Show it A ALL COON COURNS MAY 0 1 1 ait 4 J an LOOK ALIKE e kit but all goods kept in stock by us differ from those of competitors in that they are new Styli stylish sli lo priced and as to quality and variety ty say you never saw anything to equal it in a country store we are loaded for bear and don t purpose to waste our ammunition on small game understand we compete with the salt lake merchants do not send mail orders to salt lake city donot do not plan to buy your winter goods whilst attending conference you can supply your needs at our store for less money we buy as cheap as the salt lake merchants who must pay heavy license heavy rent heavy taxes heavy insurance electric light and many other expenses to which we arc are not subjected remember we buy our goods in car load lots and straight from the factories call and bring with you quotations from salt lake we will meet all competition PRICE TRADING CO REMEMBER we pay the highest CASH price for produce GREAT SALT LAKE ROUTE in ili ef ft february 5 1898 foa YOM utan UTAH to INQ no 1 I 1 I 1 selfia mull I 1 I 1 I 1 va 10 a m fur for provo lairo mit salt lako orjen ami n 1 abo f c not t sra 31 3 1 melee ir P lur 1 f ruru to L ell 41 1 lkc I 1 ikc A e 41 a on and od lie the gadt coal 1 luigu 1 I 1 N 0 ho no 3 2 1 v tied IT I 1 lip in for grand junction denver and nd to I 1 IT v I 1 21 egg it a in fur fam I 1 I 1 ac 1 ta n I 1 tyvr vir nl d ti tie ai wl SAN A agri it t 1 uniel in no tso a thistle ju t I 1 daila atlo 10 60 a in to for fr 11 points to in so r ste aua 4 count Dunt les K 1 L Ie manager U S I 1 II 11 I 1 it aho I 1 A it I 1 T A CIAL Kr bartron I 1 idell low wo comm coman rs J JA 1 on S bei 1 writer price clerk and W if 1 fima ll hIson 1 V J ludwill hraf bpi b PI 1 ocetha 0 11 U G I 1 ilos attorneys abt J I W tart or prim arlt e u ar W alfrod larz price e colnar 1 wood 1 lin aeral II 11 I 1 nulan in emery ll mi miller lee Cj uleIe I 1 ftc me stil sit teru I t I 1 A abury owr U IL U ill yen ryan forral b tut t ut pt 1 1 j II 11 S fuote tl flunt logton I 1 roe TOL Y in howard ll urd arc azariah tuttle or maeville nA eville MARK P BRAFFET HI I 1 1 ATTORNEY AT LAV LAI PRICE UTAH otrice OX MAXX IK you might as well be ufo afo in your tea drinking and enjoy it more besides try schilling schillings best your money back if you dont like 11 arc it r lear ill 11 D ADD AIND A J LIS livery and boarding stable sl dest best rigs and stock in eastern utah stable in rear of the hotel clarke PRICES MODERATE SERVICE 0 THE BEST E everything very thing new modern and date in every respect come and see what re ve have alliott boe lee ariae utah rr H M enaes SAI ALCON NICHOLS EGAN EGA proprietors FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE LINZ OF old whiskies Bran brandies diesi alcohol and C cigars agars IN CASTLE VALLEY special attention given to the gelloa an I 1 fire iralson 11 trade on which we make ml i ricce come in and get it alices which are guaran tool to be right smirra HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GENERAL blacksmithing ALL WORK WORIC guaranteed eriq UTAH vaar CO GO RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol sei seen en year cearold STONEWALL NALL WHISKEY ga U PER PIER CENT PURE ALCOHOL large itoch stock to select fagni special aftan attention ham to awl mm lorden PRICE urah U rah pai 1 HE KENYON T salt lake new and best hotel CENTRALLY LOCATED and a n d ON ALL CAR LINES special rates to eastern utah people table and sen ice the very best DON H PORTER TWO SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY TO ra PAST via great rock island route ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED leave leaves DENVER 9 30 a m 6 COLO bIRI INGS am aurlies LINCOLN 11 1145 45 p an tn am DES DESMOINES 1101 NES A M DAVENPORT 9 4 48 8 a att CHICAGO next dy day through bleeders blee pers and clair chair care cars colorado to chicago wide ves ia in the west COLORADO FLYER leaves DENVER 2 45 p 11 LULO COLO SPRINGS 2 arrives TO PEK k 7 30 am a KANSAS CITY 91 Sin ar at LOUIS wb wab rj 4 15 p a arrives ST JOSEPH JOSEPM 10 40 an m 1 an 4 ex sun 8 9 through sleepers Slee pere colorado spring to st SL loat louis ala 1 wabash RY these arc are new trains in addition to our former service eer vicc lor 1 or a and tirina the ibe time of 0 the writ W 11 II E E JAcL MD JNO SEDA gent abt denver A AO 0 PA I 1 A topeka G 11 A abic Cb ic W WC 0 RICHMAN M MD da PHYSICIAN and SURGE SURGEON 01 UTA M will ivr cu MUS arm surrounding THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally lc W RATES sa and 3 so per |