Show 4 ALL COONS MAY I 1 LOOK ALIKE 1 but all goods kept in stock by us differ from those of competitors in that they are new Styli stylish sli low priced and as to qualey ty and variety say you never saw an anything thing to equal it in a country store we are loaded for bear and dont purpose to waste our ammunition on small game understand we compete with the salt t lake merchants do not send mall mail orders to salt lake city do not plan to buy your winter goods whilst attending 9 conference I 1 you ou can supply your needs at our store for less money we buy as cheap as tl the ic salt lake merchants who must pay heavy license heavy rent heavy taxes heavy insurance electric light and many other expenses to which we arc are not subjected remember we buy our goods in car load lots and straight from the factories call and bring with you quotations from salt lake we will meet all competition PRICE TRADING ca CO gators of low prices at yon you luneed if it not why nott 1 only the tb best compe olai represented it IL IV V crockett at TUX rux daff a a L J G R FAT 46 I 1 ROUTE CURRENT riDIN TABLE in effect february 5 1898 foa FOIL utan no I 1 11 mull mall I 1 r 1 10 a n for provo be 81 it fake ogden ati 1 1 the Ibero coast ait no 31 3 1 beldo limited L 4 rpm m tot ta provo batt laif Ogden d e end nd the tb ecot altu ll tU kaat A a no 2 celea 1 limited 1 it L lv V I 1 I 1 lip m for or grand gran d lo 10 junction u n e dearer denver and wt cast no 4 atlantic hipless LT IS 12 11 a a to for Grand junction do donver nver and nd the east it BAN SAN PETE AND allita no oe gleaves G leaves thistle r at atio 10 to 40 m for all 11 II point points in san I 1 ete eta and sevier a etc D T t I 1 general manager 8 H 11 traffic I 1 amer ila F A 0 atta k T A OFFICIAL CIAL DIRECTORY I 1 CARBON coeur I 1 A I 1 ahm comm rif r I 1 JA A I 1 I 1 S cofeld worthern WorT harn W wellington Ill neton albert albort fryt r price clerk ani na 17 II 11 donaldson lonU oo arice 1 A apes rw r W J tidwell 11 P fric rice I 1 t 0 boota H 0 webb elJ I 3 1 ru A attorneys aney J W wert art arloo irl iorez her W allred pric price COUNTY 10 A wood 1 II 11 P ll It rouen asmussen molen molon 1 le uh I 1 11 1 11 emery calory 1 U C u T X Is adt U 1 artan alln an ferron t up L kofl rn P fro rol attorn wm 11 howard tuttle HA MARK RK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY AT LAW PRICE UTAH ot 01 MAII MAVI 8 about one month ago my ciali which ie is firken koutlis ol 01 hai bad an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting I 1 gare it BUCIS as are g tiu ti u in each finch case cases but ai as nothing give raire we tent pent for tor a and it was bl bil arre for a week A at t ihie lime time the chill chil I 1 haj baa bern been rick tick for about ten iso li and was wa havio about twenty fire five ol 01 the bowl eatery IT twite ive and we were convinced that aulbi it soon oUti tellef it w nl not live liv chabut claires colic wic e h and D remedy waa was ole tl r p e adi 1 and I 1 decided to try it I 1 boon 11 a chi trige for the better ly by its it continue I use a complete cure was tas brou brought ht abent and it Is now per factly healthy C L WOO stamp P town gilmer co ca W va for eale sale by all 11 medicine deahr deal dea lr ro tb malrid 1114 4 farr of denver contains 83 82 peg I 1 ICI ad in g 1111 a I 1 P page all reading fry stry supplement ement anit making king it the largest and what wha is con col older ed the beet bost general farm and alre 11 tock journal it ie Is band each week aad and shou debould ld be read by e every ve ran ranchi c bigsta nun la in the coun tr tty wo ca can b field and farm with thia this raier at t 9 av a year 7 I 1 alja uba h ELLLIOTT lebet III 11 II D AD 0 AJ J leto livery and boarding stable best rig and stock in eastern utah stab stable c in rear of the hotel clarke PRICES S MODERATE SH THE BEST everything new modern and up to date in in every rasp respect em come and see what we ha have C alliott loo price butali 1 SELNA TEx NICHOLS A EGAN Prop Hitters i I 1 AND BEST LINE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars IN EX CASTLE VALLEY special attention to tho gallob mno 1 fir firs ruca trad ca alij we make pedal artom come in and dd get which are re guaranteed to be right S SMITH arr H WILLSON I 1 LX LX N HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY GENERAL blacksmithing ALL WORK GUARANTE ZV TAH GO 00 liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol seen son cearold STONEWALL WHISKEY 1 R burz ALCOHOL large stock to select from special attention to mail ordeal orders RICE IRICE I s urah U jl AVE IT INSURED H IN A RELIABLE COMPANY AT ONCE R W CRO CROKETT KETT fire in 1 ursule Adro advocate cate office I price ilice lice ulab utah HE KENYON T salt lake new and best hotel CENTRALLY LOCATED LOCATE Dand ancl f ON ALL CAR LINES special rates to eastern utah people table and service the very best DON H PORTER TWO SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY TO PIAM PAST MAST via great rock island route ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED leaves DENVER 6 COLO al 9 35 alm rahce 1145 pin a to S ra 25 PORT P 48 49 ais 1 CHICAGO next day through sleeper and clister cars colorado Colot 10 to chicago wide yes mule throughout 1 be figest train in n ibe the wot west COLORADO FLYER lene DEN denven VEIt 2 45 pa pm tolo COLO SPRINGS 2 45 pa A 7 30 am KANSAS CITY 1 9 15 ail ar bt LOUIS wb ry 6 16 arrives ST JOSEPH JOSEp ff 10 40 am LINCOLN ki ex sun 6 42 AM ex sun through sleepers colorado spring to st SL lout LOUIS tit via wabash R by ry y these arc new train trains in addition to our former service eer vicc vor r artl 0 lass 11 and nil folders the time of the abr dralus write 11 II irtis i E E macleod JNO SEBA geni at dealier den lier cr A G ag 11 A topeka 0 11 I 1 A chicas we WC ca RICHMAN me I 1 1 will anew of WIS from rom atu 1 inadi I 1 ul V THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RAT RATES and 2 3 so per day so 5 C EWING pr 1 |