du long dmd ot of astl Pr emlen the V men bird hard work turned out the mat mom HR is u smith premer baity bl ity bills 1 re fe ir deuced to the minimum amith premin a anity lH lash Sh for sl good work all the ahrie Is unea bica 4 46 al the premier typewriter co 5 W 18 and 19 commercial block salt lake city utah F r the festival of Moun Aln frd plain at S sei t ath to a rate ut of one ong ringle lowet lowest fint first cinea class fare are ie is to denver pueblo aud Lolor colorado soo and return fro it 11 all main line points cast of th bets to to be oj poid for regular train of september ard and with final T z torn turn divitt otobe ird and anti may be sol la vi ali diverse routes D 13 II 11 mcdonald R 0 W on account of the peach day fie tiTi tin ties at grand junction Juni tion liep U 14 to 11 abe following lowing lol trip irta rabaa are re authorize 13 3 4 KI lo 10 low er Croo fa 4 60 40 price 15 5 00 helper fg 6 soi castle gate IT 7 W wa boo field 18 8 wt culton a ou 1 icken from abut points on sale september limited to one day tran il it limit la in aab each direction dire tion with final return limit beetem br ber 17 no tup overe will be allowed 13 11 mcdanald Mc Dunald out it UW ALL NEW ANU AND TO DATE DATIL the advocate bus has received a new line of stationery all of aich ie in new and down to date the stock is 1 the birgit and beet best ever bringht to eastern utah and we are prepared to supply country publish irs r with many things cheaper than they can bay them ID in salt lake city lity in the same e s we make a opec laity of fine pap papers Wd allne ilog invitation envelopes Enve loppe ia in all sizes and greece grades letter heads and bill head statements and shipping tags a cardi cards all azes and graden fine typewriter paper carbon typewriter ribbons Rib booe al all color colors blank noted and receipt receipts in books of hoc school D strict warranted Warr anbi td lound in boks of 10 Tf ache anih 0 goffio me B blinke location Loc aion J ano blanks and anti ivr D forms of lr lo gal biank anything in to thi printing line me at salt lak city and prevo price mail orders ordre riven given prompt attention on september wb ath and october loth there will be enn in atlon in lake city of candidate for kitione tit ione in the civil service utah ie is entitled d to nine in more 0 re irions than are now filled by utah people and while them ami lions lion are now occupied by citizens cit izene of other states who are in pas jaein the will bo riven given position u on aa as MB con be made got or in r 77 4 av 4 a 01 00 I 1 Z A glue read them 7 our to you great r or your offer ancl call at out cash trod store for coah coupons these beautiful works of art enlarged from your own photographs do not ua cont you a cent we give coupons with every 5 OU linao 11 MOO in aliceo brenir tin any photo graph rap hund and we will furnish ou ot a life size DUMAR positively vely the moat most up to dato portrait trait on the market they aro mado for busund and by tho the Arn american erkan copying co which 1 is a suin dent assurance of their weir ond nud artistic worth briar dr your photographs call at our store and examine our samples earn pice wo a caa can convince you that it ie is the greatest portrait offer ever made do not fail fall to aek ask for our motto notto series of coupons please give your photos to our canvasser elmera axi e r u mercantile oo 00 J W NIXON representing be the lV western estern loan and savings co cc and the firemans ri remans fund insurance co dairel to call attention to the fact that the li is t fi ft r iner Morn bers at 10 per cent r sit alvance e will visit all former shar hollers ihrk explain special vew of mock and li Is prepared pi fi ird in to take new lul out script ions anil and esplain term terms of ab taine loan loans mattes a specialty or itis u aln farm property and publeo pub 0 bu dyn to current time table G A EAT SALT uv not tn in effect june juno 1 1899 FOB FOR PRICE NO no mo l t mall mail IT I 1 4 4 a M for ProTO