Show send fill en cell is 1 in silver to T J clark T P A C 1 P it Y silt lake city utah ait I 1 bet et a deck cf of the theist playing arija cartis you ever bandied handled postage prepaid pre paid ot WOMAN waa was grundly shown by mra mrs joha john of catler cutler pa in a three year years struggle with a malignant stomach that caused distressing attacks it tf nausea and all filled failed to relieve glicr until she b tried eire elc inc bottom ater taking it two ebe she wrote 1 I AM now wholly cured and cau eat at anything it is truly a gt gi and tonic fur for ibo the whole system ae as I 1 la in eight weight and ana feel lanch much stroma r since asing using it I 1 it aide side digwi ion curve improti gibee new life only Guiran guaranteed teed at price trading company Df dearius arius expectorant Maguns MaRi ine Expectorant ie to a positive carp for coughs co nhe cola la lit cripp conge oti n of f tb finnk stud acute asthma for sale at eusery county al 31 company compan yf stores ue uso Maptin 0 expectorant for pleasant prompt and coart certain atin relief for maahs and 00 bolde oolde ida drath 1 A AGUN agunias irs ay a roaring fire enabled J X loul of san antonio tex to lie down when tl tacked attacked by asthma irom from which he be suffered suffer rd for year years he lie britte bis his misery was aa oft ofin ts so 0 o great that it fined ed chrt be t the agona e of death but lr vir king kings ker new discovery for wholly cured him chiss marvelous marre lont medic medicina ins la Is the only known care for 1 an well con sump tiou coneth aad and cold nod all throat chest ind find ann lung troubled lej price 5 le and it t V Q gna inte 1 trial Troa dimo G miller and L Is merino and lincoln sheep I 1 till V I 1 E hill 1 11 PRICE UTAH 1 price rice trading will iranga rato rate a special mile lie on certain lined of goods boje men lay the I 1 ith of Se selem peru ber people looking for bad had beet put of buying until i 1 rices and the like are anno announced watch fur for alir ad next week fire insurance written in the beet best companies com banies dierig business basine ea in utah see R W crocked crockett at the advocate uca u 11 10 LINE the 6 limited traia train of the chicago milwaukee and st paul railway lea leases wea the anlon pacific de pot at omaha daily at 5 45 5 p in ar in chicago al S 8 15 the next ext n morning entire train lighted b electric electricity iq and heated br tr wang ask for tickets i ia ili tho tha milwaukee route F A nash general fee western agent farnham Farn haia treet street omaha neb e L L downing commercial coia mercial agent south west temple street salt silt lake cita cit utah your teeth I 1 DR NED HEWETT EXPERT DENTIST J DOOLY BLOCK j ont UTAH una A 1 DIRECTORY Is or giov 1011 I 1 fit I 1 f 1 1 ivr 11 91 V fill mil I 1 LEK LEI I 1 reak leot price fulin I 1 11 I 1 ro rf alvr I 1 ark rk clurn 34 machir ithie flet binl ri nl MIC un el e I 1 raf 11 dicy k clerk I 1 rice all I 1 III it r WARD rt f I 1 ilbert lit t rr et I 1 art lost t oun i b r I mv nil not chuum tao m JOHN 1 arys go 14 t th alien allen first 1 4 oubri f r 1 I eter I 1 t rn rat d da a nod Kiil Couns olur lur carlp Is tr 1 lt LIMIK irbon limlaw k kounis bif farst counselor Loun flor J MI out hilluk aki ts uli I 1 lur 1 ut 1111 lop I 1 II 11 0 IT ter 11 W ll 11 I 1 int ams Loun ili I 1 lou LI ll 1111 lelam LAIL 11 tilt t I 1 ig 1 to akk lariton limit coulm lur horlib wun t 11 mil UN 1 ARD 11 II nr J hn loot 1 I allred I 1 ir art t counselor difore I 1 arr er e so v 11 1 III at 1 U D I 1 LT it 1111 sol 24 ru nir PC I 1 arat Cju nolor elor wit C rt i horard tit mood counselor AARD ARU ll tutt Tul first cobit 1 r 11 ft ik 0 x ond MOLLS 14 WARD 11 kimlie lilli bop ham lians V M etc counselor JASI f R p oin irow andes Andr andrisin son iMin first tou nilor juba julla Coun lor G 0 WARD KOV uti KIt bishop bancum pratt birst counsel r tebuu libels ten lea hemond 11 counselor V III nt ARU ARD A L 11 IC itt 1 31 it L 14 lubert rny ter art luniw lur lo 10 kobetts lebond counselor Count lor I 1 rII uy nf f high driest ll rint W wai I 1 LIAM TAI loit alt A pirron arrott Nril Jl milliet 11 cattle 1 bc dale KD atoll of 1 lucidity Dt sc hool himot JAM EaON artle atle dale we F 14 itel nolda castle iio dale JESSE D JE elsw and treat orange atile COUNTI lit A nelon nelson castle gale gelomo G tran fran Jeen dotro I 1 rice coln jame Jj imri CLERK AND RECORD robert 1101 howard FArd price AND ASSESSOR albert 1 dr ner price 1 ahl L LO 0 price 11 W arvd prim or sa jooLs it 11 0 G bebb castle gate OL 