Show 44 4 4 we handle everything that the farmer requires t ARTHUR J LEE LEF t 4 Ma managar Mana najar branch house eorge corae ZD A lowe 4 for 4 the old reliable 4 t wagon t t and vehicles i t deering binders t mowers and 4 4 I lay ilay rakes agricultural implements OF ALL KINDS 4 our goods arc are the best the low friers prices sell them thein 4 4 44 C HOTEL H OTEL new under I 1 LARKE sr manaay ment t C W SPALDING proprietor the best in eastern utah sample gloora for travelers lers uaea uses littered lilt ered water J mir in Con connection nealon hand to depot stages an I 1 south a liberal it loatee ten to bartke and 1 regular Boarder Boar derf ninn nine ont out ot of ten Tr traveling Trav eUng sak salt omen visiting Vi eiting price 1 atop at hotel lintel clarke jor J cas WEETER LUMBER CO wholesale and cretai lumber yard with a full line of 0 sash doors screen doors building Moul dings I 1 casings blocks redwood red bcd ocd and pine iline finish build ers haral hardware V are glass wire cloth iron roofing nails bad barl ware combination lath fence also a complete line of buggies spring 0 wagon war 00 n and will handle all kinds linds of farm implements we represent the coop wagon and machine co of salt lake if it in need of ana thing in our line call and see us or write it will be to jour your interest te to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO CO 00 LE AND RETAIL liquors IS wines ines beer cigars and alcohol J seven se vel cearold STONEWALL K E r 91 95 ahr CENT PURL ALCOHOL large stock to k to t select from U urah U 1 rah AH 1 special attention tt to mail mo orden orders THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT al MILLBURN proprietor good whiskies liquors beers i t INEST I 1 LINE i almb IT OF t and cigars 00 ars in castle vailey valle JUG JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A SPECIAL SPECIALLY ay pool tables and all appointments of a first class house everybody made welcome t t ANDERSON BROS 1 general blacksmiths horse t and wheelwrights Wheel wrights Z every piece of work turned out of our shop is fully 4 guaranteed shop north and east cast of the railroad 4 warehouses prices consistent with honest work 4 price and vernal stage stafe and express line lin a S IT FT AND elt at IN BOTH DIREL rions price to ft vt one war way vi 11 00 a arl rit 1 I ju price to vernal one wal wa 00 roundtrip roun fare to any way war mallori 0 alar abe 1 ioe to luo 0 rots owr mile korty uund of 01 t ao 10 araj e ai algari arm ire of charre gar afe F sp e as t air saire r rate a t es i ce cent is per pu po nd exploit 8 PACK OK na to 1 4 poun it is sm Z 4 to 6 pound A 6 to IS poun if BC i pounds anil and over 3 ic loomand loo unil tand green bruit k ault it its e price to al 11 L duchesne and od ral oroal 0 aper tr pound 1 etva e 1 v e s P price ee do lall 1 clock m rr lire t fort duchesne tieme II 11 n in relve arrive at N e r nel e 1 I 1 up m L 1 ed N e rual e au a in art or r I 1 v es ft ln lit mw tm li 12 wu cluck clock bi Arrive itle ri 6 clock ock p m B R mcdonald AGENT price utah lit McCAIl Tin o 0 ea our best friends catalogue T ask for rree it all A S iju are tabt the longtime long lone time orris bur of abe A i more urd hard vw work turned 0 out the awn apprent S S KWi Si sikwai fa ill sauth smith premer repair wt bills n w A deuced to the premier for tood good work au the tit vt Is i is i s 5 the smith premier typewriter co go 18 and 19 commercial block salt lake laje city utah 1 anit 1 the advocate hns hits received a new II 11 line no of stationery all of v latch la Is new a aal I 1 a down to date the stock ie is the big biggest gatt and beat ever brought bron glit to extern eastern utah and we are prepared to supply country publishers with many thing things cheaper than they can buy them in salt lake city in fn the same we make a pec fully of fine writing paper papers wedding invitations envelopes Envelo pee la in nil all sizes and brades