Show exl I 1 II 11 loun cat cities angio pile palo lotion a positive can cure far for ailt stings bar bur jp bild p it a well I 1 iiii gla iam ia in till di for nie saile nt at emery a wooly mercantile compa fi tores illo pile lotion corn curva piles either ein or internal ernat in from 4 to 5 da inu a lug el expectorant booz oct orant ie Is a litiere lI tire cure for a iolj li Is grippe conchin con gHin ot of the lutali and cute for forie sale a at t lairry county mercantile company a store stort ma use orant for pleasant coldo P prompt to IZ t anil and certain relief for coughs and ii 4 01 t 1 rl I 1 J I 1 I 1 I 1 va 11 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 we WC ra af H berre 9 INQ I 1 60 1 X 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 oja ON N MANY STRINGS I 1 i f 00 I 1 11 01 I 1 I 1 aanon c hom are those I 1 we carry the largest and best stock of I 1 CENTRAL merchandise on of any an store in eastern utah I 1 and we are arc selling at and below salt L lake ake prices I 1 WE BUY IN CAR LOAD LOTS and as cheap as do the salt lake merchants who must mug pay heavy license heavy rent I 1 heavy taxes heavy insure ance electric ii light 9 ht and many other heavy expenses to which we are not su subjected I 1 I 1 I 1 WE ARE A R TRADERS 1 and we offer oner to trade merchandise for wheat oats flour bran brans potatoes hay cedar posts and other marketable commodities for which we will allow the them highest market price a 1 WE AVE WILL DUPLICATE DUPLICA i r I 1 5 A r 4 4 I 1 your quotations from salt lake city and nd meet and 2nd beat all competition PRICE RICE 0 TRADING CO COO 0 0 is GREAT a 4 SAIT AKE v TIME TABLE la in effect february 5 1898 FOB FOR GOING NO WEST no na 1 acle mull lr I 1 7 T 10 30 a for provo salt bait jake ogden and sod the coast no so 11 l accoo L lr 4 aop m for provo aalt jake den and tho chait c m sm a nasr no 2 chicaro limited ir IT I 1 lip in lor for grand junction mover kod and rapt 1 no C tAll anilo 11 lr it ila 11 ID m for grand junction 1 denver and nd ilia east it 8 N chril AND I 10 L n dally tle at 10 40 a in fur for all 11 II point points la ita ban 80 rele 1 and bowler 1 huntt oun tt 1 t t general manar 8 S II 11 F A VA L P hekt act A 1 UN 10 kt ILK TO til TH r LAST I 1 imi great rock island route FAST EX pit ad k leaves denver if U 30 30 p tu leaves r 7 7 r in arrivee lincoln Li nevIn all 41 it pm omaha 4 13 iiii p da maluf 0 JO pm U aci port t ba aiu peoria a 1 11 A zo L 11 I 1 ca z 0 0 I 1 R in askel ard chair cra 1 lu a chicago k I 1 I 1 lit LC deura ie I 1 re it x J it in acm fim 4 colorado culer ido api t hlll it ka 33 pm 1 arriver roark k a u 0 a tn city 9 li am ui ill at bt lonu vla ur ily ml f I 1 I 1 p tu tai ft st joseph jose ph I 1 u als U ft a in line in 0 43 p to tj lia b av beat a ii cant t loala 10 10 I 1 ra 0 locraft a springe to M at lonie zis vi N aboh ky ity for foil and folders giring giving it lime I 1 no of tb th trains write E E Alit LEOD jho jno sED ISTIAN A U 0 P A T pika 0 P A All j cago W 11 II FIRM general agent denver WC we C RICHMAN MD me D and t will answer call calls from a a betus tu I 1 T F 0 CO 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I 1 P liquors ill wines beer cigars and A alcohol I 1 cohol I 1 sean year old S STONEWALL WHISKEY S I 1 KEY U 93 PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL large stock tot to select from 5 attention to mail orders RIOS I 11 bilal r UTAH U 1 ta M DR W 0 I 1 IN DELER N ar DRUGS 1 toilet articles candies and cigars PP UTAH urah 9 J C WE WEETER IETER LUMBER conj ca wholesale and retail jimim yard I 1 with a full line of sash doors screen doors building 12 Alo Moul I 1 dings gs casings blocks redwood and pine Fi finish I 1 d ers hardware glass wire cloth ciotti iron roofing nails W D ware combination lath lith fence 6 also a complete line of I 1 buggies spring wago andai and ill i handle all kinds of farm implements we represent the coop co op wagon and machine co of salt if it in dechi of brij tiling thing in our line call and see ec ue us or write it w to to jour your to 10 10 so 80 i i J C WEETER LUMBER CO I 1 10 ms 1 I it HOTEL MATHIS I 1 I 1 I 1 deiv newly y turnis furnished i bed throughout I 1 ca clean ean and neat r borns prid cuisine unexcelled under undo new vv RATES AND PR ra 1 DA ai he H G CLARK manager 00 PRICE utah a I 1 J I 1 SMITH Wn ISol GENERAL blacksmithing INO Garri carriage age anda sr 0 n W 0 r 1 V 41 r HORSES hor always I 1 1 a tilsit is dutz ALL WORK guaranteed I 1 IA A I 1 1001 1 1 |