Show FOB fila aur lr on lo 10 forty arty six all of lind paril anler tilt ler altha culah a lion tion at aix six atras a ad d joins ibe the town also a fine lot in orange lite call or address 11 W Y crockett Croc kelt price utah o cutti oti paid aid for loose oats price trading aull 1 a R tuu b r ibe the price tri trat ling cerui con any iny the hight aih at price for pro stale current time table tabi e T 30 A LT V V rou no U in a cuett fi anian FOR WEST N nn 1 ra N mall 1 1 IT IV tilo a a for tor P m s ssi i 1 A jk k ordea and nd ul th 0 46 no s SP keIC limited LT 4 r for provo wt boft and tb boino BAST VAST N no S LT ly 1 lip U tor for junction deaver and na east L ne no 41 antio lv ly U I 1 11 1 a an for int beison ti vor and nil tho th esst e SAN AND BRANCH wc leav leeta s ostle Junet lna a daily 10 0 10 40 in ban petis and 4 D DODO 1 r IL au U U L oka 3 bancer bIn r A WA WAbLE lOlI 0 1 1 0 11 T A evv to a co ys eba fa gj f perhaps more than any other holiday in the calendar thanksgiving is most given is with home honic beauty and home beauty is is to home pleasure I 1 lome ionic pleasure greatest very largely a matter of home furnishing just here is where we step in in with t the lie right thing for the right place if a dainty dish a nice saucepan a set of goblets a dinner set or one or oc two articles from a thousand and one other things will fill your requirements for a calil tily arranged dining room or add to the comforts 0 of f the kitchen on thanksgiving day we have it there is no end to the man many useful articles we carry in china Queen and Glas glassware and the like 11 from the good for a low price up to the very finest for a good price NN we c ca can n show you many things which if placed ill in your home at our fair prices would help you to enjoy enjo thanksgiving more we have coming for the dinner TURKEYS cranberries CELERY MUSHROOMS ONIS FR FRENCH ENCI 1 PEAS ORANGES FRESH OYSTERS SWEET POTATOES LEMONS BANANAS ac sugar 15 pound 1 00 coffee lis Ls 8 packages pick ages for 4 lion 8 pounds 16 lev le frings 8 1 docs is mocha and java lava 3 pounds docs tea english breakfast 2 pounds I 1 oo 1 6 tree 5 packages for 4 schillings best 5 packages for ioos I 1 silver ray 6 packages for C B 6 packages ac kage for B bacon acon dry iry salt mtr pound 9 12 V WINTER COATS an Ant thing lung from canvas to bear skin mackintosh from rom cheapest to dearest BEST UNDERWEAR an size style or te texture tev ture SHOES A tremendous stock men s ladies and children s leather ghods rubber goods hardware Queen ware etc all these goods will be sold at the same price for produce or cash our only competitors are the salt lake and denver merchants A great line of t ladies adies hats the large larget t stock of holiday goods C ever lr exhibited in eastern utah 3 ton of christ mas candy we carry a complete assortment of goods customers can find what they ant at all times we are new never just au out t if you don t see ahat bat you ou want ask for font it and it ill be forthcoming j boys boyls suits fine assortment upward we e pay for oats si i perc per cat cwt wt loose Is 6 is wheat hens flens shoes good value 66 44 of Is lumber 75 15 00 oo per thousand mens hats great bargains 66 t if 0 car cedar post posts s from 8 to each eggs csc perdiz CAH CASH FOR freighting YOUR COUPON DUE BILL OR WAREHOUSE RECEIPT IS JUST AS GOOD AS CASH 1 jil o 0 YZ tf t f A artt mr TT aldr jue price and vernal stage stan ZD jam L LINE I 1 N E sis sr k elegant four flore flor e coaches leave for fort duchesne white rocks ouray agency and vernal vety morning at 9 am atri ing at price at G p in carrying U S mails passengers express beat fee fust and ff first nt class accommodations lor I 1 or further information formation ar 21 ij 13 to B R MCDONALD agent rio G ramie A western batern depot wagons n S wagons new c car ar load of the old reliable just received and in stock tock arthur arthul J 9 lee ball ps and in lit foca all 11 kinds 0 flocy office e new now taik to select inin from lat received a large 1 lock of stationery lad new print pierr r alsa nl ie is prepared prep ired to furnoh adyth it in the job printing lino line on i hort noti notice ce and at bait mt lake medium per pound 12 to 6 10 lard lards oatmeal oat III cal 4 rice bland 8 starch all kinds is 1 10 0 soda 6 1 ic c Clice cheese sc full cream per pound 12 1 la 11 e per can io 1 lable able fruit all kinds per can i 15 tomatoes orna toes 1 6 salmon astoria a 1 4 14 charter oak 11 1 10 to roll oil iiI n klarer 01 mau SE iak a co VEW CITY I 1 the largest clothing I 1 manufacturers in Anier america fea oust eitran SOTS BOYS ADONIS t 5 auers ros 8 ath ext V w pay PJ I 1 arld n abit 1 1111 1 81 bloc gy s 1 afi I 1 I 1 1 lit ft I 1 f af rc at tea tj ald aid uk jt block 51 it albeit alb t f ro t uzi tiit ad calir aj klerr 1011 t Vs 3 tylo 9 wibb fors 6 imir pau 0 if 2 a 0 L I 1 A t it ts tyle ti p r ac st lost if f at MED I 1 sa a I 1 W M it I 1 lavinton Li LAWYERS manti INI anti U utah tali one of the firm aill ill attend each lach term of district court in ance rice waterland Wat vater erand and mining alining litigation a speciale specia lt lorn lornce ld heel I 1 p pound un o IS 0 laundry soap soa P best per bar bars 4 and sc 50 coal oil per gallon LL sheeting per P yard j gin ginghams uc hams amoskeag per yard calico a 0 per ard outing flannel flannels per vard tg lawns per yard ig 10 percales percalee Per cales per bard ard 8 toioi to to liniev sheeting per yard fc overalls overa ils per p par air 6 eldora eldorado do per pair 01 ol HOTEL matalis newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and r cuisine unexcelled under unde r Y new mana management 9 ement CRATES erate 1 50 AND PER daill DA H G CLARK manager PRICE utah 0 CO 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and Alco alcohol hoh sewn STONEWALL WHISKEY ra CENT PURE ALCOHOL large stock to select from special attention to mail orders l aiom riom U 1 rt J C WEETER R LUMBER coll CO wholesale hOle sale and retail lumber Y yari ard c with a full line of 0 sash doors screen doors building nee Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine finish bui do ut ers glass wire e cloth iron roofing nails ba ware combination lath fence als also za a complete L line of harness agone buggies spring sprint vaga wap b and ni vuu ill handle all kinds of I 1 arm implements we represent the coop wagon and machine co of salt L if it in rice need of nna no tiling thing in our line alg call and see as us or write it to jour interest to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO T 1 phe HE MINT SALOON D W HOLD best of 1 to ida it eind 1 ri ca s ri ac ac C opposite rio grande western depot NO N hos hotel clarke A |