Or ulee letter heads hemis and dill bill 11 iliad iad statements an aal I 1 tag tags business cardi cards all hine hiza and grade fine F an typewriter paper carbon arbon sheet typewriter Eib Rib bana lams all colon blank note notes and receipts in books of school district warrant warrants ilund in boob ii ot of luo ivo teachers Tea chera contract contracts land office blanks location Not notices iceA justices ana constables blanks and over 00 different forms of leeal legal blanks we supply anything in the printing line at salt lak lake city and provo price mail wall orders given prompt attention the following lol lowins rates an ani I 1 arrangements are d for the U A it ell encamp calup in input tit september bep 4 toa to 9 1 BOO IM froia from ogden salt lake city spanish fork park city and all main line stations to phila dolphis an I 1 return rm 95 8 63 60 and taj MJ U according to kin binl I 1 of tickets clo closured sired tickets wilt will be sold tor for night train trains only of aug a ath soab ani an I 1 list and sept let tickets will be good for continuous pa ange only in each din action and v will ill lie be gocel for to leave philadelphia without acu tain up to and incle ling september Sep it 13 ifa ily depositing ets with joint agent abt nt ht at phi b b bi atrin ber hab hut and uh uth inclusive fin I 1 on oil pay ment of foo of 50 30 bonts at time of de dedoit return limit may bo be i to leave PhIl adeli b a up to ana l g set jj J 1 ll 11 LS B R mcdonald McDon alJ agat ri U rande Vp e tern rail railway wayt for the 0 the cryptic masons to denver angust 0 to id IJ a rate of one lowit first blass tariff ja 2 tl tw is berea authorized to and return from 11 bour bioc dickt ti will be tle bald wit for tor regular train trains of auguet an and tib with final return limit to and angust aist tickets boball bear a passage transit limit of one day after day of issue on the bego going trip and one day after date of exeen tion at denver on return IL 11 it 11 mcdonald MiDo agent rio gravile western ralla railway ay qi Q 0 i ae bel lembard it and 0 tober there will be in salt lake city of can it lalev for positions pit lons in the cf gifted civil service 1 utah ie is entitled lo 10 nine more position tion t than are now fille I 1 by utah people and while theae these poet are now occupied by catiz na 0 of other ebat L tran who are in passing pawing the will br bt given ao euon as pla an bo a eualo for or 4 0 N 4 read tham our great to you offer and r or your call at our canah trade store for cash coupons cou these of art enlarged from front your own photograph do not coat 3 oil ott it c cent we kh gh 0 cash coupon coupons with miry haec when 3 on ott ila ahmo hmo 0 MOO in these brinar ties any photo graph ciul c will furnish on ott FREE n life size DEMAR DUMAR positively tho tile inott DI to ditc portrait on oil the market th they 0 ore re made for or us and by the tho Arnt american rican copying co which h ich la Is a guin chent of their quality ond and artistic worth brian brin your photographs call nt rat our store nud and examine our samp Bam plea lemi we a can coat co nince ince 3 nit hint that it in I 1 the he greatest portrait offer cvar 10 DO not fall to oak ask for our 11 motto notto series of cou ponc pone give avs 3 our photon to our can neater PA elmery rn e r ti mercantile oo 00 J W NIXON lf l gilm ilac vestern loan and sai saunas imn co e I 1 rollie n I 1 alo 1 cremans I 1 annd llila co to coil attento uto 11 gotlie alio fuel fact abat 11 0 we AN liati it III IM pa i iuta juff fr iner abers at t 10 IU wr m ant t ml ilni nv ni M MII I 1 it 1 I a it 11 II 11 fo r me r h arh olf rr r ex I 1 lain wn iti t rit bleet a lit vf an n I 1 if to prel arm in to take new pub ul aorl aloni n s d the of ab tain ile flo sall talner ic a n nn makes ao ci or of In faim form pro property lerty a nil d aull publeo I 1 c build nits current time table GREAT SALT LAK ROU 6 in deflect juao