Show itah tali dry goods grocery store L lowenstein I 1 take talc pleasure in in announcing to the tile public that winter stock purchased in chicago and new york is all my in ill and now ready for inspection al stock of DRESS JL 1 TCO h SS GOODS cannot be surpassed and are cheaper than any all other house in the city my plush ind cloth capes ladies and misses Jackett ladies arc dress skirts wrappers and ladies su sweaters caters I 1 ha hae c the abst selection tins this side of salt lake CLOTHING and GENTS GENITS furnishings I 1 can sell cheaper than an one children s school suns suits from goc up of those so 50 cent blankets I 1 received soo p klirs tirs other stores ask for them then rhe bt bost ladies shoe in this country for i i 15 and all other shoes in ill proportion all I 1 ha e c to say is if ou ish to sa c money on oil purchasing hasimo our winter supplies call and sec see me nic more ou oil buy it will be to your our into interest rest remember ni ili motto 1 I shall not be undersold by anyone t I 1 to ito lu at price araj 1 tax comp company attys blanket dislike is 50 60 cents pr per pair 11 it tit trading company ti st blanket blankets 51 50 writs cents tf to 11 per iwar nt at price trading 11 company coin school book books ALIJ supplies at the urlce trad ID compin yd e bhole and let late marked don to cost at the trading cc trip anys take your produce to the price trading company an I 1 put got the highest lilg beet remember I 1 the he price tr I 1 I 1 gitig ing corn company pit ny pays the highest market price tor for pro dace d I 1 1 torace is a for a ol col 01 1 ia 1 grip grippi of met fit iiii I 1 acute aith II la for a il as at altu ry j county u a sarv t U UM marcub for pleasant I 1 t and relief fur aud we ariot or take ordera for everything itom from it card to a count anly 7 record bend send to 7 KB und mind ft get prices it everybody to know bat that they can buy the puri pure baking powder named perfect eo so reasonably finery county mercantile lo 10 yon you cannot butter lotter your con I 1 y bacior in salt I 1 ate ale and anti paying o 0 when yon you can buy ae as cheaply of arico trading 11 kompany the stor nitch ix jo our beet best frier I 1 and the next let lt L et ie is the I 1 Iler fret o 0 der itis chemically puro and ancl assists digestion louery county co CIO Fall block stock of ammunition anIg an 1 unit coll rood good martin gitles and remington tou Phat gutis kept in 10 ty ly the J C weeter company cOm PADY price butali our election ot law lamps ps oear thee west gnap http cilot NN a lt cump arlson and und the opinion 0 of the bet bt judg res rane range from 41 cents to 9 aw 7 the 1 nury county mercantile acme cholera syrup is the lafeat and surest remedy in the world for chol cholera ra infantas tam turn cholera mort or us bilton bil toa col c und and all trouble s of the bowel 4 tor kor sale at emery couty mercantile company a stores acme cholera borop cares cures colic acme cholera S ernp cures 1 I 1 lie il linn atoe cart pile lotion a to eUl tir cure for atiee stags t barn burn clde p junful ewell swell ing invaluable in dip diphtheria theria sale 1 at emery county countr mercantile company e 8 stores alagre hie ille lotion con cone e plies cither either external or internal in to from 4 to 5 da cent cents pai pal I 1 for loose oita wits price irke trading company firings ann in boter ar louse loose oats and pet get ati for them ince trading Tr adina cora com pany pau r it will be to the interest of who desires jool gool abing for grown le or to ami and examine our flinn elit 1 we have jnet just received a whole coose it cents nothing to ex bill but you will barely surely bay buy almery county mercantile mui pany per u B ing n g the aking cloaking powder n perfect t yon you will bow show apt of pore pure food always use the perfect emery county co r the me price trading cogul any P pye lys tho the highly highest t market price for pro pra ilu du V the 10 angil gh lider ladara hats at t 1 I 00 8 t 1 abo he thin all who se s e cheul tan ui adair ad taire them dou t wit wait but oa 01 get theiu before tb 7 ere are gone a emery danty Vot pany i arico T radio 11 com compain pat is