Show aa 4 r Z 0 boft vis WILL BE THI FALL 0 H I 1 AW AN advertisement inserted Insert cd in your home hoine paper bears fruit quickly without delay everybody very body who has money to buy things reads the country paper you can get one thousand cincu lation in castle valley through an advertisement in the EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST 7 MEDIUM IN EASTERN UTAH its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy it has a circulation of 1000 in castle valley viley WE WILL WRITE IT IN THE CONTRACT its advertising rates were made to fit the hard times if you dont read it you will miss many a good thing this is the general opinion regarding THE vie ADVOCATE send it to a friend it will interest him in eastern utah more quickly quickly than anything else can call call at the office of this paper and leave lea e your name and adar address ss THE NAME ahm ADVOCATE M will do your printing and try to do it right little aids to good print ing are always utilized PI IM ADVOCATE does good printing as cheap as an office anywhere merchants and others in the towns of carbon and emery counties ate invited to send to us for estimates on job printing new line of stationery and everything necessary to first class printing on hand no delays work delivered when promised to all tf 0 EVERYBODY KNOWS 1 I 1 lint hat for solid comfort tune and nil all round general sat is fiction action th re is no railroad f on earth tint thu appeals to f thew graeler tra eler like lile the great to and f rom roin chicago st loui louisa annh i kansas city and anti al eastern points direct line to the trans alt mississippi exposition stopovers T fj ers allowed at omaha on all tickets reading through that city two through trains each u ay ay daily buffet smoking Sn oking library libra ry cars pull man nian sleeping cars reclining chair car beats seats free coaches and anti dining lining cars car operated on the tile a la carte plan tickets j at of connecting lines W V F mcmillan general agent and it ia tr traveling aeling freight and passenger agents south west temple st salt lake city the colorado midland railway ids iho the best bc st h car service la in the west if it iou arc are going to colorado springe denver cripple creek crook or mi oilier other paint east fast it will pay pity you yon to uso use the pikes s prok haute route iv wr r it 0 11 UON J gen aen I 1 aal salt lake denver denver rio grande grandb railroad company line ot of the world I 1 th only I 1 oe do having 60 wo tin lines of railway between uil ud t IND ND J JUNCTION UNCTION A ticket twel rl via vittor line two tito dally fat fast e UL RI i 11 1 lull 1 RIM SP ELiNas lad ill oft polar points et JANUARY I 1 idt resin 1 X S imao price at i i 2 is 11 p tn arrive 1 al at I 1 uel lr 1 e 6 aj 2 a DI tn tita ft m 1 otar 1 train nt no 4 1 li tr price at 12 IT 17 lm 1 glena 1 1 a rn pueblo lue bla rg 9 p in 11 a 62 p az to ain 11 no made 1 at l pit blo colorado an 0 o I 1 with all 11 II line lines t L ill flint want ir day chit r car care and 1 I pv nall aralas lake the 1 A U W trip and nd dijoy the lb on the wh lotin fc chrt t alno to creek colorado a 0 reat irold ca ap iralu no S leaving hinr price it 5 p m arrive 11 at crebell tb 1 pari in r it to VI ab haull hs a 6 K Donver Colorado 0 is it fa i rut arent arar paa aft south lake huh THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CV j TUB THE PEOPLE 3 favorite FAVOUr rE LEVE SALT LA LAKE RE cl 1 ry or riona 1 Limi a chicago bt kansas city cuu anil find park city Ci tj 1 X aa am FAA fiill for chiacco a st paal bt L city rail denver a 25 yu altrice balt LAKE 14 0 werlan I 1 lt limited bulted from chicas cabo a at puni punt at boals den vcr ver anil anti park city city faul Mail 1124 brou frou fro n caleagno bt st P tal st loni loula omana omaha kanai kansa sa city and deaver a X bom SO am oily one oa on the road to On antalia talia 4 two nights to Cil chicaro leago aad st goulf ir lioe fins lio fin e s one night additional tua union unto pacific is the only un line to the points without a cha lie nt of cir cars and the only line is baffen smoking a 1 library can carat eleven 1 and twelve hours quickest time to river and chicago 11 M X CL VY Y general agn 2611 21 alila aalt lain laks T THE N missouri pacific Pad fic RAILWAY Elet fut coat hes Q lick tick timp and aza go 10 rl 1 intili line tie pe peopled Peo oplas 1 route LEAVE pric 1217 12 t a ru I 1 n blo VW p in kin 4 city 4 ts 43 p M st lont U 0 55 a ra ch cli cog V xi a m jl coll call upon the ban elliet lot t or nr a aUreM id rem yf U U KOOSER eigil ei til ml aul P mi am ager agelas 11 J FLYNN NN if diate ins ing d 8 it it city or 11 Q beir general al a and 81 boula oaie |