Show dout be dec dve ived itt d yuu you can au bey flour at binny connly county company fur ia pr pounds iuli graham 70 or its i an aal 4 to foreio pounds coonc poo nc lomo with cao oreta cure constitution tore tam IM U C r 0 ail aws ll 11 row ir the th 1111 1 church and arm 0 f balk laki city Is I 1 now published shed by tho the chuich and farm company ai fall aa all independent journal 10 16 page pages twice a trio month uth sail contains cont ilni besides the be crestal of farm literature the sermons nod and die dis coura course of ibe the presidency and apo ollit s alid int int millenary news of the momon mormon r horch un under ler its new ma inota gaui nt rit it 11 if to sl l lit at so cents a ye beur tr we con can club laurch und fujiu w with b this paper at it 1 31 25 A year casti lu in advance ail bloo gass expectorant is a ol five care for or coughs cold la 14 grippe congestion of 0 the inagi and acute asthma for eale sale at lottery county mercantile company i torce torm use for plem ant prompt and certain relief for coughs aud cold coldo about one mouth ago go my raly cfall 1 which is biffen month ol old 01 la lis I 1 an sit attack ot of diar iLmi by verni tita 1 I davelt it tuch such rem remedies edien asare a are g veil veto in such cases bat but as nothing cave gave arlief we teut sent for a play and it was wn under Us lis rare care for a welt at th hi is time the child baj had been tick sick for about ten tendoy days and waa was having a about twenty flo five op ct cf the bowel every twelve harv and we were coryl that it soon obtained relf it not lire chain colic cholera aud and amody ji lined wa was recommended recommend rd anal aad I 1 decia d felry to try it I 1 oon soon a change tor for the better by its it continued use a complete core cure was brought nebout and it it Is now per pet healthy L BOGGS stump town Gil Gilm merCo trO W va 1 by all medicine de dealon alerd the bev rev W D Li ketley ot at stock bridge 00 1 wl I ile attending to bit pas torad batles at sit ellinwood was attacked by ra lid ayi by chance I 1 happney hapac ned to get hoi hol I 1 of a I 1 ottle ot of aluA valle cholera and dearil do i rl I 1 a Ilein edy aad aud I 1 think it wr tais ill be 11 at of lavint my TUT life it relieved me at lit once for aale by all ue dicine aetna clio cho era N syrup Is I 1 he safest and iirth aurist remedy in fit the worl wall I 1 for cb cabra ra lat cholera 11 billon bilious col cal 0 an I 1 all 11 trun LIce of the bowel for salo 1 at emery cunney mercantile company a korep acene cholera syrup lucas colic acini Clib cholera lera syrup care ar arc A your y cheeks hollow III W and your r you UPS white IS sy your our appetite rail po poor ayour and your dl di r atlon jcak Is P your tr flesh so soft f t and have you lost in weight TOU 11 the these are symptoms of anemia or poor blood they are am just as frequent I 1 ain J in the cummer summer as in inthe the winter and you can be cured at one time just as its well 11 as another scoffs tip 11 i J of cod irver 11 typo will ceru i 1 hap you almost eve acne 0 c can take it and it ajl wr wro ayt o t the am ach acho J it dm IU ti ree s ator kr d 0 i blood ta a heal by d rich J na it couri alm the th argin I 1 etva gim kowt to he the aermes it bite i at 1 an artas not sits boc am u f som A bobus now york i dw i w or W A CENTS WORTH of the tha wrong baking powder bowder wi will I 1 I 1 spoil a half dollars dollar s worth of cake T use schillings best OFFICIAL CARBON I 1 A ud felt him loom ell I 1 A llod SD hi i kiser P thai th n wel lingoes treasurer albat I 1 irk race bierk and jsmrd r w 11 II ml abow rw r W J thirll I 1 rice 16 ai H U 0 webb loof ltd I 1 I 1 ime ni attoma J araw W pric price 1 V W altro alara larice kmetty COUNTY 0 awood wood fountin a tos COMMIS SIMers 1 it it murn willid ns galety it c III haller I 1 r Castio tl od doole ll urk rk A te att decor r ler irrer bit eitt oruil I 1 astl ait ledal edalo assessor M 0 t limn verron fut oil J II 11 ft boott tt huntington pro attorney wai howard blo gilr 11 tuttle Orna leville S SALT riNE TABLE la