Show Reme remember tuber lie the price training company the hinbest lilg bot market price for pro 0 o A KNOW K 0 THYSELF ell W was inscribed on the temple containing the greatest oracle of ancient times the wisdom of that admonition has never been questioned but there s other knowledge worth having ha ang some become more inore dissatisfied as they get better acquainted with self that ta not so about our store it bears investigation the more its cnown k the better its liked and appreciated we tr try y to help you too for instance boys suits fine assortment upward up ward hens shoes good value 12 is alens hats great bargains sugar 15 pounds tor for 1 1 I oui QU coffee Ar cs 8 packages fo to lion 8 pounds i leverings 8 1 mocha and java 3 pounds aioo tea english Brea breakfast krast 2 pounds aioo tree 5 packages for aioo schillings best lest 5 packages package 3 for aioo ath silver er ray 1 6 packages for I 1 oo 00 C B 6 packages p a C la 9 es for aioo bacon dry salt per pound 9 breakfast 12 A wa 1 arc P 1 0 COATS art tiling thing from canvas to bear skin 1 MA INTOSH 08 1 from cli cheapest to dearest BEST UNDERWEAR any size style or texture SHOES A tremendous stock men s ladies and childrens leather gods rubber goods hardware Tin nare Queen ware woodenware etc all these goods will be sold at the same price for produce or cash our eniy competitors are the salt lake and denver merchants A great line of ladies hats the largest stock of holiday goods e ever er exhibited in eastorn a utah 3 ton of christ mas candy we carry a complete assortment of 0 goods voids customers can find what they want at all times we are new t just out if you don t see v hat you w want ant ask fort and irwill it will be we pay for oats si 1 per cint loose 8 wheat 75 4 40 lumber sis 15 oo 00 per thousand 4 so cedar posts from 8 to each 64 1 eggs per doz CASH FOR folt FRE freighting YOUR COUPON DUE BILL OR WAREHOUSE RECEIPT IS JUST AS GOOD AS CASH ja 1 H ML price and vernal stage annes LINE elegant four diore coaches leave lease for fort duchesne white rocks ouray agency and vernal a morning at sit 9 a ED arriving at t at 6 p to m carrying U S mailey mails passengers express best bervice c past tion timi en an I 1 first for further furl tier info ignatiou appi to B R mccot MCDONALD ALD agent rent illo grande tt 1 estern depot wagons wagons 1 new car load of the old reliable just received and in ill stock arthur J lee 1 ball hall fik and la in fact all kinds klaila of ot emcy fiti onry I 1 finto 1 at arr nr new tock stock to select froin dut bw lv e a larco largo of ind and dew new print imparl atut 1 h k prepared to anything ID in th job ak printing 3 line nil oo 00 bhatt notice and od a at t balt lake e ince am medi medium tin per pound 12 lard 4 to to 10 ismeal 0 44 4 rice island to so 8 biardi all kinds to soda ic i c cheese full cacam a per pound i ay L lyp r per can to table fruit all kinds per can 15 tomatoes ro matoes 66 41 9 salmon astoria 0 of 14 oak 19 1 to 0 t C avoil 00 minis h 1 CUTINO ax 1 rou E S Z CO E wd st NE HEW W you K cm tr to r 0 largest clothing manufacturers in america OUR GREAT barcal 1 sm r 0 05 2816 7 V th beitf pant til 1 we pa aej tartt th tt thit it lt goo k J fr ir 4 nl chic 1 I black dl gitlic G grf 4 1 I 1 if 7 9 ua ff tl b rth rt 4 r abs tbs k sj I 1 y 10 rt 4 it alb albert tut sit el raf it W baxt 9 B S ma ariit tri olt 4 lb suc fr t i rn liar r U 5 ath tt 1 4 3 a 0 9 I 1 0 0 L 3 d chiso so 1 lebn darls 4 rt r 41 so t lost b abday I 1 it mot 7 it C WIT d a t aw opt I 1 T r IT ta T 1 tk 1 U V livington manti utah one of the firm vill attend each term of district courtin price water and mining lit ignation a specialty corned heet i 15 laundry soap best est per bar 4 and se coal oil per gallon 0 LL sheeting per yard S Ging ginghams hums amoskeag i per yard 7 Y calico per yard 5 outing flannel per yard 10 lawns per yard to Q percalee percales Per cales calles per yard 8 to to linsey sheeting per yard 60 60 ove overalls rails strauss per pair it as of eldorado Ud orado per pair HOTEL newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine unexcelled under new management CRATES 10 RATES 1 50 AND PER DA DAI H G CLARK manager PRICE utah H miss 84 CO 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines B beer NF cigars and alcohol Alco liol seven year old STONEWALL I 1 WHISKEY L 93 PER CENT PURS PURR ALCOHOL lar large 9 e sto stock k ta to select aiom om special at attention fen f son ta to mail orders I 1 H luca U U rm 1 tt t T J C WEETER LUMBER coi CO i wholesale and retail lumber yard F with a r line ol 01 sash doors screen doors building P 1 mould akings blocks ool and pin pine e finish finish baj ers liau a are glass wire cloth iron roofing nails vare ware combination lain fence also a complete line of buggies spring W and A ill 11 handle all kinds linds of I 1 arm implements we represent the coop wagon and machine co cc of salt 1 if it in need of aej a thing iu in line our call and eee see write is lie us to or our olur Inter elit tt to do so J C WEETER LUMBER CO COO i T H E MINT SALOON AD W HOLDAWAY froan best of cr to JL al and sri Sti iole v 1 1 I opposite rio grande western depot ne hotel clarke |