pa ing aoe for looe loose oata 4 lailar Lail lr ud I 1 it hu has ben oar our for a lonac loo time to obtain a strictly bibb a grale dot MI ag a powder Pol cf that we ell sell ked have at lost gar barcham cham ilia alrand mined named I 1 perfect I 1 f guarantee otery c ounce U nce and will refund y tt if not vot entirely satisfactory county CA CO ja l bita V I 1 so so IN im liaa anu D s COAT f r I 1 A k md I 1 ig t 3 URI SL C I 1 I 1 eer vao 68 r IS CS U UiS al U ta 14 it 14 if rears current time table a SALT LA V ROL fl in effect 5 1898 FOR UTAH WEST N I 1 Imol fl fall I 1 r ol lor in n I 1 tbt vot no 3 I 1 IT r wpm al f for I 1 roro t isike arde I rde and the coast kaar no 2 chica stu KM 1164 IT 11 flip u for 0 A dentt dearer and nd 1150 tul east w nn aa hunt to karr if IT it IT no for girand J inett I 1 i liitt lii Tr an and th tho east AN hinr 1 AH ho 61 6 1 ave daily tle afi 10 for 11 II point in fro bun ban icie at and nd bowler 1 1 lea 1 U 0 U 11 general marr a 8 II 11 UK F A U af I 1 ata T A wagons W r afons wagons 0 new car c a r load of the old reliable just received and in ill stock arthur J lee let MARK P BRAFFET B R A FT V ET I 1 1 AT LAW PRICE UTAH orrick OX we WC 0 RICHMAN MD av and SUR fEO Ill lir U ill itus er call from surrounding settle cu nini om I 1 s at of the 1 l lu to larm stat a 1 1 office halt lake ke thy lily ct ml MI A aiulu llna ml t ha iia J deco elicit in this III oil ce 11 I 1 y im rs tt mi boltl h ril M I 1 un ar for 4 peez twp 14 kluh boar br by ir a bert U M R A rtin contente cont enre i litch bichrt it to 1 alleif o 0 I tik tw alj lutry nan I 1 0 et tily abat 4 ua bcd said lavid nd smi bixl ixl laabi l till I 1 for rt nott ott ot t r lirt 1109 1 dat ml ale I 1 that filch st bm rw oto Is I 1 im mt I 1 I 1 the he reri ilor I 1 licens 3 1 in nyo P riia e 4 tort 3 aniie m I 1 respond to r r tear a iu u u cluck tx on lifs li afore 4 toll marn notary put ito at bli tile e in price lull list und and I 1 bildt at ao onal hana r will U held at a la to on oil ironim IV ia ii el lure re the I 1 roti olt and r 1 t be dined 4 81 a its land am ra A a tl irU U 1 vit tt a proper unida davit Tit abod n e 1 I 1 f rah face which bah P b ur due nl 1 thi this tit tl r t tie ardo it Is I 1 hereby aidt 0 or 1 I set at ouch i f 1 daviod tb it f eilf larb K n r u b na r 1416 I 1 im b i A we iwed nav idle 11 cle e da L arb yo 11 1 1 but a few arc here presented ted but these will suffice ice to give an idea iden of the beauty of the tile garments the utility of the patterns will not be necessary to mention every intelligent housewife knows that before these NEW IDLA PAI we keep in in a very large variety at it the tile small sum sull of 10 cents each we give you the tile fashion sheets gratis the counter books which arc are very elaborate we sell for the nominal non linal sum suin of to 10 cents nothing like it before in this valley v ille y come conle and examine them and have your pick EMERY COUNTY mercantile HILE CO COS ellliott Ex 11 D I 1 V J USE livery lim y and boarding beardin stable best rigs and stock in ill eastern utah stable in rear of the hotel clarke PRICKS S rabi 4 THE BEST everything E new modern and up to date in every respect come and see what we have elliott loo price stati S F N arm NICHOLS EGAN proprietors r I 1 NEST LARGEST AND I 1 INE INC OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars ayars IN CASILL VALLEY VALL Py special attention gl en to the gallon ami alid fire trade gallon on which we re make come la ili and get i 1 alcea which ate I to bi highl THE OASIS A 1 l SALOON 15 herbera at MURK proprietor 4 1 i LINE OF good whiskies liquors beers and kigais in in castle valley JUG AND BOTTLE TRADE A pool tables and all appointments of a first class house everybody made welcome THE HOLLADAY proprietors PRICE UTAH 0 0 0 9 0 THE BEST IN EASTERN UTAH uw uses FIN red water lVa teri bouli ll 11 r in connection nechio stages nok anif hanje 0 to o depot sample room for commercial travelers 4 s ic ral rates to parties and regular boarders nine out of ten traveling Trav cling salesmen visiting price stop at hotel clarke PING lne is JOB F PRINTING AT THE T HE ADVOCATE OFFICE ga 1 S |