Show stages north aul and south liberal kate to kertu e and regular boarders nine ont of ten Ts emen visiting Vi eiting price alop at hotel olaree w 4 71 1 calp A glue reaal them 0 ur great to you ff cr ancl for your call at our cash treads store for cash coupons these beautiful works of art enlarged from your own photographs do not coet cost you a cent we give cash coupons with every purchase when ewhen aou ou ha e in these briar ksany us any photo to imph andee and we will furnish you FREE a life size defife DEMAR pos aiho vely the moet most up to date portrait on the market markel they are made for ua us and guaranteed by the american copying co which w ch ie Is a dent assurance of their quality and artistic worth br brine your samolene pleNe photographs call at our store a and ad examine our examples eam sam ples we can convince you that it is the greatest portrait offer ever made e do not fail fall to aek oak for our motto series of coupons I 1 pleast give your to our canvasser emery rn E r g aou bounty nt g mercantile oo 00 THE OASIS SALOON HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor G good whiskies bel i an i ax INK F OF liquors S and kigais in castle valley JUG JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A SPECIAL SPECIA Lir LY pool tables and all appointments of a first class house Eer everybody body made welcome L Mf nM etc DW eiloe card UTO all baem and dl urill pine fine typewriter paper carbon Ehe err typewriter Rib booe bona all color moro blank hotel holes and receipts in to books rooks of 1 district warrant warrants bound 1 in book of ito 10 teachers contract LD lou I 1 officio blanks location No noticed ticen jn biank aal an 1 owr 00 Diffen nt forms of lal blank We supply anything in th alu printing line at tit salt emko city and price mail riven given prompt attention atten tiou acme cholera syrup ie is the safes and brest remedy in the world for cholera infant nm cholera borbus ne billone bilious col c and nd all tron blee lee of the bomeli for ale sale at t emery county mercantile company a tores acme cholera syrup by cures colic achue cholera ho lera syrup cares cures for the annual meeting concatenated Can Cati order of hoo hoo dearer denver september I 1 bib is rate 0 of one lowest first la I tariff plan plop ia 2 is hereby authorized to denver and return from all poi titA ticket tickets to be eold sold for regular re alar train traian september ath th and mil with final limit boond to and I 1 including uc anding inding N el ember 13 1 B R mcdonald agent rio gran ie le railway rail way mode illogic pile lotion cure cures magic pile nie lotion a positive care cure for piles banu scalds painful ewell swell ing invaluable in for ale 1 at 1 emery county mercantile company a e stores maidic pile lotion cures piles either external or internal in from 4 to S day days the advocate has in stock over IM different forms of begil blank blanke and gnp plies in this lin at salt luke lake and provo prim e all kind kinds of blunk blank d dan da and iid location locHi ion notices mail orders giten given prompt attention the Adv advocate bae has in stock over different fonn of lal legal blanks a and a eup up plies iz in this line at fait luke lake and provo pricer prices all kinds of blink blank deeds and loc location sint notice icee mail ordera orders given t att attention eLtion M r LIN rs WAGON COVERS AND CAMP OUTFITS au GENERALLY lr sar DRILL ai 31 F DRILLS DER I 1 ITSE cal ETC a af DA LA the e highest price lor for produce Iro duce of all kinds WE PAY CASH aci rat WJ lan see Us before you Di dispose of an thing we epil sell at die lowest rate consistent 1 ith our rule lo 10 make a reasonable front on a tiling we fl handle andle WE ARE AFTER YOUR TRADE PRICE COMPANY VITAL rry LO S T V I 1 G oa art 0 M A N H O 0 cures impotency N I 1 ight emi emissions lesions and wasting diseases all effects of self aim afi abu abuse abue e or excess and indle indis ali j tonic ond bijl blosl loo builder brines brings the lilt pink glow 40 pale checks and restores the cre ere of youth iniba by mail per box 0 G boxes for 11 1 2 1 1 0 with a written guarantee to cure or refund tho the ronse r io onse uc MEDICAL CO clinton A st charac chirac 0 fl U L by aln hector He Clor price ct r H el RIM APEL SALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors fimby fa abt LARGEST AND AD filst LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN CASTLE grecial attention given 1 to tb th gallon anil and fire gallon trade oo 00 which we maki special prices come in and ret get tit price ices which arc are guaranteed t to let I 1 night J will WARF attorney at law and notary public 1 special attention given gien to collections office west of 0 the hotel mathis R A KIRKER M E examines and IR R deports on mines and alro carbon Proper tito lw io in et era utah jud and address Add reee PRICE urah F FE E WOODS ATTORNEY brorn EY CASTLE DALE UTAH attorney Atto rafT fr the seventh jn d 1 cial diario ih brict will practice in all the where criminal Ti minal cams a arnot not in jn coir 31 Sli 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