Show ll agnir magrans Ma grins expectorant ie is a etive cure for coughs cold la ia grippe of the lant and acute asthma for sal at gintry county mercantile company s stores ue ulm expectorant for ill pleasant basant t aud and certain relief i for coughs allt celile ale I 1 II 11 1 lollon 11 care cures magic magio pile pil lotion a toosi positive tire anre for lith stink stinks it tinK s buma ba tacil a Is 1 p junful in ell inga invaluable in r sale 1 pat 1 lifry county mercantile company a pit t re rw masic lilo pile lotion estres piles either filter ext external mal or internal in f from rom 4 to 5 days 1 at file cholera b rup s t the be safest and harrt t renia reni A in the world for cholera autum cholera morl ue us bilious col cot 0 and all tron bice of the els for ale pale al at emery county mercantile 3 acin acm cholo hol ra nm colic acene cholera lymp cures the tho advocate ha it in over ll 11 different form forms of I argil rg it blank anil and gnp alif la in ahm 1 ito at lake and provo priam all kinds of blank dehls hud mud location notices mail order orders given SIM prompt attention PRICE PRIC TRADING CO COO OUR A A IM T THE oil E BEST we do not carr carry y cheap or shoddy stock I 1 buz dixe ak 0 R 0 ONLY 0 7 C 0 M 11 1 ARE SALT THE LAKE DENVER MERCHANTS AND flour i 1 75 to 2 oo 00 sugar 15 pounds for I 1 oo 00 coffee Ar buckles 8 packages for 1 00 oo 6 lion 8 pounds for 1 00 oo 6 leverings 8 S pounds for 1 00 oo 1 mocha and java jaa 3 pounds for I 1 oo 00 I 1 ca ea english breakfast 2 pounds for I 1 oo 00 4 free 5 packages for 1 00 oo 66 schillings best 5 packages for i oo 00 46 other brands 6 pack packages ages iges foi I 1 cc bacon dry bait salt per pound 8 4 breakfast Break fist per pound I 1 11 I 1 I 1 lam medium per pound I 1 11 1 lard per pound 10 oatmeal per pound 3 rice island per pound 8 starch all kinds per pound 10 soda per pound 10 cheese Cli eese full cream per pound silks ribbons laces and notions hats caps and gloves best underwear any size style or texture A tremendous FREMEN DOUS STOCK OF MENS uzi 1 g LADIES LAD IES MISSES CHILDRENS the finest and best assorted stock Q 11 I 1 SUMMER DRESS GOODS I 1 carried in an eastern utah store 1 LEATHER LEATHE R GOODS RUBBER GOODS HARDWARE pindaro rin Pin waro Quoon ato harness ll arness sli ipps pack saddles spurs leggins whips 71 TENTS WAGON AGON COXE COVERS RS AND CAMP OUTFITS GENERALLY cit CWILL 1 1 DRILLS 1011 0 alit I 1 itze CAPS ETC leq a r 7 g fl I 1 ahe lie 1 highest price lor for produce of all kinds PA ASO r ff u U 7 lewd see Us before you dispose of anything 1 e sell produce ot at tit alii logist hate rate consistent con stent 1 lib ith our rule lo 10 a reasonable front profit on L a era thing ile c claudle WE ARE AFTER A F T E PD YOUR TRADE PRICE TRA DiRIC COMPANY AVER rest LOST m MANH OCtO arcs ight 11 and all effects of sell or excess and indiscretion A neri e conle attic tl Nl r the C U 1 I ink plow glow to pale checks and restores the arc of bouth by mail per lox box 0 d ba boxed tot 4 1 6 40 with a Ir written ritten gurtrell gur trall cc to q or the bonc io nc MEDICAL CO clinton jackson CHICAGO ILL ILI for rr rurby rby labz iaia ai 31 cir Cluts erfil 9 L labi till is L le e pur per can lan 10 table fruit all kinds per can 15 pic lite fruit I 1 ruit per can 30 tomatoes per can 10 salmon astoria per can 14 a cascade per can 19 44 charter oak per can call 19 corned beef one pound 15 laundry soap the best per bar 40 and 50 coal oil per gallon 25 LL 11 sheeting per yard 40 to sc 50 Ging liams ms amoskeag per yard 7 X calico per ard 5 outing flannel per yard lard to la ns per ard 10 i percalee percales Per Iler cales per ard ac to loo lindsey Sh Sli eLting per ard 60 60 Oc geralls ralls strauss per pair 75 1 eldorado per pair 50 butter WW sub ftp late Market pound creamery per IV ys the post i H IE S M N arm ar M altoon ALx OON NICHOLS EGAN proprietors FINEST LARGEST AID AND LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN IX CASTLE special attention kiven given to the gallon and fire gallon trade on which we malit i rices come in and get I 1 which an are guaranteed to be he right J wa W WARP WARF y at law and notary public I 1 irice UTAH special attention given to collections collection office west of the 1 hotel mathis R A KIRKER M E examines and IR R deports on mines ani an illy iro carbon carbou properties iea in eastern ea A utah end Col colaramo arado address IRILE tEUrAH IBI UI all F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT LAW CASTILE DALE UTAH di district brict attorney fir the seventh jn dickal district AN ill practice in all the kourta where criminal casee cases are not in voled 11 Ali alining nine irrigation and probate matter n given pedal special attention 0 H FIELD M da P PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH 03 Robil robert ifft mckune ladies Ladie sand and gents mackintoshes to measure from dundee rubber corpo CHICAGO ml rat ion ILLINOIS ILLIN gents clothing from JOHN QUINCY CO chicago ladies tailor made suits skirts capes jackets Jac kits I 1 0 rom o LOUIS VEHON CO ow w iti to cian its R ton tell ilia 1110 aiumu aiU MV 1 idill c goolt d 1 in me lie 1 sz t 1 ulai k school district w war raul ta bound f n bockx t ko ol 01 0 one bundred 0 it a kiefor 01 iny school d strict kept I 1 in eatock t aid id iw for lile dale at I 1 be tie advocate office |