Show ar A pretty foot Is out of the question without pretty shoes our shoes are not only pretty stylish and comfortable for table but the prices are right PRICE mice TRADING COMPANY j acme L cho no era syrup Is the aafedt and breet surest remmy la ia the tb world for cholera antum ch oleria borbus lillous ool c and d all troubles ice ut the th for ale at emery count j mercantile oom pany atom tores ft acme cholera syrup can cup oolf acme choler cholera syrup curbo the purity of the baking bowd r named I 1 perrier la Is a guarantee cuva otee against allow sallow cai by In dige diges see 41 our splendid display of school bool books and 2nd school sup plies and ecclesiastical stas sias works PRICE COMPANY AL the sl perkin company pa pany paraded the here lat last 1 ana gave bow show in IL tle at t town those tho who attended say axy they got the worth of their modey molley 1 t im 0 1 tin I 1 I 1 I 1 q IN III 11 7 0 4 I 1 t j I 1 I 1 1 4 III i vim V i I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 A 1 W ap nip 1 alp io I 1 DON CARLOS AND HIS WIFE WIM after fit the unsuccessful ending in 1874 4 of the attempt of dou don carlo carlos to regain the crown of his lt forefather forefathers he re i franco france an I 1 ill in a manifesto 11 froin fro there thereto to the spanish people he at eted my flag flog foldoe antil until rl fl nt it vilh god shall fix as the boar of redemption from pros ut indication indications it m wool out I 1 ai as if it tb in rj r thought that that hour bad had now atrium and aist sealus extremity donld bo lie a 10 lo 10 ivo bis his u utice ime in full carlos alar mat 56 juan leli loro was born march CO GO 1843 1849 and was tho foil roil of DOB don artl u 2 isidore lil dore who resi pird his clavins in favor of bij baij son he ile is tile de of it lino line of I 1 rounder to t tile 11 r iia ad I 1 is undoubtedly the legitimate king of bat that coun country in tho caralt reb rebellion ollIon cf of Is 1873 3 U 0 he dig pla d aitery talant buteas bat wae fash rash and inconsiderate under an abler leadir the mo emont favored as it wa was L lv i 1 f the population atlon would probably pro baLly bave have been successful don carlos who is very wc wealthy althy has been livin i buo for reany years and aud has traveled extensively iii wian maria berta duchess of madrid is cry 1 tit v 1 l I 1 ciral circles s of europe mould her husband succeed in gaining his hi the will undoubtedly grane a it i hichi sho is callue baited to occupy mie 11 ale I 1 II 11 its lotion care cares mac pile lotion a it posit lye cure for inlet tags bum burns scalds eca lils painful aej logs ings invaluable la in diphtheria dip theria for rie sale at emery county mercantile company toree stores magic pile lotion cam cares plies either external ex or internal in from 4 to 3 5 day days loders abis carefully it has ben our leeier for a along long time to obtain a strictly high gride grade dating baking powder that we could ell sell reasonably and have at liot l seil the genuine brand named perfect Per fec we wo guarante e every ounce and will refund porcu ase money if not entirely satisfactory emery county mercantile co macut macus mac ut us agn tw expectorant Is a cure for troughs cold la IA grippe of the longi longs and acute for ale ads at emery county mercantile company stores tore uee use M IJa gnu expectorant for prompt and certain relief for coughs and coat it Is U thought that utah dy at be the omaha exposition september Sap hab will 4 be recorded as c a of be the successes of 4 4 9 tote day days ay says the omalis bw bm 1 itis a t long trip from the land of the mormon Mor mons bat but the railroads have put la in a round trip rate rato of IS and the passenger faenger pa men v oat out there are booming the oo casion in a lively manner iuan nr TraT ellic passenger ayat arut candey cundey of the r rio orande arandos road i is in ohp th city la in peaking speaking of the outlook for travel to the t from the west be he eay says report reports received by our company we aria going to tob a 19 good many people eastward eaf for utah day at the exposition I 1 think thre thore will bo a R very big attendance on this ibis Om aion ablon the date data for 1 tickets Is U r piber ris via the JEU all 0 orande rande western wee tern and dd union pacific 3 the th 13 dot t remedy tr finx mr john matalas Mat bia blas a well known stock dealer of polaski Pola aki ky ay says after offering for over a week with flax flux and it 11 my physician having failed to relieve I 1 toe me I 1 waa was advised to try colic cholera and remedy and nave have the pleasure plea eare of tating staling that me tl bl hill of one botti cured me me for sah by al all I 1 Ine dicine dealer dealers A take your produce to the price trad 02 company and get got the highest price lark large co of se re to being to the north and oath mouth g very dy day the anco trading company ar are determined 1 to oell bell gooda goods BOW so w ia in stock aad sad make room for the ma mammoth dimoth lot to ar or five 1 in sep september injure your borne home or stock of if with h NV crockett who represent companie companies bat that pay their abe louw promptly TA note the tb price oa on staple in eba laeno issue by the price trading 4 company 0 it new stock of printing print log papers itt let ter header lie ids cari at fid d eo so tok tb th at CLI salt 1 lake e prices picc write or call all the r WANTED QUICK I 1 fifteen TOW men to shovel apply yat lat ing compani Coni pani s |