Show at ve jve handle everything that the 14 farmer armer requires ARTHUR J LEE manjoor Mana 4 branch house george georue b A A JL lowe fl 4 headquarters for 4 the old reliable 44 4 S wagon 4 4 4 4 and vehicles deering binders mowers and t hay rakes 4 T 4 4 agricultural implements 4 OF ALL KINDS t ii r i LJ n ri i 1 1 11 V A our goods are the best the low prices sell them T t A 1 1 1 A i A A A A A A i A i A 1 1 A 1 1 1 A j 1 1 1 k 1 1 i V HM H OTEL CI ny new under mana manage C LAKKE LARKE m ment ent C W SPALDING proprietor if the beat ia in eastern utah sample room for commercial trai elere elers S use uses filtered water in connection hand to depot stage stages north ami anti south A liberal rates to and regular boarders Boar derr ninn nino out of ten traveling Dg salesmen Sa leamen visiting price atop at hotel clarke g S OW 40 O sadao 0 04 0 J is cat WEETER LUMBER CO wholesale and cretai lumber yard with a full line of sash doors screen doors building Moul dings s La casings sings blocks red redwood and pine finish build ere ers hardware hardware glass wire cloth iron roofing nails bad barl ware combination I 1 ith fence also a complete line of buggies spring wagon and will handle all kinds of farm implements we represent the coci coop co ci op P wagon and machine co of salt lake it in need of ana anything thing in our line call and sec see us or write it will b to jour lour interest te to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars in and alcohol seven cearold year old STONEWALL I 1 93 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL large stock to select from a U 1 11 1 1 T special attention to mail orders THE OASIS 9 i SALOON HERBERT at MILLBURN proprietor FINEST LINE OF good whiskies liquors beers and cigars D in castle valley JUG JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A specially pool tables and all appointments of a first class hous house Everi everybody body made welcome ANDERSON BROS t general blacksmiths horse and wheelwrights Wheel wrights every pie piece 1 ce of work turned out of our shop is fully 4 guaranteed shop north and east cast of the railroad i warehouses prices consistent with honest work 44 4 price and vernal stage and express PASSENGER FALK BETWEEN tt ft DUCHESNE DUCHE aSB AND IN BOTH directions price to ft rt duchesne Duch fone one si W roaul trip Is ou I 1 rice to t ernal one way na trip HOU tare to any nr ajr ar illation station agnir the line itic luona mile forty 4 el b fits 0 ways aee of charge expires s blies race 3 i cent cents per po jud PACKAGE hafics eriv to 4 rJ zm mn 4 to 6 pound pounds A it to IS 15 pound pounds allt ri s and ever TT ao loper per aund iund green k truit ruit kie price to at L and nd N P LUTO atles daily 8 00 0 clock a rn arrives 1 at fort rot Tu nu chene chesne if 11 t 00 0 clo k it in at li mat A 6 ad op P tn in leare N ernal er a au a ru m arrives 1 k rt t it 00 0 cleck M tic let too t oo clock p in B R mcdonald AGENT price utah brank M H our best friends catalogue Catal T adf for free it are the long teim eners of sauth Prem kirs the mort ore hard work turned buu out be more is smith premier durability repair ba 2 re deuced to the minimum 1 froum smita premier capacity or good work the aku Is aa ot smith frace typewriter comiter go co 18 and ig 19 commercial block salt lake city utah au au I 1 t t an opportunity 4 A not often experienced aced ROWLAND child s thice piece suits S ft I 1 so 50 i WORSTED BOs Suits I 1 SUITS mens suits I 1 I 1 dozen irvan Ir vrn tea spoons electric plate on Q cp 2 solid white met LJ dozen 1711 table spoons electric plate platoon on Q kp I 1 1 4 cil solid white Al metal etal U 41 4 1 TO T summer wrappers cre sold at t to 0 5 now sot to 1 CO GO 4 CLOSE