81 all Q OR I 1 elli ellington TOW town or ra S hoosier horsier Hor sier G 0 U tri tran andeen dien Tru steell cc IE joeph J jones keren olsen len arastus anderson Au derRon tu town n clerk and 1 L 0 mancial peter anderson treasurer albert dryar street supervisor Q CF F bryn daj oer r st I 1 tj entil DATES M div ty TERM may a sanpete county magill june 1 12 carbon price juneia june 19 emery castle dale aug 8 giand doab auar 1 sun 44 juan monticello Mu DUcello TERM sept 11 Sari pete county difanti oct 9 carbon price oct 16 emery cattle dale NOT nor it U grand moab nov ov 9 sao juan montio ullo for the annual meeting cancace concatenated Can ua ted order of hoo hoo denver sept september em ber jtb it rate of one lowest firsti first I lass an tariff pin plue ja is hereby authorized to denver deaver anil and return from all point points ticket tickets to 1 be sold id for regular train trains september bep 7 ath th and jtb with final limit to and including 1 I ember 13 19 1199 B R mcdonald agent rio gran ie a we tern rail railway way arcle pit pile lotion lotien cured cur magio pile lotion a posit ive lve cure for piles stings baro bam scalds painful well swell ing iriv invaluable fumble in dip diphtheria theria for ale sale at emery county mercantile stores maric pile lotion cures piles either or in tenial la in from 4 to 5 day blank notee notes an 1 blank receipted boon bound in books of kt kept pt in tock stock and for sal ale at the ad advocate office acme cholera syrup li is th and an enrit fe remly rem ly in the world for cholera chol fra bantum Infant nm cholera in orbus bilious col ool e laid and all of the bowels for ale sale at emery county mercantile company a itom storm acme cholo cholera ra syrup caree cares colic acme ae cholera syrup cum diml imis A 4 a L 4 4 cl aoe A EL ES 4 for fall stock monday alonda I 1 september alth we will sell at cost 4 DRY GOODS 4 furnishing GOODS and NOTIONS a we mean business the opportunity to buy HONEST 4 GOODS at cost we I have ilave no shoddy stock PRICE TRADING COMPANY the advocate baa has in stock over lol different forms of legal blank blanke andeas and eup plies anything in thie this lin ut at salt lake luke end ad provo prices all kinds of blank de deas and location notice ii joail orders given prompt attention the advocate bag liam in stock over ISO daft rent forms of legal blanks and up allee anything in this abi itne at alt antl luke like and nd provo prices all kinds of blank deeds and location noti coe cels jail mail ordera orders giren pro i pt attention Re starve VITALITY hill ro V i fl 1015 LOST r VIGO I 1 HAKO AND M ANI cure cures Impotency iNight emissions aul wasting sting disease diseases au all of sell self u abebe or excess and indiscretion blood builder bring the t he I 1 pink glow e check and n restores ree torce the fire of youth dy y mall mail abo 0 per box 0 G boxes or J 50 with a written in gli arall 0 43 to cure or refund tho ironey MEDICAL CO w i 1 tw fluen Wl wili Uen sess mcclar avic rr kUb ceab ALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST LARGEST AD AND fsr LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and U cigars I 1 b agn alj rc IN CASTLE VALLEY VAILEY 11 Sec lal attention given to the gallon and five gallon trade on which we prices come in and ret get prices wh which ichart are guaranteed to bu be right J wit WARF attorney at law and notary public PRICE special attention given to collections office west of the hotel howl mathis roo A As KIRKER mo E examines and R deports on mines arti hr fir iro fro carbon in east pro utah and western colaramo Cola Col arado Post postoffice offIce address Add reee PRICE urah FE fit E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE dic ct attorney for the seventh jo ju 1 1 D itric t will practice in all ohp th f lonata in all ciau alining arri gallon and probate matters et given antoo I 1 0 r H FIELD M da P PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PRICK A MARK P E ATTORNEY NEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH OrrIC ON MAIN STREET robe robert 1 t ladies and gents gente mad alad intosh es to measure measures from dundee rubber COP CHICAGO calion 11 it linos gents clothing from JOHN QUINCY ca r CO coo chicago ladies tailor nude suits skirts capes juckem je I 1 rom LOUIS CO f an n laselva loo oto 0 if forts Asly thing d in tb abe ClOt blost bics be blank school district warrant warrants in looks of one bunard bund rd slid any school district kp kept in stock docx 04 bu lalo sale kt at the tb advocate i SP J |