Show new stock of printing papers let ter cr bead heads cards and eo so fa orth th at sit salt L like ake price prices write or oat ml the advocate AdT Oate see our splendid display of school books and sah school oo 00 sup su plies an and d eccli eccle e blast bias ical works PRICE TRADING COMPANY AT made attie tie die pile lotion caires cur magic pile lotion a positive cure 1 fui pile piles tin burns naili mc nc ili aids 1 I 1 swell ng indal aap iu lu diphtheria lip dip therie theria for eil silk nt at emery couty Meran company toree stores balic ille pile lotion cures pile piles eishel external or internal in froin from 4 to fi A days nto nta the prices oil caplis 1 artiche quoted in this iesue lae by bytho abo price trading company are aon 1 it not why by noli nol only the best companies represented II 11 W crockett Cro cliett at TUE office 1 L alf acad this Cart fally 11 it bits ba acu ovir dwire for ft a long time a abt ain a atil ell icily etly high grade baking powder 1 that we could sell 11 reasonably ind lad bave have ct at last 1 seed ed the genuine ranil irand named I 1 perfect we guarantee very ivery ounce und and will refund purchase 41 noney it oot not entirely satisfactory 3 county oo 00 marcons SI Mar Cai expectorant martica MaRt iua expectorant ie is A pu allive tun or coughs a cold Is I 1 grippe of 0 be he lunga and achta asU ajima inia for ale sale it emery county mercantile com compa pRays aya toree stores uee use Mo magno titus for or pleasant and certain relief for coughs and cold colds acene cholera aho era syrup la is the safest aad and turret surest in the world for or cholera cholera cortum allous colle coue in n 1 nil an troubles tron bloe of the bowel bowels mals al U t emery county mercantile company tores stores acini arm cholera cams colic acene syrup cures diarrhoea J A pretty foot Is out ot of the tilt question without pretty shoes our shoes are not oaly oray i pretty stylish and com a for portable table but the pr abare right tj w VI f PRICE TRAD co w iua wagons wagons 9 new car load ol 01 the old rein relia ble just received and in stock arthul J lee del |