in affet I 1 5 1898 FOR UTAH neing no 11 1 alfio mall all I 1 IV v 1 to a a for ProTo Provo 11 anit beci ill no nn 31 3 1 clulo limited I 1 IV r 1 donw for provo salt fake bod rod tb the emeit goidl faar 8 ro so 2 1 ed lr ly I 1 I 1 11 im p lor for ora ran I 1 junction U denver and oj to ft no 4 atlantia REV LT ly it 17 a as to r grand and the th 0 as at AAN 1 haf AND K aku BRANCH so no 11 thistle junction dabir at 10 40 1 a an for all 11 II point points in baa ban i ste f nd na 1 a U D t L ining in 00 9 general 1 Sta nalter 8 11 II I 1 A AbLE I 1 ATA AT A denver rio grandc grande railroad company 6 scenic line of the wo world rid the only line having 1 two lines of railway between JUNCTION A ticker tickets flood val either line two daily ft exi aral anin too lo 10 GLA xa lip lh 1 IC R CHEEK W DrIN VICIA and all points out JANUARY 1 1 train no 1 0 X 2 leaves irico price at t 2 Is p m arrive 1 true t b M ju ep 1 U a ro to I 1 dent or r 10 a in train no 4 leace price at t it if IT ain m arrie arri e Ul enwood priora 8 6 ata olm a ta t pueblo 1 1 is F p w bolonda 6 62 9 an ile oo 00 vr e 25 ixon 1 made at t monads Mo aul denver ellb all kinf fit file II 11 want day coa clift chair car cars and nd ial val man m coo U D ft a it go U and even co T diable rip trip and ellroy lk tb loft bafry on t be 8 h or W pt line t to 0 cark colondo colorado a 1 3 1 leamia price K iz ie arrived at cripple beek t oneat morn I 1 nor at t 9 0 51 A VOHU ki it U U 11 t al 8 1100 PRU traffic 1 manager 0 rata A D F 11 M adirent arar ios act U 56 WM west d south st of bait lax lisle uch Al litra electric Clec bitten ie Is a medicine lulled suited for or way any reso reason ota but perhaps more geam ally needed when the languid exhausted feeling prevails when the liver I 1 Is torpid and aua sluggish and the need of at a tonic and iterative alterative i is felt A prompt vs use of this medicine has often averted long and per bilious fevers no medicine will act anore rarely purely ill in counteracting nd and freeing the haltem trim the malarial folson poison headache ind deetion gee tiou tion conati lut buttion tion yield to electric bitter bitters wo and I 1 1 vu per at emery county mercantile th the 11 I 1 ad d V cirni trw ut f denver contains 32 pace including g a 14 page oil all reading lory story supplement maag it the larget aal an I 1 bat la in con siderto the beet best general fam fa ana m and live lack juninal published publia beJ it ia in bind hand comely week and anti shoula be read real by every ran ranchman claman la in the cane try IN e can catli fiel fitt I 1 aud and karta 1 as ith I 1 ibis his paper at 13 12 av a ya y ar CERVERA C E A DOWNED rk 6 V V N E DO but not so with our store our stock cannot be downed quality considered consid cred our ou goods roods are as low as money can buy them and don t forget that we pay the highest prices on all country produce PERRON FERRON BRANCH OF THE emery county mercantile co TWO SPLENDID TRAINS IT h NS DAILY TO THEL IMF BAST via great rock island route ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLORADO FLYER LIMITED lem es DEN I 1 H 11 leaves DENVER VE R 9 30 a 10 94 COLO COLO SPRINGS arrives TOPEKA TO 6 30 am armes 11 1145 45 pin pra so KANSAS CITY 1 9 a in IhU EMORT MOINES MORNES 5 25 15 a X ro to ar ST LOUIS tt au ito alj 6 15 P an CHICAGO 2 15 p in next day arriea ST JO 10 40 a 1 m I 4 LINCOLN ex sun 1 42 2 an a n through sleepers and chair cars 6 suu sun colorado to chac chicago ago 11 ido ves lobule 1 be finest train I 1 through sleepers colorado springs in lit tue the west to SL 3 L louie louis ua 13 wabash R these arc are new trains in addition to our former service for particulate and folder folders giving the time of tbt train write 1 11 II if Flit ill E E 1 MAc MACLEOD LLOD jino geni gent abt denier A G 1 PAiT A topeka G P A chicago g THE SCIENCE OF irrigation master it by b reading wilcox s irrigation fanning fa min 9 A book of 0 page and an d too il illustrations 1 astra bound in cloth price 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the best agricultural Agri cui