Show fall line of 0 legal blank blanks at the advocate office at provo and salt lake city ell Y prices neatly two hundred different forma forms to elect select from or jen by mail promptly attended to for the annual meeting order ot aloo hoo denver september letb a rate of one lowett prat first clam 1 tariff plus as hereby authorized to denver r and sturn from all point points to be eold sold for regular train trains september ath aldyth and but with final limit to loan and sol 13 1199 D B R mcdonald gent agent ilia 1 craod western railway for forsbe tha 0 w age of abe M ma sons gone to tn denver august 6 to 13 a rate of one lowest fint clasa clam tariff pine plaid 12 2 Is 1 hereby authorized to deaver and return fron from all g nour D our line ticket swill will be bold for regular traer af auguet eth and fth with final return litsis to and 1 including jt tickets bill shall bear a continuous passage transit limit of one day after day of issue on ibe the goine going trip and one day after date of execution at denver on return trip U R mcdonald agent illo rio granite western railway for the reunion of the black hawk Vot erans at provo angus august ith and a rate of one 11 fare for the round trip from the be following territory to provo and date of sales 1 as a follow follows erom corn points north of bait wt lake city 13 0 den don and inclusive august milt and loth from silt lake city ray bingham Bing bam junction and River riverton tou aad ad from silver city mammoth and eureka on august angust froin from belknap and intermediate point points ahyat from all points in utah county lahl to gohen and scofield IJ inclusive augest A hills and ich limit all tickets to dt of palo faleon on gning trip wih wit to built rein on limit 13 R agent rio grande western railway the following rates and arrangements are authorized for the 0 A R encamp e september 4 1809 1899 from ogden aalt like city spa lib ish fork park city ani an all main I 1 ne stations to phila ephim an I 1 return t 83 60 40 ta an 1 82 1 W 0 according to it m ot tickets delred tickets will be sold iol for night trains only of anc anz soab sath and aist an I 1 sept let T cipta will be ROOI good for pa eg wigo olila 1 la in f jacb act direction and will be good for r to leave philadelphia without t up to and na including ir 1 12 lw 14 BT a a tickets with joint agent ag ent at b awen en beat ri r ber ath and oth lacau lve an I 1 oo 00 fsr meat mout of fee of 50 30 cent cents at time of deposit return limit may be to leu lett philadelphia up lo 10 an ana lading t aber JO IM 11 U 13 R mcdonald cent agent rio grand Grande we tern r allway acme cholera serap is tho safest ancl 1 ri romay ay in the world for In fantom ninin cahours cv Lira raool ne no I 1 ilion col cot C and all e of the anwa for stile ii at emery county tilo starre tor amo cholera syrup cures colic colle acne acme cholera syrup cum al L mv A ad I 1 va T 1 tl D tr the advocate ad acate hae has received rec buived a new line of stationery all of bleb 1 is new aul down to date tas took stock is the and lot best ever brought to eastern utah anil end e aa 1 prepared to supply country publishers with many things cheaper than they can bay boy them in silt lake city ia fa the same quan tithe we bilty of fine writing papera papers wedding invitations envelopes Eav eloms in jilt sizes and greles G re lee letter healie and bill heads and shipping tage a business cards all sized and grades fine typewriter carbon sheet typewriter Rib ribbons bools all color black blank notes and receipt receipts in book of too school district warrants Warr War anbi ranta ivan I 1 in acks 0 of lve Tra chore contraro Coc Con tract land office blanks location justice Justic eq ana anck constables blank blanks and ani over oyer 2 different borms of legal li lanki anks we apply supply anything in the printing line at salt ut laky lake city and provo price mail maa orders given prompt attention aile gle pile letlon lotion cure magic pile lotion a positive cure for or piles 1 sting etin do burns scalds painful wello swell irr o 0 I 1 11 in dip trl for polls at emery county mercantile com panya to 8 tot tore magic pile lotion mm cares piles either external or internal in from 4 to 5 day days the advocate Ail has in tock stock over differed jiff ereL A form forms of ifal lag d blank blanks and R nd on ap P bif io in this lin ito at b salt lt looka and 1 prices all of bla bliok uk dd d fl d find 1 locton notices mail orders riven given prompt