LUO CM 4 L ladles cloth top shoe shoes at for 4 OUT met price 25 4 4 4 F IRS I 1 COME COM FIRST SERVED V A im 4 elmerto 4 t 4 4 mercantile oo 00 4 T f J W NIXON representing the western loan and savings co and abo fund insurance co lenire to call attention to the th fact that the Harln Savin tri irr Is I 1 iriner l off fur for at t io 10 per ter cent advance adrance hill in visit ait 11 II er ibar howers holder ex er plain privileges leves ol 01 tuck and li is prepared to take ine new sub ab and 1 explain the terms of ob oti talar loan loans make makes a specialty of injun firm proper property tr and slid public 1 but bull dinc to JOUR Is constantly ronet antly endangered enil anred through the nee of impure water water as it comee comes irom ditches ditc bee cibek cisterns cle tern and wells la is more i r iree impure anil nud to preserve should be filter filters 4 afore in for u finx epidemic desea PS es and malar ial tat and typhoid fever diphtheria are moat most frequently can caused by the presence pree ence in the water need used of in daase germs arnn therefore then lore water not perfectly ILI 1 nr which ia is the beet an I 1 only aroot of pit rily ebonik never be taken into the system nor even ned used for cooking par without being filtered scientific tats bave a flues lion of doubt that ibe the ballon button tripoli filter ie is the only berfet and suit germ K rm proof fliter filter the price at which they an pot 11 I 1 brings them within batey reach reah of every family and their me not only protect yon at int sickness sick tic knew news lut but ave save yon heavy doctor bille bills and even life H 1 I corll general sant nt tor for eastern utah pric uth enli and ext idne the tripoli filter fall full stock of 0 ammunition and guns including colts gooda marlin rifle rifles and gica tra shotguns celtin stock by the J C weeter lumber company price utah drw I 1 seil SERI ICE TO ST loua on june ath the teat rock island route anang th thoda ouch ilu ilman sleeper from denver to bt be lunio louta via the 21 missouri pm pat eifle ri ballway lwy from rom kana city this car will leave leava denver daily at 2 15 p lu on tho colorado flyer arriving in si st louie louis ht it b t 13 p in intha the next dy day one oise boot hout and forty a fast faster r from t rom denver to bt louis than any other through car line nt connections from pueblo and anti Clr CArr ralo 10 springs the cara care ai hid broad abroad vestibule I 1 of thi latt pattern and wet luxuriant type Advant ay of 11 ing thi service will be 10 the time tiline to st louis no cb chairge of can cam at so inte comfort the 1 bt t dining arvi a 1 e in fit the world for foil fall ima lion tion write WH gelerak G terl agnot deriver e f ink D hobbs register of llie tile united state states land aliw at salt lake 1 I hike jual jost placed in mi office line of 3 our 1 I 1 new maps of utah still 1 take pleasure in s 3 ing that it fills bits it place that lias has been too long acael nai it we bac al at newald an up map of our elate state and anti this appear appears to fill tho bill almi almira rutih bh the ri ries esthese these i jl 1 just the thiet ipg nr ue business louse the lite brij private ato resit lence roeln e alli aai phillip oa 01 it is en lowd fill A ho iho lancet and best map abool bj joain II 11 paik state an su ix of Hilio oln J 11 tan ncr net of collene Col leLe leve J F 51 ills auch 11 r hil indent salt the I 1 IM ht 0 rd atin vallon of oien anti b lmke ua u blahu w r bixl ixl F arti ik irm a written I 1 in be twel nt a ml it 0 R briski in n uth ut h S 4 JA V i tock t ailt at the A file plan an blank receipts Tion boand rill I 1 ri books of W 10 k to in lit lock tock and for i klo at the advocate ocke A