Show der dr madam i v your grocer is authorized to pa pay y you dack back your money afif U 1 ou an 4 it ahle Sell ws A st baking powder P 0 no 0 askel tion ea cons Y j 1 t i to waa th if nt H fay f for ai it mr r john met islas ot wt 11 knot ri attick dealer tf of polaski lil ky afi afier a for over a will with flux au nul I 1 tny toy having fall 1 to me ne I 1 wait lo 10 try chamberlains chain colic niler oa 01 sod distrust and andrt have ebli ib I 1 learo leasure ct of hat that the tb ati of one ono li im ul cured toe too for sale no ty by ill all medicine dealtha about one wrath ago my childe which to 11 fifteen old bad au all attack of accompanied by vomiting I 1 gave atit it such as are asdall given in uch such 1 as nothing gave rf relic ellef wo we tot scot for a physician and it WM was nn on ler isis lit care tot or a at I 1 his time the child hail had been lick tick for lout about ten days dj and was ir barlog having aagut lont operations ol 01 the bowels evey eve y twelve hour hours an art I 1 two we were cony newl that it seen obtained rell it woold not live colic cholera and iceme ly was and bindl I 1 loir in it it I 1 aoa soon noticed a chard for or the better tr I 1 its tt continued neo use a complete care cure waa wait brought bron glit about and it ii Is now per factly healthy healt by 0 L stomp stump town awo gilmer ca W va V for ele sale by all medicine dealer 9 magnus expectorant Is I 1 a etive cure for cou cough glie tf cold la grippe congestion of 0 1 the long and acute Ast bula ale sale tit jilstry county company a loree uee use lfona expectorant for pleasant prompt and ad certain relief for coughs an and a colts cot 1 4 THIS we after one ila n 0 dollars il batra for aar nv calv of catarrh that can no bo be cured by 1 catarrh cure cum IF J co ciopa toledo 0 we WN tho the undersigner undersigned under nuh signed hare have known F r J cheney for the latt I 1 11 i and lim honorable honoru tid io in 11 all II auslam transactions and financially crry tut cut any made I 1 r their fillig weba truax arc dro Drub toledo 0 toledo TI edo 0 hall a catarrh Cr core cure in taken Inter internals nall r acting arv atly upon the blood an I 1 ma ran con olla 1 orf art a i of the sa stem irice price per lottle ittle bold by all tel tes timon lila free hall a fatally family pi Ps ale are le the beel best new stock of tot 1 ter headd ewa statements aid so forth at salt loike prices aril Vr il to vi tur call cill tho the advocate cap r dlois to I 1 Col colorado rad the sheep of all 11 adv that aro are fattened ia in colorado are of three kinds bleat ran can and engleh h breeds our best opec lusens of the american bret alwa A am the tho large blocky type types from oregon tho the native cheep sheep are ro raised oa on the open range with no shelter and but bett little extra feed doring during tho winter the coat tor for rall mcging ing gariea from 30 to ed 0 cent a year and the ro turn Is I 1 a fleece worth froal from 60 50 t h IR 0 cents and a lamb worb dorb it 1 50 to 9 2 1 25 23 tho wether lambs are usually sota cold in the fall bat but are some kept ami and sold u year yc ailius lisio or even at a greater A 50 f thili thiep the edw are eold t from S to 6 cars aud lambs are raised to keep op up the flock docil jhb older cheep sheep a 1 11 large flocks am tion ally driven to the feeding yards aud and abbe tb railroad is i used for I 1 lairby a r be and adoll te well ut u gu go to the eva extern terms Di arketA tho poorer are re old sold for local cc after baying beta beccu fattened at tho the furni hat liati lonal oual imelman and imer I mer 9 deome ME persons say it is thuu natural for f r aj the them M to lose flesh a e s h 0 0 during summer m e r 10 but losing flesh is losing 0 around can you afford so a to approach another u inter 0 t in inthis this weakened condition P a coughs and colds weak throats and lungs come quickest iciest te t tobe who arc are I 1 thin in fl eth to those C aas my chilled to those a ho ave poor