Show 12 sotir iva ap needs co aing not crowding dr AYCA W stand wi for liver they reliable out a rival as a cure conati pation and cure its plies piles inal geston sic headache nausea coated tongue arrita foul breath bad taste pal citation nervousness aa ability and many 0 AJ ther mala fa les tha t have their root in I 1 diseases of the afe constipation ahey are a for al stomach and and ke ep the wy in a condition of bound sound health hares harems Ha rems A ayr a r os 1 tor for tir the rut peat thirty mr and ad them a 9 family medicine 1 I 1 know of 20 better sr nj remedy foe forar liver Ita boo always foula them I 1 ro pt it car care f for fr r dapp WWI VO middle street costs T ake ayer S pills 1 won ANDY CATHARTIC V bat ALL A THE IE druggists 3 1 IB ft in all absolutely 1 11 be rease 1 I oa 1 r pl fj f ad 3 14 alc raw rt eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy ouo buo it has a circulation of soo in castle valley and will write it in the contract its adver rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR SOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is is the most deflective way of reaching a given section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming methods ineth will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription p ra rates tes to per year JOB PRINTING in all its bran branches clies promptly attended to we do printing that is is 9 printing cal call on or address EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE PRICE UTAH 1 I 5 I 1 t act but promptly alpon the kidneys liver s dornach sumach and o 0 ts cleanse the inc M ter effectually dispel colds head t 1 j aches and fevers birc Imbi constipation making enemas 1 unnecessary r akre rc acceptable to the stomach and truly bene acial in effects A sing single gle 1 I aruar taken after the evening meal or jut before retiring wiring or better still at the moment when the frt first indication 13 acted cf an approaching cold headache any p I 1 symptom of indal indigestion atlon cr depression of spirits will remove 1 I aa the whole d difficulty I 1 in m an hour 1 4 without the patient being con ay iy a scions oc of any other than a s kightly m 2 0 effect aej that the ex id M pi pecked illness failed to mate riat la 11 hi it ize e or has disappeared F abse byl pam Tab arc are prepared ly RJ 1 saas 7 from oin a r widely afir us d rg 2 W by the best t physic physicians and su t alj presented in the forra form roost most ap by 17 modem scle science ice 1 ale ag H d h ayar 0 paja l of 1 TRE i ILI 0 it 0 you site fulias C or a o avet TZ kr 0 sik g T jj 01 1 if ga a tut air wit art are re an t rk hing injurious lr iol and nd c As rc remear used care cure they V con coe ONE U caay sy to TAKE QUICK TO ACT OIES GIVES asefa ripens am add by or ba 1 if the price so cents a box a to the 4 WPM L helical he 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MEDICAL 00 A I 1 at 0 future comfort for teeming g economy but buy the Z machine with anta a mut mutation atlon that twit you long and tory it j 4 j 0 ji j 4 rT PINCH TENSION am TENSION INDICATOR devices for fir plating and showing loff the exact tension arc art a few of the features hit that emphasize the high gradi raj character r of the white and for our elegant HT calab WHITE SEWING CO armm 0 WV vw A ra mccall adso so j affet pu 1 PATTERN 11 ft ustle original OrIz ol InaL fafe t fuder pik 20 and 25 cents NOK none better some tt liable sells U them to every chy city or 0 town auck AA for thew or ar luscy ea can te to bad by nuj mal bvm us ta a oil new nm jcck of stamps IA shed tnt sent up epoe oa on cent ta py 41 pott u MAGAZINE 50 lasa ua a for or the borne loin fishlow Fi bloc of oj be the day home houlou T hint vork k current an only 50 cents a aw ia Z any time send etwo two 2 cant etaf I 1 far fee sam sample copy address S 0 THE K CALL COMPANY 26 vo tb street N al 0 ditth Ava 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