Show 1 J 6 aa h dry goods grocery store i 4 L lowenstein I 1 take pleasure in announcing to tile public that my 4 stock purchased cd in chicago and new york is all in 4 lj and now ready for inspection my aly stock of 1 s S GOODS cannot be surpassed and arc are cheaper than any other 4 house joushin in the city my ay iy plush and cloth capes ladies and misses jackets ladies dress skirts wrappers wrapper and ladies sweaters I 1 have the best selection tills this side of salt lake CLOTHING and GENTS furnishings I 1 can sell cheaper thin an one children s school suits from up of those so 50 cent blankets I 1 received pairs other stores ask for alic best ladies shoe in in this country for S 1 f S and all other shoes in ill proportion all I 1 have to say is if you ou wish to sa save e money on purchasing our winter supplies call and see me before you buy it will be to our int interest remember my motto 1 I shall not be undersold by anyone tty ty centa paid lum for cr loose oats i trading company irani tag in i oar our loose oale aud and get i for or them arice trading corn eom LV AROUND THE TOWN j rj 1 to flo ito at price trad inn ing company a ua centa cents per pair at price trading blanket blankets SU si ceat tn ta 11 per pair kairit at price trailing comp company n ny a batool hobs book aad id supplies copp lle at the price trading company a we and ad bate bat walked down to coet cost at the prica trading take your produce to the price trading comp tay an I 1 ret get the highest price remember the price trad ing company pay pays the b h chest market price for or produce inking 1 kins powders injure the bulach uee use the para pure brand named perfect and bare have no in Ilice the parity partly of the powder named perit perttu c t ie is a Luar autee against allow chini leaion caused by indices 1110 tiou every woman la in to health and pocket look borill should try the perfect unities baking powder once need used aldaya ys used we print or take order orders for every glut from a eiting vi card to a county record bend bead to aur and get price prices it plea see every body ly to know that they tan tali boy buy the anre baking powder named perfect Per reasonably emery county ailt U 1 GO I yoa yon c better botter your condition by bu ing good goods in salt lake and paying 1 warn hn h n yon you can bay buy as cheaply of price trading the rho atoma stomach it is oar beet best friend and the neit next bet b et st la is the c I 1 perfect baking puw der it is i porn pure and aegina d emery county mercantile co ca fu fn I 1 anck acock 0 of f and buum wig col colla ts arnod marlin rifles and remington kept la in tock stock by the J C cOmP co loyt price utah our Fe lection ol 01 bamps bear war the c celet dinst tion we lovite 11 and alicia tho opinion of the bt ju jalace larg ranga frani 43 ifft to 0 75 tb jbf t h i ery county B by oring aing the liwag pow ier named perfect you will abow appreciation of t are food at 1 a oe use the perfect emery county mercantile co the rider ladya hta hats at it 1 00 are jn it the thing all who ft tb tn amirr them dont wall wait bv gif be I 1 ore th thay y are gone F ery connly county mercantile tile company it will be to the interest of anyone woo who d irea good noder cloth for grown people pr or child children ren to co come n and rera ant flannels we have dinst receive 11 a whole cae it cnota is tothill iz t to 0 ez erimine ant yon you will frely boy bay 1 emery anery county mercantile 00 i A pany puy acme llodra is the safest and surest rem dryly ia to the world for chol ra Infant Antum nai ch lra L ra aorl ot bilion col c and all it ut the bow bowel elii stores at t emery county cor panya 1 tore acme aetna cholera syrup cures hotl acme cholera li alerts curre alle migle rile pile caires car magi magic pile no botlon a bitle pi tle care for piles wags painful swell rall wf ing iti valuable in ta d diphtheria dip theria for lf gait at I 1 emery enory county lie com panya stores macic pile lotion burm pit either external w iut rr in from 4 to 5 day dap price company ia is for loose oata lulf ilfe 1161 crr alf jt it haa hat ben oar our de desire ire for a long time to cobun Is a strictly high grade bilk bak as uz powder ahat we 14 i r ana bare have at vor chased the g ellaine bran I 1 d I 1 perfect we guarantee gna rantee every ounce rod will refund pur porca casse aae u it not entirely emery connly mercantile tereAn tile co WH Hir gatia expectorant la Is a paro to or r 0 ila cold la grippe 1 of th be belr 1 0 n ggs and nd acute asi thina for saile 1 at aultry county Urr mercantile cantile coni com panya toffa a use expectorant fir rl saut prompt and certain for co ablis and coa the price Tr alM are sell el las lax dress gooda pods below balt e city prices iricea aou SALM on u forty six alx lx acres of land li barll under aultia uon tion nl fit Orang orangeville eville six ix arc ad rid the town abio it fine lot in n ortia millo 1 call or address II 11 IV crocket Crock dt arke utah mr mrs hollivay at tic the pos tollice has 1 ceceli ed a n new ew lock stock of militar military 3 bate hats the are tire jaunt tid mab abb and the latest hies out prices Iric eion on thesa goola goods are ro within the bealls of ili all L call anti look the istock nt au 0 0 3 jus im camua COAT coar S k 6 1 roars A ad IR 1 3 ks A MH tEV MARK P BRAFFET AT T 0 h E YAT LAW PRICE UTAH i domce on MAIM MAIN strict W wc C ra RICHMAN MD M I 1 wyand surged ae 1 j will irow 11 fro aroa cul gait a but a few are here presented but these will suffice to give an idea of the beauty of the file 0 garments the utility of the patterns will not 41 1 9 he be necessary to nir mention E every very intelligent housewife knows that before these NL NEW v we keep in a very large variety at the small sum of 10 cents each ca ch we give g ive you ou the fashion sheets gratis the file counter books which are very 14 elaborate v c sell for the tile nominal sum surn of 10 4 cents nothing like hice it before in ill this valley come and examine them and have your pick EMERY COUNTY mercantile CO COS lk aal j ta AND A J LUE 4 11 jd I 1 livery and tean b M arding stable LR ill 1 rn utah and stocal ab best it Cs stable I 1 i 1 rear or f uw tile it otel clarke sirvia SERVICE THE 6 B BEST E S I 1 1 r if v modern a and id date in everything tile and see what at we have every rempei loo I too pric 0 I s P 09 NICHOLS proprietors proprietor FINEST LARGEST ania AND LINE OF up old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars qa IN VALLEY special attention given to the cllon gallon ana fiva ara gallon trai special i 1 time cone come in and nd n hb X mke inake get price which are o 0 vr rau teed to ba right THE i OASIS SALOON HERBERT al MILLBURN proprietor FINEST LINE OF or good whiskies liquors beers and cigas in ill castle valley alley ai T JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A SPECIAL pool tables and all appointments Ipp ointments ofa of a first class house everybody made welcome wel conic TH F 0 T em k i I 1 LAOK LARKE akke HOLLADAY proprietors PRICE UTAH 0 0 0 0 0 THE BEST IN EASTERN UTAH aa Flit ered water stage stages f north and aad south amru in connection handy to depot sample room for commercial travelers I 1 liberal rates to parties and regular Board boarders Bo arderi erb nine out of ten Trav traveling cling salesmen visiting price stop at hotel clarke SMITH I 1 11 I 1 G 0 TT GENERAL blacksmithing 0 ariage anci and weidon Wet clori work HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY AU ALL WORK WORIC 2191 tik I 1 0 ia tj TN 11 7 ok |