circulation find and feeble digestion 0 scoffs form Emul sloss 1 I 0 es of ca irver at dt ava hypo 0 docs does just as auch uch good in summer as wimer ta ictor it makes flesh 0 ta Is august as well as apri you cern certainly kinly need as 0 afurong a nerves in july as in 0 january and our weak tarm end and lum should b be healed he d and g ed mod without ut delay 0 I 1 an ift A 4 it 0 a bow bowel aco 1 alj jos ie drw tork efee by emythe 1 ej 1 Per pett reet efm on artire boyl use I 1 ib bo pet P luct eairy eai em ry ty cauly Nere mercantile co magi 1 rile 1 latles or car magic pile 1110 lotion a positive cor core to for pile pace atlar ting born bursa calaf do painful swell 11 II logi imp laral in sale at t emery county mercantile cou panya stores tore magic ille vile lotion curea allf r iles either external ext erual or internal lu terna in from 4 to 1 11 dy days the purity of at be powder valued peth ti Is I 1 a guarantee against allow complexion rad caused by ludditt uon tion tir thereto 1 I aron arm of 0 ell salt lak city li ii now published by 1 y the be church an I 1 faran colo parly As an independent Jort jo uroil id 16 page tice twice A mouth anc contains besides the cream of farm literature the be o guions sad ill did cour clunn sess of the tb dency AD 1 apostal 4 and interesting int 41 biary cow news of the th charca anjer li its new man agen gent it Is 1 I at t 1 craft it year IN a can club church noil und farm with this balva palva pep at 1 l it 1 I 23 i a aub cob la in advance lT nw it pleas to know that thy th y can bay buy the pure belting baking powder named so reasonably Emery county mercantile Merca nUle co TUB ha a large tock stock of stationery anil and now pr print lot capeta ant Is prep trel to anything la the ih job printing una line on hort short notice ani at salt like the iter W 13 coaley of lk briage us aai while to lif his pas loral dalace at Ellenw wl wa is at by cholera lie ile says ay iy uy chance I 1 bap pend to get bol I 1 of a tattle ct ef chabba flamini C alir chi rn na 1 Diar a au 1 I 1 II 11 we wito the aneano of bayink aa my lle life it me at tit once for aalde by all medicine dealers every wymans 11 justice to health and pocket boalt try the perfect baking Pw ler der once alwo albara s nil used acme cholera syrup ia Is the and surest ly la in the world for choleric ch lo fantom tuto cholera borbus bilious and all troubles tto abitt vs r c t the bomeli for aale sale at emery county mercantile company a storm acme erst bemp cures acme cholera cam cures diar diarrhoea rhoe ultra electric bitten bitters ie Is a medicine suited tot for nay any season lint but perhaps more genet gener lly tily ne needed when the languid exhausted feeling pre prevail valli when the liver 14 i torpid 1 jal I sluggish and the need ol 01 a tonic and alterative ie is felt A prompt uee use of this medicine ha has often betted averted vetted long and per alpa atal intel billens fevere lovers no tri dicine bar will net anord surely in counteracting and ud the from the malarial voison Ilea dacLe coniti dizzini yield to electric bit ten tere wo and it 1 W 4 per bottle at county Mei mercantile cantile roi company the th ecart bifid sea od farm of denver contains 32 grgec a it lit page all leading reading etory story supplement making it the largest large et and whit what is con oldred old red the beet best general fana farm and tock stock journal published it is band is illustrated cacti week and be read by every ranchman in to the country we can club field and I 1 arm thu this paper at iu 50 a yv yer to me seventh judicial rM restrict strict ourt f the state of L ellb tab in and end for art n cou county in the dinner of ibe the estate of marp rare I 1 ann sl alentine to how show cause by d ob 0 h hould u 14 bot not bo be made and nd rp 1 coo approved aln on n m an n fg 1 sn the pet petition of carloe carlos II 11 leotine alec alentine leot lne tine of the estate late or of margaret Mar art ann laune demaah lw wl 11 tor an omer