journal on earth try it aid p posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL 4 brever t 1 f ac 42 4 11 1 l a 9 fill sall 10 too care t gei Cuthart golow kartic orcut tc 10 lo money ctet THE THC OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption can be cured A moul f new york and nl seln it flat clr I a 1 be r offer to 1 oar our berdn the now york chendt cheji iet T A slocum hi his discovery of a reliable and cure pulmonary tuber and all brom hil throat lung and cheat allias dk all sas kasee coads catan hil general decline de clie and los of flash and all con d flout of wasting awry away will end send THREE FREE BOTT LEdill different of ile his new ries to any anaice ani ice reader rea derot of tho the advocate Adro cato writing for thea them ui ilia I 1 new sew scientific treatment has iund i un d permanently by ill its timely uie and be he considers it a simple professional duty to offering suffering humanity to donate a trial of at hia his infallible cure cute brenco daily deve ileT lope flops new wonders and this great chemist hempst st patiently expert filtrating for year years b has produced results to humanity as can call b claimed by any modem uia ufa that I 1 ieng un g I 1 tron to ubi blee es an and a 00 con a ampt iun are curable in a any climate is prot an by letter letters of TIU tude filed in wills bis a american and european st in thousands thoo ianda from I 1 hose cured in all 1111 to of ot the borla Al edical earn concede conc ed that chial chest and nog tromble tron ble lead to 10 which uninterrupted tnt Sull beedy and certain death write to T A slocum Bloc nn M U ii 91 pice street new NOW york Tork giving poet t c tue office mee and addaree ad dree rs and the free medicine dicine will be promptly seul sufferer era should t ke instant advantage of hia his pr generous propos llon pleas tell the doctor that you saw his offer in th the advocate FOR A FIHE nat LIKE LIAE OF MILLINERY cation callon mrs J W lott HUNTINGTO UTAH at her bero yu may find flood the latest t e dl tj tyle 1 e aa ball at t low 24 a res 1 I h irra 4 T 6 1 A d J U beny ji r e a h kuzmel alk ark embr e 1 d erel fun nan nul etc ch nr ily boods were la in tb the ag for or veah hand and can girt be the ales or j end od 10 as terumi CLARENCE MARSH M ARS real estate loans insurance rine 1 lire AND A ACCIDENT INSURANCE nANCE parties to trade fil stal ale or mill I 1 will do well to offic rum I 1 rice utah MARK P BRAFFET i PRICE UTAH nar BEING EQUIPPED for work la I 1 atory k tit fee or of wool first closso cl work li is dewree I 1 have the experience aal aol lue vol o 0 equipped for wy ray work I 1 will do au all kind of TIN stoll find with of pet tong alu tb the 0 ua till II 11 cam cans a specialty ai as fotiu as cailoa ca lloa caa tw 1001 11 cam ferran utah experience COUNTS FOR MUCH mn WM I 1 14 nm 1 to at tary tw war I 1 have bad twenty yet mar fedraw in this line of work aid sag o 0 guarantee frit first cite class work at ver vrr low price prices viba bt a you are ar reed ray in planer plaster booie bouse let ae no liburt YOU icae itan object THOMAS alir 1111 WC W 0 RICHMAN MU M ua SURGEON ruice will answer call calls from surrounding turro settle meat meats THE CULLEN culleny SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RA TESa and 2 so 50 per day 5 C EWING prop KEEP MONEY AT H HOME 0 M E by insuring in the 11 nowa MW MUME LF I 1 R E OF U W ahm ABB CAPITAL GRANT CO gen abts salt lake EVEN THE TIIE CHILDREN ENJOY BAKING DAY DAYI I 1 4 AND to MARE NICE CAKES AND TIIE COOK SHOULD USE US U S BAKING POWDER consumers note the erkes 5 54 oz cans bioc i oc s oz cans 16 oz cans ak aar your orrvel r for a can and nl rou you wil so 0 o va that you yi ou will if vas no other S SENT ENT to person interested la in bunas hunas hum mattera matters or who love form animals 11 WO will llull nd free upon ll coq 11 the Allian tv th abo a argart of tusi 1 in addition 10 it fall latel wely a v the reeding reading it contains coo taini a laats li libut iUt aa cpr sanc and nd unusual iirth a isaio ces paw icy ad arjay ill 0 IMI PA |