attention the A allocate AlTo cate bus has in took over dif frent rent forms of ireal logal blanks and supplies applies aty in this line at alt lake and ponyo prices all kinde kinds of blank din ind slid location notices abail orden orders idren prompt attention attea tion j PRIC TRADING CO COO OUR au fa fan GOODS AM DS ARE ame M THE BEST BES we do not carry cheap or shoddy stock I 1 f brit axt tile C 4 cape OUR 0 R ONLY ONT L competitors kiku SALT ARE THE LAKE DENVER MERCHANTS AND flour 1 75 to 2 oo 00 L LC e per can to sugar ij 15 pounds for i ou 00 table fruit all kinds per can 15 coffee arbuckle Arb ackles 8 packages for 1 00 pie fruit per can 30 of lion 8 S pounds for 1 00 Torna tomatoes toes per can to 64 lev Lec rings 8 pounds for 1 00 salmon astoria per can 14 do mocha and java ja a 3 pounds for or I 1 oo 00 is cascade per can 19 tf tta a english Brcak breakfast raSt 2 pounds for I 1 00 00 46 charter oak per can 19 it free rree 5 S packages for 1 00 corned beef one pound 15 11 schillings best 5 packages for I 1 oo 00 laundry soap the best per bar 40 and sc 50 44 other brands 6 packages for I 1 co coal oil per gallon 35 25 bacon dry salt per pound 8 LL sheeting per yard 40 to 50 44 Bre breakfast aLfast per pound I 1 11 I 1 ginghams Ging liams amoskeag Anios keag per yard 7 ham harn medium per pound I 1 11 I 1 calico per yard ard 5 lard per pound 10 outing flannel per yard lard to oatmeal per pound 3 lawns per ard 10 rice island per pound 8 percales percalee Per cales per yard ac to loo lindsey sheeting yard per 60 60 starch all kinds per pound 10 overalls strauss per pair 75 soda per pound 10 44 eldorado per pair so 50 f v cheese full cream per pound creamery butter per pound tle cwi wwi uarta 1 c 4 r 1 at silks ribbons laces and notions hats caps and gloves best underwear any size style or texture cl a A tremendous STOCK OF MENS P jy a S P LADIES MISSES CHILDRENS the finest and best assorted stock 8 1 carried in an eastern utah s store SUMMER DRESS GOODS I 1 LEATHER GOODS RUBBER GOODS HARDWARE Pin rin ware etc harness saddles pack saddles spurs leggins whips TENTS WAGON COVERS AND CAMP OUTFITS GENERALLY ser baelli br ELli DRILLS bowdell PO WDEll FUSE CAPS CAH ETC wa e WE PAY D V CASH LJ the highest price lor for produce of all kinds see Us before you dispose of an thing we sell produce at the lowest hate consistent 1 ith our rule itule to make alake a reasonable pro front t on eer thing we handle WE ARE AFTER YOUR TRADE PRICE TRADING COMPANY cr n lim LOST VIGO MANti ogo cures cu res Ira potency night emissions and wasting diseases all effects eff acts of wt self arbuse or excess and indie india 1 rp der bring brings the I 1 ink glow to pale cheeks checks and asi ret restores tores the fire of youth by mallion malli Oc per liott box 1 6 I boxes for aj 50 with a written tco tec to cure or gerund the u ji oney MEDICAL CO clintonia ClIn tonda A jackson ats CHt CACO ILL for faff by sueo MC lr 1 etab rahm SALOON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors Fl FINEST INEST LARGEST AND 5 LINE OF 0 old id whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN CASTLE mallef special attention given I 1 av en to the th gallon and fire five special prices comein come in and ret get jirim which gallon trade on which we maks ure to be right J is W WARF attorney at law and notary public I 1 aluce special attention given to collections office tt est of the hotel mathis R A KIRKER M E examines and R deports on mines and hydro carbon properties iee in east fro pru utah and western colaramo colard Cola ralo lo 10 addams Add reee PRICE urah FE F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT LAW CASTLE DALE UTAH district attorney for the seventh jn in did at district will practice in all the courts where criminal cases are not involved alining bt laing irrigation and am probate ma matters aten giren given spec bwll loil attention 0 H FIELD iva L ClAN AND SURGEON MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH orect MAIN STRICT robert mckune 11 AGENT ladies Ladie sand and gents mackintoshes to measure froni from dundee rubber corpo corp c cago rat 1 ion gents clothing from JOHN QUINCY CO chicago ladies tailor made suits skirts capes jackets aron LOUIS cot Rf elcane 4 ion n hatim aa T too liloN nio sll A U la in tadd tl clettle Cl ethle bli ol district wa warrena alit bould 00 in book books ot of 0 one no hundred a and aidau suit ai taU atif any ny school d kept in ock za a is adde ale at the advocate |