Show da 1 sir ii I 1 1 AS two cents a toile L trip to the th sun 1 IP would cost ft it MM oil 40 and nj even on rut cut grates nt to dersom would can care to go there this thi I 1 witter weather anyhow valentine only gets one jay day t but ut cashier N alec alentine tine of parth am boy X J 0 I 1 A I 1 hf has just been b given sin 1 years I 1 a I I 1 I 1 J I 1 I 1 aa am 1 S I 1 I 1 RON 4 IV I 1 i A I 1 j M I 1 I 1 what docs does it do I 1 UT it causes the file oil elands in the skin to become more active making the hair soft and clossy glossy precisely as vs nature intended it cleanses from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness it a better cincu ivllon in the scalp and find the hair from coming out 11 ll ft prevent eVeRIS and it 11 C bercs baldness ayers hair vigor VIcor hlll III i surely make hair grobon grow on I 1 I 1 low b bald id P heads d provided only there is any life remaining r in the hair bulbs it restores color to cray gray or white hair it docs does not do this in a mom moment nt as will a hair dye dyc but in a short time the cray gray color of ace age gradually asap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place 11 would you like a copy of our book on the hair and scalp it Is 1 free it you 4 da not nt obtain 1 all I tic abb 01 1 af i V lit a a tb r a ator bout about it I 1 are DIL J a 0 ATER ATE 1 lowall mi A fi I 1 urk h nn vently dl mirrell in the of queen dagmar 1111 Is supposed to keep away evil 11 in lir fluen to e 11 pro rr Is I 1 oo 00 more evil 11 influence than health ml there I 1 i aich he has an f creat i a lower to kep it away than stomach hitter which cum cures and ind alre tion A 1 private 11 have aue nue stamp covers the not aek k of the bottle of a k woman Is I 1 variable Tar table if mile lie conlan t change tier mind her tier dresses il ree anil tier name a la a t be b anil and men I 1 cather two itri loo the reden drof of this 1 wilt will be ald a od 1 0 I 1 aarn rn that there li Is at t f arut alar t re to drdul 1 di dirkx a sf bat kernc 1 h hiir tn able to cure in 11 all II III ts aej U thit that 1 I catarrh a tamarr orrt tr rt 11 corn cur li Is the on 1 etive cure now the 1 brInar brine dional di derx re helut lut a condit tl nil not ment I 1 1111 catarrh Cs lure I 1 tan Inter internally vally ing diro atly uon ulen the tac blood and nil mucous our 0 t the alm thereby 11 th tie by buil lind up tie E a an and 5 bj s atine nature in da i a ito work ark 1 1 I be he pro eLord have to much balth alti in fit its it tbt the they offer one atun irea Pollar 8 ay cae ca e that it falls to cure benc for or ol 01 1 ti addre 11 J cliffey CO toledo 06 hou 14 1111 falls biln wy arlt J III ller are the tb best 11 he hen parent parents make ao an I 1 lot of a boj bo they tire e i boy cis con sha sh bho a one blip size ain aller after using allen foot lake a pow it lir r ft f r the fief it mak baliel ea ellit or new shots lio eany curf awil rol len lot hot keating clant aching feet ingrow cr nr and bunions at all and art shoe stores 23 ets I 1 rial package aa t 1 albl 1 by mail addi a mi allen S olmsted le liny roy N Y lour courteen teen hundred and tifty fifty one Is I 1 the th coal lete list of fourth of july casualties to date till ills simply bow shows that when if U 0 coina 0 m to eel I 1 brating the unite united states hu loss ito ce p people e op e to burn urn boriety are jo iop leof excellent 1 a de neat taste lad and refinement la in trav tr fUa they demoa ake batt t arvice 1 obtain obtainable aLe an I 1 the Ite ralty will with walh they pet pat bonlie tb inloe elfeld elf ld 1 of the lett beat roof of that leol superiority rity dickol office tand U n the th a th ro ehly lion it at maa man won t even take a chance SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE I 1 ME LEADING commercial SCHOOL FALL TERM SEPT 5 WRITE TODAY FOR information BOX SALT LAKE CITY UTAH established 1875 incorporated 1808 1898 k 91 1 I 1 7 V 4 1 fishing tickle tackle bit base ball good goods DO YOU WANTI J JJ 1 tent tents