Show wa 9 ons wagons new car load the old reliable just received and in stock art bul J lee school book books ald ld chool school supplies at the th price trailing trading comp company anys shoes arz br bt to U marked dona down to cost it at the prica brading comp company anys acir th 0 11 fr for r rites tte R W crocket at t T 1 ao catt CAM the price tr tra ling company ooin poT are sell ell las jug dree dress good goods below bait balt lako lake city prices we print or take order orders for every thing from a vi biting card to 0 o a county record bend to las I 1 it A ADVOCATE and an get et prices good I 1 people who budr B 1 I ic more tea a c ar t h an ot her im aen awil are you insured Ini ored it not why bot t only the bet best companies comp anif represented R W V crocket tt at T tai ofila As usual we wish to serve you with we IVA HONZ HONEST GOODS erve AT PRIORS r it is not often that we sell BE BELOW LOW COST we dont make use of expressions that no one believes yet we buy our goods very close and arc satisfied with small margins t li A 1 1 VIM VMS AM we have also in a car of WAGONS and BUGGIES the maker f r 0 s name on which is ample to establish their excellence law CARTS BUGGIES Us SPRING WAGONS in general assortment B EMERY COITO COUNTY mercantile MERC AimLE CO COI ellliott 1 r III tl D ELLIOTT ABB AND A J leej livery and boarding stable best rigs and stock in eastern utah A stable in rear of the hotel clarke PRICES MODERATE SERVICE E THE BEST B EST everything new modern and up to date in every respect come and see what we have alliott loe price utah anatel NICHOLS EGAN r I 1 nest LARGEST AND BEST or old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN LN CASTLE VALLEY 8 aspdal dal attea attention tIon given to the gallon lloa ind and give callon trade on whick WS ask price corn coins in aad and ft got prices wh which are re guaranteed to be figlik TH IE 4 OASIS SALOON HERBERT MILLBURN AL at FINEST LINE OF good whiskies liquors beers 1 and cigars in castle valley valleys JUC jug AN AMP mi BOTTLE TRADE TRAPE A SPECIALTY pool tables and all appointments of a first class house everybody made welcome main rile boilon car corns magi a pile rile lotion lation a positive taro for pue tin alog barno acaldo painful well swea ing lugs invaluable io in diphtheria dip theria for ale sale at emery county mercantile compty a atom ton magic pile lotion cum puts either eral 0 intern lajpal 1 19 4 to dar days acme C cholera syrup i is the be affet ana labeet wavly rein vily la in the carld for ch ahra ra autum cholera bulone col ccle c and all trouble troubles of the bowels bowel for safe al at 1 company tofa aae cholera car oa C ame chelm 1 malboa fine line lint asat kvut k pak at the advocate |