bait lake and the no LT ly 4 ofia W tor for provo salt lake orden and the coast G I 1 ING KAM no I 1 cb voll limited tied lr LT it ml up p to lon or grand junction t deny and at east no 4 Ati antle espre s aland L 11 IS 12 57 a m W for grand Orand jun junction tinn darr annl th the east BAN SAN PETH A IND hit no ko haveis thistle 1 junction catir at iii 10 m 6 a in for all points ID in 80 sau pete poto aid sevier les D U gentral manar manai r 14 ft RAH in G GEO HO W 11 E NT A acunto acting U P T A MISSOURI T PACIFIC RAILWAY TO KANSAS cm CITI ST sr LOUIS aa id all east find south FREE reclining hair care to holdal of regular for marm folder fold ro rr and Juror mation tint I ftc ete catill on or r write 11 C G P Ss T A st LK L nie nis mo E J FLY flyd T P A H B KOOSER salt bait lake utah salt 11 ank L kp uth C I 1 CAG u aft re a sta 1 n d houfe roufe 0 ute best dining car Ser BUFFET LIBRARY SMOKER SMOKERs ELEGANT EQUIPMENT EQUIP MENTa chair cars free oink ink D hobbs register of thi united states land office at sail bail lake s 1 I lure pave just placed in ma office one of your 1 I new nen maps of ulab utah enc and take pleasure in 83 baing ing that il it filla a R place C that hal been too long i ailant we ba laical e al we needed an up map ol 01 our state and this appears to fill all tb thi bill admi rabi the advocate Adv car ries these maps in stock just tb th thing for the business house tin th an amate ate resi deDee bool room ofaf and public institution institutions it is e en n dozard as the tle latest and best beat mal ma published bj john R park state su au peria of th J M tan nor preel dint of the agriculture agricultural college J F augh late super In I salt lake schools thi boarde boards of education of ogden an ant salt lake and nume numerous state nn atif county olucia ls our selection in ol 01 lamps benr rear the clow inspection W weine int aoi act solicit the opinion of the bet price prices range from as cent to 9 75 th almery county company 1 A F redding want wants the people to i know thit lie ile carries 1 in lib ills new market arket fresh meats I 1 sausages vegetables butter eggs in fact a first clans market choul I 1 have special attention given to the trade of surrounding town towns we cater to please ohe ghe ue Us a trial and yoa you will come aga again hie V cullen a f is salt lake s best medium priced hotel q I 1 try T ry it the Y y next time you 1 I 1 go up S C EWING proprietor 11 HATES RATES TWO DOLLARS A DAY AND UP DRUG 4 STORE I 1 Is the place to purchase your DRUGS i MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES MAGAZINES periodicals ETC cigan cigars and soila water te Is a specialty with as us and none better can be found anywhere MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED remember the place SOUTH MAIN salt LAILS city the D R G 7 rai I 1 mad scenic lion of the wot id 11 the jonir on r line baw 1 two line of railway between rand june junction t too and acl deurer denver ticket ti c bets 1 brood via either line two dally fast e cipra train to ai i LEAM ILI X L it W uka I 1 A I 1 a SPRINGS P R I 1 N 0 8 v I 1 and AL IV TS EAST 10 j S JAM JAN IS 15 I 1 train no 2 leare leaves price at I 1 ajo W p an arrive 1 lt at pueblo 6 5 ih to ani am a in colorado 9 06 am in I 1 abener 8 m V f r train a in 0 1 o 4 1 waves at 12 U a am in at airine rive Ul enwood aln insl 8 3 80 0 a am ul I 1 1 k 14 10 r in i 1 colorado p rw 6 44 46 p re denver 11 13 pm M Lonne clinn made at pu blo colorado 14 and lk I over will witt all lines cast ble kie omea chair ora cars and w wt Tal talethe kethe 0 D ft G 1 I comfortable trip aad and the linear scenery on the continent tt line to tipple creek colorados 4 real irold rold camp 1 l 18 IlU Oril 8 doprr ammo bl anater 0 P at A 4 colorado a li 0 IF N nevina EVI N it 11 9 cu allING 0 genethal Ge netral A rent went tray pau pass alt douth 9 salt lake laks utah E NV i 9 A attorn 11 r n ey e y at L a IV MANTI mining ining Nj irrigation and bank lingaton Li Lid gaton on a Spec kIty |