end athletic goods tr porting orting good goods supplies upp liei or r anything for camping shooing or fishing send lor for our 89 99 catalogue Citi logue ol 01 lowest wholesale hot pried prices it is I 1 just ut out cat and III 11 be b mailed ire grew to any nf addal dar BROWNING BROS CO lie iss 14 ST SALT IT lr CITY 2401 WASH NOTCH 00 UTA I 1 Is the nearest roach to trin train I 1 ap perfect protection ily the lish block its meins train trains are lert left certain specific pe ciric distance distances or I 1 block blocks apart it is i in operation open tion on santa re route and nil form forms an n essem 11 lial feature of the of signal that it it Is only one of the many d device devices to promote safety fely and comfort that have be M system cone co cc ne a part of tl it Is i tine line i equips nt rit L C F hev cn eral agent santa fe route 4 W dooly salt all lake city utah M X d A WORD WITH WEAK MEN ifil fo hoffr self from fro or y j f tb abi tB I U dl lue k 4 by I 1 if a dorano a dxee or a ti t calob I ity avol kd dall dt ll tl ti abru lb inre of or she 1 word ismor ae outa w tar 1 blond 1 10 b ciori to t U arl wit WK YANT WAST 10 11 we VY bat bf i one rU lU in ail to for easy r 1 70 7 we W be h d doa 10 elb B 9 r kut but L I 1 kroe e abd 4 private die 4 bellave prove ow o W I 1 1 ell RON a wo I 1 oe br by tb oda of voluntary lar 9 C a 0 pit 1 a tina sawa ad 4 ad W at I 1 CANT ANT PUBLISH 0 OUR UK CU CURES it ES II 11 PRIVATE PRIVAT E DISEASES s 0 II 11 oal old b ry lira life 0 Is s so pros 0 at I 1 1 9 a ac 1 aboy e ak w we win treat Y y to pr per fat et anlu tu Y you c 1 W wt e art it bo bow you a I 1 a burlog broil broj a X 4 d to 7 r 0 ea 1 I r pr ri 1 I 1 0 t ke U the b aden of roalf 1 ia it 11 to TO yo bir 1 U a y flat dd 1 th ica b e lae it 70 ars furla L J a p CM i back 1 hi U lirk 1 h Z a or it il a en n a ba bif ve ir MUT now WK wana lip tl tul YOE w tb ir be die dl uses d hit 11 II aal 09 d afe r austil we do el re so we tam I 1 j ma boo 1 01 abw kah 1 a ooh lr rrb rb ll ek kaMoi i dra web ur ta f r vari Varlo uc 10 1 la a oa k or tt it d ln a 1 paa on arr or rl delc abe 1 by 1 IW la p mi a ante to DRS SHORES EXPERT specialists 14 34 IL broad south st I II armon larmon allock lt nall bank sail salt blakc lkc ir ty U at t Y 0 U N 0 MEW 14 E INN U k aw looft I to A c try an the ib cym cow 7 fc r tr 1 if fan yuh aft 11 II 9 to lb be h hb 4 0 rutur th bi it at r w 1 I 1 a to zw vl alanm arbu d bh hu t 1 tn bui tural I tor h tur ao we 1 bor ot how fcc jung t toad d b lt PABST s OKAY sir no lu cm case sm mowa sma a it has h ev e er aled to cure rv it R fada 41 A U 1 I UT 6 to IL II 11 U ak b teara oil PW P W or d donnan 0 f aroa bi b 01 I price 93 3 00 J br 11 II h r 1 I 1 I 4 b tr AW r oa oc clr by PA PABST EIST CH CHEMICAL E M ICA L CO raa L I 1 j ra I 1 br A 6 1 V Ls ALL L LU LAIL S 0 carth 8 V T t 4 Us a U 9 I 1 P id by d wat ap 9 ft bloing in Joll this paper I 1 A j i ri irti RL S INK Is I 1 vt hat I 1 I 1 acle be bm M us uses lu 8 I 1 I 1 V it ato 1 ATLAS IV A 5 5 ma 4 of WESTERN C A 1 CANADA ir d maps of catilda and Us pro deem amwell as k a ot of the th re sour teo if t the D V minion will be mailed five free to all aepli mie the I 1 aro land of estem canada addre sl t fedler I 1 11 apt sapt pt of ot ta lawa taa a canad r stoc toe J 1 oo 00 k clolk chicago IU V t OWE dj 7 W 1 ar I 1 i R Y I 1 ash 1 c r it 1 1 f ff 11 BRN R 0 hi k S I 1 D e lolk 1 IW L WILLKE M arr 1 IU DRY I 1 aj O 0 1 IN foi k antosh tb t b kp I 1 a an t a ci c I att ikoma ci y tahri ar I 1 str 10 luy toy l uy the r ih h benl W 4 N S ker if 11 nut for ul I 1 in your r za 11 ahle f fr ta I 1 A I 1 TOWER W bonon T mass d welling are ia acty I 1 or fet act clog clogged ged it scon soon becomes so foul fou that life is not safe in it that is just what happens to aou ou when the li er or kidney kidneys fail in their ork the first little igns are backache p poor 00 r af at petite chanles in urine and some t mes bowel I 1 troubles and swellings do not neglect any of these deadly dis