Show A li republican TICKET for in jonic Jo nrc ALUA Just iett of the ilia supreme court CHAS 11 8 ANC ZANE state H antor kli wit 1 I strict it riot MONS rl 11 carbon county ticket I 1 alln lei re sea I 1 at i ye II 11 U 1 t boll ro 1111 A JOHN arh cl bleik e ill and mall 1 r I 1 WILLIAM IL J sheriff JOHN L attorney J l k an I 1 A wor republican 1 for ll it arc lu in Cun grea ALMA antic of she tb cour NC fer state senator Sn alir twelfth ct IONS I 1 IClE lul Elt IlbO boI grand county ticket rr yr LI n hll JOHN E PACE anif lt of ON A TAI LOU clef li a 11 J it em ar 0 olar LO r ia ahll Alto Att ruy L 11 II EDDY EDDI Tre urr F A E 1 D it 11 NN allbon IL bON JW J hurve 1 F CAMPBELL BLANKETS tsao 50 OK to I 1 I 00 Z ant 40 macintoshes es sao to sto 1000 0 I 1 I 1 ts is k I 1 AMR I 1 C 7 leq S j g S f D V 0 alaf 01 ir I U 1 ow I 1 so 1 I 1 41 4 pr cz C z art t TH THE 5 CAMPAIGN AROUND PONCE PORTO RICO via iu i i the region around aronni tile I 1 place of hiir q h opral miles army nud lit 1 nee iwo the leadill leai liu city tt d tho fland which wo bh a convial milmae hall lic canio ponce gilerto rico U H 4 in 1 I 1 rous I 1 aice ruin run lite I 1 ini I 1 military ragen real rca irl nIt nl SanJuan iwo of UK ailt gru p cruls it 0 went tore en iral milt 4 iier ariga lier it entail mr il los 14 u it br bri ilailo ailo from tamin binl all I 1 4 iril I 1 rode roderick dint rt ut at with a from fruin 50 JL JC al bvm YOUR COUPON DUE BILL OR WAREHOUSE RECEIPT IS JUST AS GOOD AS CASH t at I 1 livington LA ER IvI manti anti utah one of the firm v N ill attend each term of district court in ance rice water and mining litigation a alt and elsewhere during the late unpleasantness with proud and haug haughty lity old spain is in comparison to the tile war we waged on oil high alices pi ices which have been i driven from eastern utah never more to tore r i turn we have no competitors except the salt lake and denver merchants and on a very great of articles we undersell di merchants of these places an inspection of our varied stock will convince anyone oi of the absolute ec ee correct correctness nests of this sta statement tellie fit T the lie prices we have been quoting the past give one but a faint idea of the hundreds and hundreds of genuine bargains we have it would too much newspaper space to enumerate even a small portion of them come in and see the values offered these tell the stor story y better than we can HOTEL HOTE L MATHIS AIA newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine unexcelled under new management CRATES e RATES AND PER DA DAI 11 II G CLARK manager PRICE utah PAID PAI D CO 0 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquors wines beer ci cigars ars and alcohol seven slen year old WHISKEY 93 PER PURL ALCOHOL targe large stock to select fiam special attention to 10 mail orden 1 1 r C UTAH U 1 4 mirah GENERAL blacksmithing carriage and wagon work works HORSE SHOEING A SPI ALL WORK guaranteed aalt A U F J C WEETER LUMBER coi CO i 11 wholesale hole sale and retail lumber yard a d with a full line of sash doors screen doors pa Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine I 1 build ers hardware glass wire cloth iron roofing nails 13 ware combination I lath ath fence also a complete line of learness li arness sMa gons buggies spring ila and will handle all kinds of I 1 farm arm implements Implement st we represent the coor W wagon and machine co of salt I 1 if it in need of an thing in 10 will our line call and see ue us or write it ita to jour your interest to ilo ito sels e J C WEETER LUMBER CO T PHE FI E MINT SALOON D L W I 1 propriety best of aing t to C 1 zi and ri d iti I c olo ak a opposite rio ilic grande western depot N hotel clarke P I 1 r I 1 |