of distribution of the res adno of or ahe be aid ald estate amor am or the r pons entitled and for of anal int it 9 Is I 1 ordered hit that all 11 II arons In tempted la in the estate of the MM Marir MarN arl arps ana ann valentine ta lentina tx pe and appear ix lore the district court of the tenth Tc nth judicial of the beote of utah in and tor for barbon county at the courtroom court room of fald court ourt in price corboo county altah ani the day larol of october A 0 D ISM at t ten e 0 clock k a ru to then and nd there to hair caum cause abran ord order the final ao no aunt shout not I 1 0 an and d the tale dis dl irl buted by the decree decres of this court among the sald according to in law it in furtner or oril ered that a O copy opy py of thia this arder be lor for three w aweeka before the paid luth loth els day y ut of oc M ober A D to in diets s v t T A n a ae new pe paper pir printed ted and an in the laid bounty of or I 1 and eta claie 0 of utah N W I 1 II 11 I 1 clerk dyla flor mattig deputy nerk MOM 11 autu eith MCI K altonen for r k arst publication aug 15 I 1 lut last 1 edtl pt I 1 t HELMET TABLETS TA BL mrs canz ALI NERVOUS DISORDERS RS P REA D A CH C td nod sleeplessness price ae 25 fee SM or r U va r Z 1 GR nober san pl as freia in a t 28 to fly L restart milun tan r fawk tort ri T ia ELNA TEx ra EGAN proprietor F I 1 LARGEST AND DEST LINE 0 old ld whiskies brandies alcohol and cigars L IN CASTLE VALLEY special S ll 11 I 1 I 1 attention tl to the 9 11 end and fire alica on an watch we luki pedal priora priort come in sad od net get plire which are re guaranteed to in right light 00 I 1 AND RETAIL liquors wines beer cigars and alcohol toen year oil old STONEWALL WHISKEY S kay ll U PER CENT PURE ALCOHOL stock to hint select from large FIRMS UTAH U 1 special attention atti nUan to mail ordin orders s CERVERA D OWNED but not so with our store our stock cannot be downed quality considered our goods are as low asi ab money can buy t them and don t forget that we pay the highest prices on all country produce PERRON FERRON BRANCH OF THE emery county mercantile co TWO SPLENDID TRAINS DAILY D ILY TO PAST MAST via great rock island route ROCKY ROOMY MOUNTAIN LIMITED leac DENVER 1 COLO st RINGS lINGS 9 35 am arrles LINCOLN 66 a in it DES MOINES 52 5 it M to 1 D LAI N PORT 9 4 am 6 CHICAGO I 1 next ba day T I 1 0 through sleeper sleepers in 1 chal colorado to chicago wl Vi llie efine finci in the west these are new fralc n ta to our former service var kf admi 1 folder itlay 0 batala bB tala aru W VII if FIRTH HR na e gent abt denver 0 P A chloo dt deal dobao awl 4 ackt tr test T r lift ufa ivol to quit t bacco eully and al lo trever te be 0 tny as bafile net lull tau of lite ak ter ua visor lake 1 to t lh w k lw w SIM cr that mast week k mea men tm J ail 11 toe or i ica 4 DuO kleg and imon empl vois trew alarm remeda 0 acta chirco cr or he vow COLORADO FLYER leaves DENVER 2 45 pm COLO SPRINGS 2 45 p arrives TOPEKA 7 30 am KANSAS CITY am ar b LOUIS vi web ab ry wy 6 15 p in a ST 10 40 tm am LIN COLN ex sun 6 42 am agh Slee lers Colo bolonda rule spring 0 i st SL louis TIB via wabash by ry s SALT LAKE J TIM R TA 10 lo a effect february 5 1898 FOK FOIL UTAH ingoing P 1 all us it lv T 10 it so ro salt lake take olden ogden ami and the tb et 1 umsted LT roro TO aalt lak dirden aden and dd tk the GOING ANT lital 1111 ted LT lv 11 V grand junction denver and anif at t atlantic express it ly a 10 rand junetha danter sea bixl ixl tio tac etab N PETE AND ARVI BRANCH lea Junet loa hellri t or all points la in ban aa nis a oa 04 1 iod i 1 budor 1 general wan waner 3 L IL I 1 X A U 0 V V a T TA A DIRECT Op carlion cousar 1 A L liddell M JA A aurer albirt alb darrot price prim lw and vr II 11 11 trw 8 1611 J tidwell price H 0 webb Soo fl attorney Attorn oy i W warr Is bariff UW U mtv auroa allred prim imlay A 4 a ll 11 1 ont lif lumma biby 0 wilier miller DAstle dalo citro arka reco ader of alaor M Q uran farr J 11 see 1 was linwar 11 1 |