may follow STOP the mischief IQ in tars C u leans lean 9 s aich Is sure to bring speedy relief and finally a permanent cure at druggist druggists itco i per bottle IT ST lour LOWS MO W N U salt bait lake ta fao a 32 1 1800 im aini fertile r 14 at r the th trA traveler veter who visit its for the first time Is ed and impressed w with ith the opportunities the tale state affords in agricultural pure puts ills alitt ju bat oz th ot of the theadate thea state tate with its it marar famois mine mines cems seems to bare have become beoo iii fixed in the minds of ot tra rangers ngn crew crowding ding out all know knowledge leAge ot of her wonderfully fertile oll OIL little thought Is 1 ever given to the ll U 01 OC billos of pill canals that have amen construct constructed el and the 2 9 acres of land find which ha has a e thus far been made pi tiva et at out I 1 out of 71 ts t from CAI glorado orado at the world fair eighty one special premium premiums were awarded covering all kanja of fruit kad and produce the no wheat exhibit attracted wide attention loo an I 1 twenty ave awards were kiren given it alone tho the largest number rec elied by anyone any one tate state la in the union the fruit ind uLry ha his reached 1 t a year and ie is yet in ite its infancy in beear beet culture Is a the min 1 eral trial w wealth pa it ho of athe the tate state which tests lea I 1 all other states in the t L olon nion in the output of gold and silver does not compare with her agricultural wealth A lian dome anil profusely illustrated pamphlet I 1 the fertile land rands of colorado has just been issued by the pasa a department of the dener illo 1110 grande railway and gives detailed information of the lands an I 1 thier location and may be had upon application to S K X hooper general 1 as agent denver orli or II 11 M cushin traveling travel lne pas enger agent ba e second bouthi treet salt lake take city utah 1 4 what started the cutting at the party last evening It astus I 1 1 hy miss I 1 ive we una lins johnting John sing ingham had her hair bancod b and mis miss nast ington remarked that she he was to pull the wool over her eye I 1 w da ig lr car arl effective Effect lve june 1st the ala grande et orn rn railway began ope operating its new now din ing cars serving all meals on all its through trains the arrangement included no 2 leaving ogden at 7 so 30 a in and bait salt lake I ake city at 8 boa 80 m also 0 o 4 leaving og den at 6 ta S p in and bait salt I 1 ake city at 17 7 in thorest the west train trains both morning and night will also carry diners the cuisine is U as perfect as it Is poes poss ble to mako make it ser benl enl I 1 0 a la carte so that you can have your coffee and roll rolls for breakfast oryo or you an elect from a menu as elaborate and cowl com lele lete as the market of altah can sui sul ply A ina den lad lady y in a recent coams con gres of mothers provoked a two hours disc salon by urging that it would bo be humane to rive give children hen lieu si ankin them NO REMEDY EQUALS PERUNA SO THE WOMEN ALL sat SA kiiss susan inmar teacher in th it echmond school chicago I 1 I 1 write the fol louing letter to dr li artman it I 1 garding pe ru na she tas is oat those N ho have at as I 1 has a ca know ahat a ng it Is to be able t I 1 4 0 E ap t 4 r I 1 I 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 AK A K 1 4 I 1 r 1 or t zt 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 miss susan ornar mar find relief in pe ru na this haa has been imy my experience A friend in need Is a ffriend friend indeed and ciery ce bottle of f PC ru na I 1 ever bought proved a alo sooil d friend to me susan wymar mr mrs Marga retba dauben 1211 1 north superior st SL racine city la Is writes 1 I feel eo so well and rood good and happy now that p an n cannot describe it pe ru na Is everything to me I 1 bay idalen talen several bottles battles of pe ru na for aemile c rw nt I 1 am in the change of life and it doea me we gooc goo pe ru na has no equal in all of the irregularities