current time table C 0 C IR faa 1 r SALT L T LAV A rou glo U in elleck june 1 1899 FOB FOR PRICK UTAH WEST no I 1 PIC 1110 mall mail I 1 ir r 4 44 a ID ni for provo gait alt lake ogden and the coast no 3 Pac lUo ungifted LT lv 4 m tor for provo gait laef 1 abc often orden and the boasi boino BAST CAST no S 2 ChI caffo lv ly 12 2 59 p w for grand junction deny deanjr jr ana east no J 4 atlantic kepr lv ly 1 sa a in fir r fits orand I 1 d junction donver 1 and the rait east SAN I 1 AND ARVIER no leaves thisie to J junction dally daily at 1006 to 10 06 a in ID in fan san apte and eerier sevier co antim D it general le manar r ft II 11 fiall 0 jonii ak tr traino mo manasr GA W 11 EI A chirite G P A AT T A the D R G railroad areole line of the world the orill line two line lines of railway milway tt o 0 orand grand junell n and 1 ticked jedd via 1 either line two dally daily train to 01 L ADV 4 CHEEK dueill O DENVER an I 1 ALL t kr I train no T 2 leave leas price nt I 1 W pm pin arrive I 1 at iuorio 5 v vi am colorado G az am idester er 0 W tuam a in ven train nit 4 leares lea re price at 12 ors 6 am a m strive il sri nies 8 it it am m pueblo 1 I 14 r p m colorado springs 1 6 40 44 p m 1 9 11 15 pm M connections made at pu blo colorado 0 springs and denver ix alib ich all lanei ri kle e rant day coaches chair car cars and on all train 1 I ft a R G and haves comfortable trip and enjoy the odeah abe continent shortest I 1 line lite to areek colorado colorados irrean irold camp aa A 8 a 8 X OPER traffic Man 0 G pat P 4 benver colorado B F nela M general A rent cent trav pass aft eoute st salt lake utah MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TO KANSAS cm citi ST LOUIS aad all point exit enst and rud benth FR i E reclining hair cars to holders of regular n tickets for fold foldery erv and information unit linse ticket tickets berths etc call on or write 11 II C tow TOWSEND G 0 P V Ss T A bt louie louis mo blo E J FL ri T P A 11 B iceo kooken salt lake utah adt lake utah CHICAGO 81 ILI LIM the magnificent limited train ot of the chicago milwaukee anil and st paul hallwa railway leases the union depot at omalis dally at 5 45 p m ar at nung in ili chuigo ai at 8 15 tile next mora eftim train lighted b ani heated b abeam ask for tickets ita ia the mil route r A nash vre western tern agent 1501 Vo kotulis tulis street nh N h U 4 lii cola mercial agent donth we wel t tempi street salt blakj CO ott utah I 1 UP on altion P ot or near the 1110 lection 1 comparison and solicit the opinion of the at e pile range froin 45 cents to ta 73 75 the almery county company redding wanto the people to know he ces IQ in hi ills new market fresh meats sausages vegetables butter eggs in fact everything a IL fint first class market should have special attention giren to the trade ot of linn lowus we cater to please give ue Us a trial and yoa you will come ag again the 1 I he mien is salt lake s best medium priced hotel try it the next time you y ou ay go up S C EWING proprietor RATE 9 TWO DOLLARS A DAY AND ue DRUG alore Sl S ORE Is I 1 the place to purchase your DRUGS i MEDICINES J TOILET ARTICLES MAGAZINES periodicals ETC cigars and boja 1 water I 1 a specialty with ua i and better can be found anywhere any there MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED remember the be i lace SOUTH MAIN salt city E W attorney A 11 r n e y at law L a w MANTI t D mining arri irrigation go tion and bankruptcy litigation a specialty DI go U al Mair a niu E expectorant 1 ct orant la is a etive crr ei I 1 boughe cold 11 4 1 ir krippe ot of the inn acute asthma ot bina for U at almery county mercantile stores uga use magnus expectorant for ples itie prompt and certain relict for oza colda J ir S ci |