june 1 1899 FOR FOIL PRICE utan UTAH GOING WEST no I 1 mall mail fv 4 1 k m for provo falt lake lAkO iden ana the coast IN no sit al acilio I 1 limited Irol ted ir IT 4 m for ProTo salt bait lak iak orden and the coast EAST no 2 I 1 IT v it 12 M W p m f or grand junction dennyjr and ad east t no 4 Atlant antio lo ly IV 1157 a m fo or r grand G rend I 1 unction junction i 1 ivr mul wid the east alt BAN AND ClI no 1 eares taue junction daily at 10 ift of a la in for all point points in bin ban lete I 1 ete and savior 1 Coun Count tle les D I 1 4 C general Il manter lanair r f I 1 II 11 IIA HAK 1 OOK OK traino fic ianswer lans abu GLO 1 acting U P AT ata A MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TO KANSAS cm ST LOUIS aad all point points eist aud 11 south rit LE reclining hair care cars to hollers n of f 1 tickets for maj fold epand and information regarding tickets berins etc call 11 on an or write 11 C tow tain NSF D G b T A bt st louis mo me E J 4 it T PA P A it IL B salt laki salt laka utah OMAHA L ut Is a rd t best dining gar car service chair cars free kink D the united states land botik c at sail salt aak e s s I 1 iliae ime just elaml 11 in ili ma ni office one of your 1 I 6 new in ot of utah ind 1 take pleat pleasure ire in lit ing in tint that it fills filis a it that lins iteen tou too iong aa amant I 1 c hm e al witha nett nouli itil an tin gnip of our stile and this api P tris to fill tit alic e bill ilie kihoi these imps in stock jnet just tho th thin elins fur for thu butin e tile pr arnat ilioof limm 1 colucc unil unit 11 i in at tho til nitta unil and bast map 1 lolin it 11 11 birk irk state MII all of J 31 tan ncr tier of tile agricultural colliu J F late laile suar ingeni rit salt suit eilf t tile ali boards 11 of mutation of ogden ode anti salt lac all anil numerous erous bbate awl tHi our election selection ot of intra 1 iva lem lar r t tecc he c ot deft t inspection we lue coit r win and the opi opt ilor of f the brt t prices range voin 5 cent toa to 9 TS 75 the boutry loufty juil lany h teil n usaa a 4 1 1 1 14 BY a 11 n it wante wants the people to know thit that he ile carries 1 I his new now market fresh meats sausages vegetables 4 10 1 butter eggs I 1 in fact everything a ya t 6 first class market should hare have special attention given 01 to the trade of surrounding a town towns a we cater to please give Is a tilsit and you will cone again I 1 the he cullen is salt lakes lake s u best medium priced hotel try it the next time you S go up lt i S C EWING proprietor 2 v HATES RATES TWO DOLLARS S A dal DAI AND UP DRUG J S STORE 19 I 1 76 the place to hatoe your DRUGS t I 1 Z MEDICINES t TOILET ARTICLES MAGAZINES W ETZ periodicals ETC cigars aud sud soda water witter is i a specialty with us a and none letter better afta to L found D boere MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED Ite member the I 1 itie hwe JJ SOUTH MAIN barem the D R G railroad Rai troad 1 scenic line of tic the world the 0 ctr line t nt of I weedan deween grand junction and 1 denver ticket tickets wiled via rl either earlier line two dally tw fast ex 2 proem traina to 0 01 1 al HA MR and ALLI ALL POINTS ix is biml train no 2 leave price at 1 I I 1 tit pm 11 arrive at t 1 lo 10 5 K at rn colorado oprina 6 fa a m n ao 10 acner er 8 40 4 a in tr toalii a 1 rs fit 4 ler le ear r I 1 r rice tes at a m tair illen t 8 a in pueblos 1 I 1 in NW I 1 r nars 6 46 p to 11 II made at t bublo carrodo Colo rulo ru ra and nd denver witti all 11 II since east t ele etc cinday ua ooch choir pard and 11 pullman 11 sl lr bxron all 11 II train U V H G j en I 1 atves kip mis and enjoy the t tin 1 welle weri ms the fb elt line tu to creek colorado at IT sr d 1 co 11 P A 8 it 8 K exper rat 4 u 1 q r p it a CUSHING 1 mineral affect A rent pass 1 aft south st E W rAT LOCK 4 A t 11 t 0 r n e y at la L a w HANTI UTAH alining irrigation Irn Ration and bankruptcy litigation a SIC Ciak ciaky |