I 1 and peculiar to women caused by pelvic catarrh catarra aldress ur dr hartman columbus 0 for or a tree free book for women only remember that cholera borbus cholera In tu summer complaint ie b bilious ilous co ic le diarrhoea and dysentery are each and all catarrh I 1 of the bowels boel catarrh is the th a only I 1 correct correra nm n m me for these affections pe ru na Is an n absolute specific tor for these tK which are re so common in seimer su inice dr I 1 art artman irian in I 1 a practice of over forty years never lost feet a single case of cholera tum turn diarrhoea or cholera borbus and bis his only remedy was pe ru na those desiring further should send tor for a tree free copy of summer catarrh address Ld address dress ir dr hartman columbus 0 I 1 4 M it TO NIL H 11 90 far some time I 1 11 I 1 awe thou thought glit of writing to yog you to let you know of tl grot great benefit I 1 hare have received Jo Joinson lonson from the ua U a of mies ys lydia 1 jank saved from hami ham a legeta bif I 1 sanity hy ble Comp compound coin mrs after the child I 1 corn com geneed to have si ith my pine spine lvery month I 1 grew rew worse and at lant last became so bad that I 1 found I 1 WM was gradually losing my mind I 1 the doctora doctors tre treated atel me fine for female trouble troubles but I 1 rot got no better one doctor told me that I 1 would be insane I 1 waa wan advised by a friend to give lydia F Il inkham a 4 N vegetal 11 1 m compound I 1 a trial and before I 1 had tied tal en all of the first bottle ray neigh neighbor boris noticed the change in me 1 I hare have now taken fire bottles and cannot find words to it I 1 advise every woman who in suffering from any female is endress to give it a fair trial I 1 thank 3 a ou for your good medicine enigi M bous sox Jonza nono TEXAS jam r kirth 1 I had female tr croul trovillo troi illo ae of all hind kinds hl hial doctora but only grew morse w arec I 1 bean taking 1 I 1 3 dia III I 1 a vegetable compound and liver illis and ana used the Sa Dative ah ash and can not praise 3 aur remedies bim PERLIN 1 LX aa a Itt lisso ri nian man so 0 o monn about giving bis his clarks a vacant a that be tie won even ha a calendar in bis his loftice for fer a 0 me or a e might take a day off ak ask tour your irabor 11 for alln amt 11 raso A pander tu to shake in fit your blice a it rests the feet burm lorns bunions Itu ulon swollen sollen bure h ore hot ilot balloun Cal loun aching 11 abing iet liet I et and Ing nail nails at nil all and khoe as ctr ct sainte mailed I 1 U dar il dira allea allen i 0 mated I 1 c it r N I 1 it Is just about ten years tinco since the mod wed eru automobile made its first appearance a a pt 1 oid conveyance convey ace 1 lour or f I 1 arvi al atall 11 Is T now carried on the overlin overl in I 1 limited of tho the union pacific uncle bia am know know a that the old 1 liable rites gives the be bra os service and makes tho the quickest fute kett time of botany any I 1 ne me in the west ticket ofal fl I 1 old stand lot 3 main street II 11 Is oot not a bad idea for to lot ore era to learn to rido ride a tandem for in fit that way they an are thrown coir ther a iret dral dal il if at 11 hi hyrup dorcil tire una teeth lox BI ells il tito alla p 10 1 lo cum cu lad code Us a t but atlo ll 11 the class of ISM at harvard contained members in eighteen years only 16 hato married I 1 ity 1 I III KM 1 do fu not W dep bl d dp d p I 1 ar 0 o bit hy mood nean jure bral hv the abka pare elul bealtho ne 1 A kansas city restaurateur made a coup do main by advertising I 1 kod iced k od soup perhaps if the weather i id let up the mercury would let down rist 1 i a cure for consumption I 1 the bert best 0 f all cough cures ceorl 9 IV lou I 1 a clucher ld cher la A august agus t SO oo 1 iava A salt anke aldow w adow owning tome some property on abo cast aide side was much ole wed to receive a notification fi aiom om the city it te cut her tier weeds at once SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY 4 |